After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 456 The Secret Realm Opens

Chapter 456 The Secret Realm Opens

Yu Shenghan also came out from behind the tree with his pants up, "Hey! Teacher, this is so exciting! We have never dared to do this before!"

In the past, no matter how mixed they were in class seven, they didn't dare to climb the wall to go out to play, but today they are willing to go all out.

Several people changed out of their night clothes and put on their usual clothes.

"I haven't done this before, why don't I do it now? Hurry up!"

Long Yao quickly left the woods with them.

"Mentor, we are going to the secret realm in three days, and we are finally going to see what the secret realm looks like!"

Dong Shaohua danced excitedly.

This is a secret realm that is only opened once in ten years!They just caught up at the academy!

If it weren't for the presence of a mentor, even if they met, they wouldn't be able to get in.

They were very grateful to Long Yao.

"What can it be like? There are many dangers." In the secret realm, there are opportunities and dangers.

In Long Yao's mind, there are many memories of entering the secret realm, and those are probably the experience of entering the secret realm during the Dragon Emperor period.

There was nothing that wasn't accompanied by a bloodbath.

"Teacher, we also want to experience ourselves." Leng Huanyue saw the power of spiritual cultivation, and decided to leave the academy after coming out of the secret realm. He wanted to go outside to see the continent and make a living.

The things learned in the college are all fixed, or what the instructor said is right, traveling all over the world and experiencing the bloody storms of the rivers and lakes is the way a man should walk.

Long Yao understood their plan and supported them, "Well, safety is the most important thing after entering the secret realm."

As soon as they reached the foot of the mountain, a white figure blocked their way.

Xue Wushuang said with a smile in his eyes: "What? Are you planning to leave me?"

Long Yao helped him refine the Binglian Pill, and his cold symptoms have been cured. Now he is no different from ordinary people, and the smile on his face can only be shown in front of brothers like them who are born and died.

The cubs of the seventh class ate the marrow-changing pill, and only then did they have the strength in the martial arts arena today.

Long Yao held her forehead speechlessly, she didn't intend to bring Xue Wushuang with her when she came out this time, mainly because this guy is too rigid.

Always nagging in her ear, this time she sneaked out to drink and didn't intend to take him with her, but she unexpectedly stopped him.

"Who made you always nagging in my ear? Is it strange not to take you?"

If Long Yao passed him, he would leave, and if he caught him, then he would catch him!She wasn't going back to college anyway.

"Aren't you going to drink? Let's go together? Can't I stop nagging you?"

Xue Wushuang felt helpless towards Long Yao, since he knew she was the one who saved him, he wanted to protect her all the time.

He just wanted to put her in his heart and pamper her, she was like his own sister, a sister he was willing to protect and love with his life.

"Ouch! You're not old-fashioned anymore?" Long Yao circled around him, how could it be so unbelievable that these words came out of his mouth?
Xue Wushuang patted her forehead dotingly, "Don't be eccentric, speak well."

"Okay, okay! Let's go together! Let's talk first, don't nag in my ear."

They were familiar with each other in Luoyujian, but this guy was like a Tang monk chanting scriptures all day long, babbling in her ears.

"Okay, I won't nag you today." Xue Wushuang smiled and walked behind her.

A few kids from Class [-] also have a headache, let Xue Wushuang drink with them?Why is this thing so unreliable?
In the past, Xue Wushuang always refused people thousands of miles away, was cold all over, and was like a holy god unattainable in their hearts, but now he went to drink with them?

It's scary just thinking about it.

What they were afraid of was Xue Wushuang's chatterbox, it was like countless flies flying around their ears.

The cubs followed to the restaurant with nothing to love.

This is the largest restaurant in the city.

In the largest private room, the table is full of delicious food and wine.

Xue Wushuang held the wine glass and smelled the wine in the glass, "Why does this wine smell so bad?"

This was his first time drinking alcohol. He was in poor health before, and alcohol was poison to him.

Now that I am in good health, why does the wine still smell so bad?

"This is the taste of wine." Long Yao had already drank a lot without anyone noticing, and was already a little tipsy at this time.

Leng Huanyue was taken aback, "Mentor, why are you drinking again?"

Everyone in Class [-] of Long Yao's virtue after drinking has a deep understanding, it's really fatal!
"Why didn't you keep an eye on her!" Shang Feiyu hurriedly took out the hangover soup and planned to pour it down for her.

Just in case, everyone kept hangover soup in their storage rings, just to deal with today's scene.

The rest are helpless, they can't see the mentor at all, okay?

Xue Wushuang didn't know why, "Why can't Yaoyao drink?"

As soon as the words fell, he saw how Long Yao's drinking madness was earth-shattering.

Long Yao stood on the table holding the wine jar and began to howl.

puff!Xue Wushuang spat out a mouthful of tea, and looked at Long Yao in disbelief.

No wonder they don't let Long Yao drink.

This is drunk after only two drinks?

How can this be a drunken madness!This is obviously here to kill them!
It's okay if your howling sound is nice!But what are you howling about?
All the guests in the restaurant were yelling outside.

"Xue Wushuang, did you see it? I will definitely not let my mentor drink alcohol in the future!"

Leng Huanyue raised her forehead speechlessly, they could now calmly accept their mentor's appearance of being drunk.

The corners of Xue Wushuang's eyes twitched, he really didn't know Yaoyao was like this when drunk.

"We will definitely not let her drink in the future!" Xue Wushuang also agreed.

You can't reason with a drunk person at all, you can only follow her and let her sober up.

After drinking and eating, a group of people walked back to the academy shoulder to shoulder.

Long Yao's drinking madness was carried back to the residence of the academy by Shi Yun.

Shi Yun wiped the sweat from his face, he almost died of exhaustion when he carried the lady all the way.

"Miss, you are so drunk that you can hear wolves howling for ten miles."

After covering Long Yao with the quilt, she went back to rest.

three days later.

On the way to the secret realm, Long Yao's back was about to be stared at by a few of them.

Long Yao pursed her lips, "Stop staring! Isn't it just drunk? What are you doing?"

She seemed to have forgotten how drunk and crazy she was, wasn't she just drunk?Why are you always staring at her?
puff!Leng Huanyue couldn't hold back her laughter, "We won't stare anymore."

It turned out that the instructor had forgotten how he looked like a drunken maniac after being drunk, so they had no choice but to pretend that they didn't know.

You have to save face for her, don't you?


The rest of the people burst out laughing, this is also a little secret between them.

The appearance of the instructor drunk is really unforgettable!
Long Yao gave them a bunch of supercilious looks, and continued to ride forward.

Half a month later, the Pearl is outside the secret world.

The principal of the college is leading the team, and Long Yao didn't expect Xue Wushuang to come too.

Patting him on the shoulder, "Wu Shuang, shouldn't you be in the academy? Why are you here in the secret realm?"

Xue Wushuang smiled and said: "You have all entered the secret realm, so it's not interesting to leave me alone, isn't it?"

He is already in good health, and he doesn't plan to stay in the academy as a patient anymore.

He wants to travel the world with them.

"Okay! I'm relieved to have you by my side for these bastards."

When she entered the secret realm, she was going to find Dragon Ball, and Xue Wushuang would leave their safety to Xue Wushuang.

(End of this chapter)

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