Chapter 370 Wake Up
Well!The little orc babbled, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey! Are you awake?"

"F*ck! Talk to me if you don't agree with me!"

Long Yao grinned in pain as she held her arm.

Looking at the bloody tooth marks on her arm, Long Yao burst into tears.

The little orc's pink lips were still stained with blood, watching Long Yao roll down the boulder in fear, and hid behind the stone.

A pair of big wet eyes were full of horror.

"Don't be afraid, what's your name?"

Long Yao carefully picked up Zhumeng and put it into her backpack, saving this guy from picking it up and chewing on it.

Seeing Long Yao approaching, the little orc crawled on the ground with his unconscious legs.

Long Yao ran over and picked him up from the ground, "Why are you running if your legs can't move?"

Ah ah ah ah ah ah!
The little orc struggled desperately in Long Yao's arms, scratching and scratching at her.

"Hey, hey, hey! If you scratch me again, I'm going to knock you out!"

Long Yao didn't expect this little orc to have such great strength.

He even scratched his face again.

The little orc was finally restrained, staring at Long Yao with big eyes and hatred.

The corner of Long Yao's mouth twitched, "Why are you looking at me like that? Let me tell you, you can't walk with your legs now, and I need to help you heal. Be good."

Long Yao hugged him and put him on the stone to let him sit down, and took out two roasted chicken legs.

"This is delicious, eat it."

The two chicken legs were shining with oil, and the aroma instantly attracted the little orc.

The little orc quickly grabbed the chicken leg and started to eat it hungrily.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab it from you."

Long Yao picked up the water bag and fed him water.


The little orc drank while holding the water bag.

"Do you still want to eat?" Long Yao picked up the water bag he had thrown away and put it aside.

The little orc didn't say a word, but stared at Longyao with wet eyes.

Long Yao found that this little orc's eyes were beautiful, the golden pupils were clear and bright, like the twinkling stars in the sky.

The little orc stared at Long Yao from the beginning to the end, and his eyes were still guarded against her.

Long Yao is also helpless, coaxing children is not her strong point.

"Don't be afraid, can you tell me your name?"

Long Yao tried her best to soften her voice.

The little orc stared at Long Yao vigilantly, but kept silent with his lips tightly pressed together.

"Okay! If you don't talk, I won't force you, so I'll start treating your legs, okay?"

Seeing that he didn't speak, Long Yao persisted, "I don't care if you believe it or not, I can definitely cure you. If your legs are cured, you can go wherever you want, right?"

Fluctuations flashed in the little orc's eyes.

Long Yao saw his changes, and continued: "Don't you want your legs to be able to stand up?"

The little orc's nostrils quivered twice, smelling the familiar smell in his sleep.

The defense in his eyes gradually receded.

"I, still, can, go."

The little orc spat out a few words with difficulty.

Long Yao smiled and said, "Of course, so you believe me?"

As long as he believes in himself, she can start to treat the illness.

Otherwise, you will always struggle and you will definitely not be able to test the needle.

"En." The little orc touched his legs and lowered his head.

He was always bullied because of those legs.

This time he almost died.

If his legs hadn't been broken, his mother wouldn't have chased him away.

If his legs were still there, wouldn't Mama have driven him away?
(End of this chapter)

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