Chapter 356 Beast Soul Upgrade
Long Yao was lamenting their unity when she felt something slipped off her shoulders.


Something fell beside Long Yao.

It was Zhumeng who was sleeping in the dark.

"What is this?" Bao Shen had been wanting to ask for a long time.

Naihe didn't dare to ask just now.

"This is my pet."

Long Yao picked it up, patted the dirt on it, and put it in the bag she was carrying.

"Oh!" Bao Shen looked at the leader and they were all holding a snow ginseng and chewing on it.

He also picked up a snow ginseng casually.

"The taste is a bit strange, but it's not bad."

Baoshen took a bite and commented.

"The taste is a bit strange, how do you feel after eating it?"

Long Yao could clearly feel the changes in his body.

The huge aura inside is rushing through the tendons in their bodies.

"Hot! I'm so hot!"

"Wizard, what's going on?"

Bao Shen was dripping with sweat, and his wheat-colored skin was covered with crystal beads of sweat.

The rest of the orcs were no better off.

All of them, like him, were drenched in sweat.

"Wizard, what's going on?"

Leopard Sen's heat is really unbearable, and it was not like this before upgrading to a one-star beast soul.

"This is opening your veins and upgrading your beast souls. This method of upgrading will make your strength even stronger."

In the past, it was difficult for them to upgrade the beast soul, but they didn't know how to open the tendons to absorb spiritual energy.

Now the aura in a snow ginseng is enough to open their closed veins.

From now on, they can upgrade the beast soul by absorbing spiritual energy, which is equivalent to cultivation.

"Wizard! What's going on here?"

Bao Shen looked at the two extra stars on his arm and was a little dumbfounded.

I rubbed the star on my arm vigorously, but it still didn't come off.

Is he already a three-star beast soul?

The White Tiger City Lord is only a three-star beast soul.

"This, this?" Bao Sen looked at the extra star on his arm and trembled with excitement.

The rest of the orcs rubbed the stars on their arms excitedly, they are also two-star beast souls!

"This is the effect of snow ginseng. It is the first time you eat it, so the effect is even greater. It will not be so easy to upgrade the beast soul in the future."

Once the veins are opened, the orcs naturally have their own set of cultivation methods, and there is no need for her to teach them other methods.

That's why Long Yao opened up their tendons and let them practice on their own.

They ate snow ginseng for the first time, and it was powerful, and it was easy to upgrade the beast soul.

Upgrading will be slow in the future.

Just like the upgrade of spirit beasts, the upgrade is fast at the beginning, and the upgrade will be slow in the end.

"Thank you for the wizard's grace!"

Bao Sen and the others knelt down in unison, beating their chests and saluting.

A wizard who can instantly upgrade their beast souls is enough for them to respect and value them.

"You have to protect these things. Snow ginseng is rare, so use one less."

Don't look at the baskets of snow ginseng here, it's not enough for them to share.

"Wizard, we all listen to you. One snow ginseng is enough for us to hand over the annual tribute, and we will distribute the rest to the tribe as soon as possible."

Bao Sen knew the truth of the crime of carrying Bi, and it was correct to distribute it to the tribe to strengthen the tribe.

"I also agree with the leader."

Baoshen thought so too.

Their tribe has been bullied for too long, and if their strength does not improve, they still need to pay annual tribute every year.

The White Tiger City Lord is also a three-star beast soul, and he is now, and he will be able to compete with them in the future.

Long Yao nodded in satisfaction when she heard their plan.

These people deserve her support.

(End of this chapter)

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