After being reborn, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 471 It's Not So Easy

Chapter 471 It's Not So Easy

Long Yao crossed Erlang's legs and sneered after listening to General Ji's report.

"Father, those shops have nothing to do with us anymore. It won't be so easy for the old emperor to find the Hou's mansion again, right?"

"Hahahaha! That's right! Fortunately, my daughter has the foresight! Those shops are all targeted by the emperor. Want to use those shopkeepers to take advantage of my father? No way!"

Long Xiao lamented his daughter's foresight, and felt very relieved.

Long Xiao didn't manage these shops well, and handed over all the power to the shopkeepers. After Long Rong took over the Houfu, the shopkeepers Qiqi turned their backs and did a lot of dirty deeds in the name of Houfu.

In order to prevent the emperor from getting hold of the Hou Mansion, Long Xiao started digging out the Hou Mansion when Long Rong started to hollow out the Hou Mansion.

As for what to eat in the Houfu?Longyao has a pawnshop, so she doesn't have to worry about food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, and it's more than enough to support an army.

She really doesn't pay attention to this little property!
"Father, in order to deceive others, we still need to go to the village they don't want to farm."

Long Rong only took away those valuable shops, leaving some Zhuangzi who didn't make much money, and those Zhuangzi were even making money at a loss.

"Girl, why are you farming? Your father and I know nothing but fighting!"

Long Xiao was in a bit of a dilemma. When he was a child, if he couldn't get enough to eat, he would only roast sweet potatoes and fish. If he was asked to farm, he really didn't know the grain.

"I will! After you hand over your military power, won't there be many people following you? You don't want to support these people anymore? Just let them farm with me."

Long Yao glanced at Yu Hao and Ji Qing with small eyes.

The faces of the two froze, and they were embarrassed, "Princess, we don't know how to farm?"

They are all big bosses, good at fighting, let them farm?Isn't this a joke?
"There must be a lot of talents in the army! You can't, it doesn't mean others can't!"

All the soldiers in the army come from all over the world, most of them are ordinary people, and there must be a lot of people who know how to farm.

The corners of Long Xiao's eyes twitched, "Are you paying attention to my army?"

Could this girl be too a thief?Before handing over the military power, you still have to dig a corner?
Long Yao just wanted to poach the emperor's corner, "Will you give it to me, Dad?"

Isn't she thinking about Hou Fu?The people on the Zhuangzi have also been taken away by Long Rong, leaving only an empty Zhuangzi, and people are needed to farm the land.

The largest Zhuangzi has only a few hundred acres of land, and there are not a few people who need it.

"Yes, why not! It happens that many disabled soldiers have nowhere to go, and it just solves the problem of feeding these people."

Many wounded soldiers like Shi Yun, and those with missing arms and legs, became unable to take care of themselves in order to guard the frontier.

"I actually mean the same thing. I cured Shiyun's leg, and I can also heal the rest of them. It's just that they are missing arms and legs. I can only help them make prosthetics."

In modern times, there are not a few people who can live with artificial limbs, and here she can also help them with artificial limbs.

Yu Hao and Ji Qing looked at each other, they didn't expect the princess to be so righteous.

"My subordinates will replace those officers and men, thank you Princess!"

They didn't know what prosthetics were, so they thought of them soldiers to the princess, and they were convinced.

"Get up!" She understood the difficulty of these soldiers, and she could help a little.

After confirming the route after Hou's mansion, Long Xiao went to the court to hand over the military power.

Naturally, the emperor repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay with hypocrisy. Long Xiao insisted on handing over the military power, so the emperor had no choice but to agree. In fact, he didn't know how comfortable he was!
The military power has been handed over, the title is still there, and the Houfu is still there, so it is still peaceful for the time being.

Holding the soldier talisman, the emperor's eyes were full of cruelty. After a few years, when the glory of Hou's mansion is over, he will wipe out the Hou's mansion.

Time flies, three years in a blink of an eye.

Long Yao was planting seedlings in the field with her trousers on her legs.

"Sister! Sister!" Ling Yu held a vegetable basket in his hand, which was full of tomatoes he picked.

"What are you doing?" Long Yao looked up, and saw him bouncing to the ground with a basket on his shoulders.

Ling Yu showed off with a tomato, "Sister, this is the tomato plant I planted, look, it bears so many fruits! It's still very sweet."

The manor is full of rare fruits and vegetables. The rice is golden rice. When the rice is ripe, it will be golden. It can not only fill the stomach, but also prolong life.

In recent years, because the manor's golden rice has been famous throughout the continent, the threshold of the manor was almost broken.

In order to obtain a bucket of golden rice, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy it.

The tomatoes in Lingyu's basket were also grafted from Longyao and Honglinguo.

It is easy to survive, and the fruit it bears contains aura and has a sweet taste. It is also a vegetable that major restaurants are vying to buy.

This kind of fruit can be used not only as a fruit, but also as a vegetable. Many dignitaries are willing to go to a restaurant to drink a bowl of tomato and egg soup.

A tomato tree can bear thousands of fruits. Ling Yu has also become obsessed with growing vegetables and fruits in recent years.

"You have the nerve to say, how long did it take for this tomato you planted to bear fruit?"

Long Yao picked up a fruit and took a bite, it was really delicious.

"Tell me, what are you doing here if you're not at home to take care of your father?"

Now that Longyao is not stupid and spread all over the capital, people who come to propose marriage will trample the Hou's mansion.

Long Yao has been living in Zhuangzi in order to hide and relax, where she cultivates, farms, and goes hunting in the mountains with those disabled soldiers, playing happily every day.

"Father doesn't need me to take care of him. He plays chess and drinks tea with old man Xue all day long. He dislikes me for making trouble, so he sent me here."

Ling Yu has lived a mortal life here for a few years, but she doesn't want to go back to the God Realm.

Experiencing the lives of mortals became one of his pleasures.

"Tch, you must have pulled his beard." Long Yao thought it was funny, one big one and one young one were dancing around in the waiting house all day long.

"Sister, there is one more thing that my father asked me to tell you, that guy Long Rong has started to suppress our manor."

Before Ling Yu came, Long Xiao had already received a notification from the dark guard.

In the past few years, Long Rong established his own mansion, and Long Suwan also successfully married the sixth prince and became a side concubine.

Seeing that the Hou Mansion has not been without food because of their departure in the past few years, but because the things in the manor are richer.

Long Rong gritted his teeth in hatred all day long in the mansion, but the profits of the shops he took away were getting worse year by year.

Not a single leaf of the things produced in Longyao Manor will be sold to the property under Longrong's name, and the property under his name is already in turmoil.

In order to attack Long Yao's estate, Long Rong couldn't bear to suppress her.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, haven't I?" She thought that Long Rong could endure it for a few more years, but in the end, she endured it for three years. She really has no brains.

"Sister, anyway, you just need to prepare yourself. I'm going to continue picking fruits."

Ling Yu skipped and ran away after bringing the words to her.

(End of this chapter)

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