Chapter 403 Convoy
A group of ministers hula-la crowded outside the hall, looking out with their heads out.

I saw a long queue of motorcades outside the main hall that couldn't be seen at a glance.

Hubu Shangshu is recording files into the warehouse with a small notebook.

Seeing so many gold and silver treasures, the Minister of the Household Department, Wang Cai, laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth.

The treasury is finally rich!
He, the household secretary, is going to die of poverty!

"This, this, this? These are all brought by the empress?"

Some officials immediately changed their tune.

There is no one in Beiyu who can spend so much money.

Even the Lan family, an imperial businessman who is as rich as a country, can't come up with such gold and silver treasures all at once.

"How much gold and silver does this cost!"

"Yeah! We should have our military supplies now, right?"

"It's still the empress's grandeur!"

"Has the disaster relief money been settled?"

A group of ministers subconsciously identified the identity of Queen Longyao.

Now for their Beiyu country, the rich is the uncle!
Which noble lady in Beijing can have so much dowry?

The empress is the most energetic!

"Hahahaha! Lao Tzu's army can finally change weapons!"

An Guogong ran to the front of the convoy and looked at the gold and silver treasures inside, his eyes became like ingots.

"Hahaha! Old Wang! When will you give me our military supplies?"

An Guogong lay on a box of gold and did not intend to get up.

Wang Cai's eyes twitched, "I said Mr. An, I haven't finished counting the empress's dowry yet! How can I allocate military supplies for you!"

Wang Cai wiped the sweat from his forehead, it would take several days to count it up!

"Then hurry up! My army is gone!"

An Guogong picked up a gold ingot and took a bite, it turned out to be pure gold!
"Hey! An Guogong! We don't have enough people in the household department! It takes time to count!"

Wang Cai was pained and happy, and their household department had never seen so much gold and silver.

"You don't have enough people, I have enough people, I will find someone to help you!"

An Guogong is a big bastard, so he went to arrest people carelessly.

I don't care about the morning court, first get the military supplies and then talk about going to the morning court!
All the officials looked at each other, and ran to Mr. Hubu as if their butts were on fire.

"Master Wang, shouldn't our salary be paid?"

"That's right! Our family is so poor that we can't get rid of it!"

"Master Wang, hurry up and distribute the salary!"

Hundreds of officials chattered and almost squeezed Wang Cai into a meat ball.

Wang Cai crawled out of the crowd with his eyes crooked, tidied up his torn clothes, and took a quick breath.

"Oh my god! These adults are crazy!"

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Hurry up and save me! These guys are crazy!"

Wang Cai straightened his official hat and ran to Yanfeng.

Yan Feng had a headache and raised his forehead, why didn't he know that his ministers were all so shameless?

The corner of Long Yao's mouth twitched, "You ministers are all so virtuous? Why are you so poor that you lost your pants?"

Yunluo also didn't see it from the side, and whispered: "Yaoyao, you don't know something. The Beiyu Kingdom has been established for more than 500 years. His Majesty has been very poor. Our Majesty is the richest generation with things like you. king."

Long Yao looked up at the sky, "Is your Beiyu country so poor? How can you survive if I don't come?"

The tone of the voice was serious: "Emperors of all dynasties in Beiyu have relied on marriages to enrich the treasury. The livelihood of the people in Beiyu is really worrying."

Puchi!Long Yao laughed, "Then your father's ancestors didn't live long?"

Yan Feng was shocked, "How do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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