Chapter 344 Identity
At that time, Long Yao was afraid of seeing people, and she didn't even know that she was canonized as the eldest princess.

Later, after playing enough in the palace, he left Huaguo.

Seeing Hua Feihua again was when he was dying.

At that time, Long Yao had already forgotten everything about the month of getting along with Hua Feihua.

Long Yao only vaguely remembered some things after absorbing the Dragon Balls.

What she didn't expect was that the Hua family turned out to be the descendants of Hua Feihua.

This flower is not a flower, it is such a big surprise for her!
Pooh!More or less frightened!

That Hua Feihua must not hold back any good farts!
Long Yao scolded him thousands of times in her heart.

"It is said in the ancestors that the eldest princess is immortal, as long as you give the demon spirit flower to the eldest princess, the king can be resurrected."

"I thought it was very ridiculous at the time. How can someone be immortal? When I saw the birthmark on your chest that day, coupled with your ability, I believed that you were immortal."

The Hua family has a picture of the birthmark on Long Yao's body.

The Patriarchs and Young Masters of the Hua Family in the past have clearly remembered that birthmark since they were very young.

Hua Shaoqing thought that he was not mistaken, the birthmark on Long Yao's body was exactly the same as the one on the Hua family's painting.

Long Yao tore open her neckline, and a soaring blood-red dragon birthmark was impressively imprinted on her shoulder blade.

"I've had this birthmark since I was born. It's not surprising that Hua Feihua has seen it before."

During the month that Long Yao and Hua Feihua got along, they never knew what a male and female defense is.

He often reads or runs around in the hall wearing only his underwear.

Tired of reading and fell asleep, it was Hua Feihua who helped her clean up the mess.

The birthmark is not in any hidden place, and it can be seen clearly when the neckline is spread apart.

At that time, Hua Feihua had a photographic memory, and he could remember the birthmark clearly at a glance.

"I didn't expect you to be the person our Hua family was waiting for."

At the beginning, Hua Shaoqing was very resistant to being the young master of the Hua family.

Not only because I think those legends are absurd, but also because I think it's unfair.

Why did their Hua family guard a portrait of a birthmark and a flower for thousands of years?
Their flower family should have their own freedom.

Now he is grateful for the persistence of his ancestors.

As long as they get involved with Longyao, their Hua family will go to a higher level.

"I didn't expect Hua Feihua to really believe that I could revive him."

Long Yao remembered that she had told Hua Feihua that she could bring the dead back to life.

Hua Feihua actually remembered.

Could it be that he is also unwilling to die?
Does he have any wishes?

"Speaking of which, I don't believe in the resurrection of the dead."

Hua Shaoqing knew that Longyao had the power to reach the heavens, would it be impossible to revive a dead person?

"How can it be so simple to resurrect a person? If you want to resurrect, you need his soul and mind to still be there. Where can I resurrect flowers for no reason?"

Hua Feihua has been dead for thousands of years, and her soul doesn't know how many times she has been reincarnated. She can't go against the sky and go to the underworld to find Hua Feihua's soul, right?
"Actually, I don't care if I'm resurrected or not. My original intention is to establish a long-term cooperation and connection between the Hua family and Peach Blossom Island."

Hua Shaoqing finally revealed her purpose for coming.

With the support of Longyao pill, the Gong family is now the only one.

Even though the Hua family sheltered those hermit families, they were also in decline these years.

(End of this chapter)

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