Chapter 362
Regardless of Baoshen's objection, Long Yao plans to save the child.

He took out a pill from his bag and fed it to the dying child on the ground.

Bao Shen stood aside and frowned slightly.

"Wizard, snake orcs are unwelcome orcs. Neither the city nor the tribe is willing to take them in."

Snake orcs are called cold-blooded orcs. They don't know how to get along with other orcs, and they even kill other orcs easily.

Snake orcs have almost become the public enemy of the entire beast world.

Long Yao didn't take it seriously, "Every orc's birth can't be chosen, it's not the reason for being excluded."

"But wizard, if we save this orc, we will be enemies of the orcs in the whole world."

Bao Shen was worried.

They must not bring this orc back to the tribe, otherwise they will implicate everyone in the tribe.

"Are you so against this orc?"

Long Yao didn't stop planning to save the little orc.

She must save this little orc.

There was something familiar about him to her.

"Wizard, it's not us who are against it, but all the orcs are against it. It just so happens that we are going to White Tiger City this time, so we dare not take him with us."

Baoshen's face was a little ugly. If the wizard insisted on taking this orc with him, it would be very difficult for them.

"I won't make it difficult for you, and I won't implicate your tribe."

Long Yao could guess that the Dragon Ball might be on this orc.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so attracted to her.

"Wizard, are you planning to leave our tribe?"

Baoshen felt flustered for a moment.

If the wizard leaves their tribe, the whole tribe will feel insecure.

If there were no wizards in the tribe, their tribe would quickly fall.

"Bao Shen, you didn't try to accept them, how did you know they were all bad people?"

"You have been blinded by the concept you have always had, why don't you try to accept it?"

Long Yao has been here for more than a month, and has discovered many communication problems among the orcs.

The prejudice left by the world makes them unwilling to change.

"Wizard, our tribe has been slaughtered by snake orcs, so our tribe will not accept snake orcs."

Baoshen remembered that his beast father was killed by snake orcs, so he didn't like these snake orcs.

"It's okay, your tribe doesn't accept him, I will take him to live alone elsewhere."

Because the snake orcs on the ground had taken the elixir, their breathing became stable again.

Long Yao wiped the sweat from her forehead, but fortunately, she was rescued in time.

"Wizard, do you really want to go?"

Leopard Blue also came beside them.

When I first arrived here, I heard Long Yao say that she was going to leave the tribe, and I felt flustered in my heart.

"Wizard, can you not go?"

Leopard Blue's big eyes were full of tears of grievance, and his hands were anxiously tugging on Long Yao's clothes.

"Wizard, do you really want to go?"

Bao Shen couldn't believe it, she actually left the tribe for a snake orc?

Did she know that if they left the shelter of the tribe, they would be squeezed out by outsiders.

"Since you can't tolerate him, I can only leave."

Prejudice has been in the minds of orcs for countless years, and it is difficult for them to change now.

Bao Lan anxiously pulled Bao Shen's arm, "Brother Shen, can we keep this snake orc? This way the wizard won't leave."

After the wizard came to the tribe, their tribe changed a lot.

The most intuitive change is that their beast souls have all been upgraded.

There are no such capable wizards in those big cities.

(End of this chapter)

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