Chapter 480 Food
Feng Xuan heaved a long sigh. Once married, he will obey his wife. Now His Highness is their heaven, so what can they do if they are dissatisfied?

At this time, Long Yao was sitting by the table, looking at the food on the table, she felt a headache and straightened her forehead.

This is still the dining table of the Crown Princess!What are they eating?
Grilled meat, boiled meat, and then grains of coarse grain rice.

In total, there are two dishes plus a bowl of black rice, and the barbecue needs to be cut off by the servants with a knife and put into the bowl.

The most unacceptable thing for Long Yao is that he has to eat with his hands, and there is no chopsticks.

Long Yao pinched the center of her brows with a headache, to what age should this place be behind?
She looked at the clothes on her body again, they were still very exquisite, but the food gave her a headache.

"Xiao'an, didn't you cook?" Long Yao suddenly asked, and then regretted that she had asked so much.

Xiao An, who was waiting on the side, was a very clean-looking waiter. He was stunned for a moment before replying: "Your Highness, what is cooking?"

What is stir-fry?
Long Yao took a deep breath, it seems that she needs to have a good understanding of the people here.

He picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. After chewing for a long time, there was no taste at all.

Seeing some white powder in the small bowl on the side, according to Long Yao's experience, this should be precious salt.

Picking up a piece of meat, dipped it in the white powder in the bowl, put it in the mouth again, and felt a little salty.

I picked up some grains of wheat with my hands and put them in my mouth, chewed them twice, the aroma of wheat was strong, but it scratched my throat a bit.

After barely eating a few mouthfuls, I no longer have any appetite.

"Your Highness, this is your favorite food, don't you want to eat more?"

Xiao An stood aside anxiously, isn't it to His Highness's liking?
In his heart, he silently sweated for the cook in the kitchen. In case of killing someone again, who would still be willing to cook food for His Highness?

"You're full, take it away! Don't waste it, let the slaves share the food."

There is such a thing in Long Yao's memory, she would never leave food for her servants to eat, she would rather throw it on the street, watching those beggars fight for the leftovers, and finally beat her head to death flow, and even death, the former Longyao used this method for fun.

The servant who was about to leave with the food thought he had heard Long Yao's order wrong.

People like them today can't eat these good things.

Barbecue is a food that only nobles can afford, and these servants just eat some rough chestnut rice, want to eat meat?At most, you can only drink some broth.

Xiao An pondered for a moment, then said respectfully, "It's Your Highness!"

Long Yao left the dining hall listlessly, and wandered around in her palace.

Zisu, the leader of the bodyguard who was in charge of protecting the princess, followed Long Yao closely, with a delicate and serious face.

"I said Zisu, you're a girl! Can't you just smile when you're so pretty?"

Long Yao was so depressed that she had no choice but to tease the leader of her guards.

Zisu's face was serious, and she said in a business-like manner: "The subordinates are women, not to mention those who make jokes, so of course we can't laugh easily."

Can you laugh and laugh while working as an errand in the empress's palace?That's courting death!

The corners of Long Yao's eyes twitched, this guy is really not cute!
"Zisu, you should be old enough to start a family, right?" Zisu is the daughter of the eldest son of a nobleman in Bianzhou, and she was enlisted to serve in the Royal Guards.

The imperial guards are full of aristocratic women. No matter what family they are from, those who can be called aristocrats must have women enlisted in the army.

Zisu's family can be regarded as a big family in Bianzhou, and even aristocratic. Naturally, she can't escape the fate of enlisting in the army.

Zi Su was slightly taken aback, "Your Highness, only Your Majesty can make decisions about your subordinate's marriage."

The marriages of these noble children are involuntary, and all of them have to be ordered by the emperor.

It was only then that Long Yao remembered that the policy of this women's country is very strict, and these women in the imperial guards cannot decide their marriages by themselves.

"You don't have a man you like? I ask the Queen Mother to give you a marriage."

Long Yao suddenly panicked because of herself as the empress, can you take care of the marriages of so many imperial guards?

Zisu clasped her hands together and saluted, "Your Highness, this subordinate is just a small commander of the imperial guards, so you don't have to worry about the marriage, Your Highness."

Zisu murmured in her heart, how does this incomprehensible Highness want to entertain these subordinates?

"Okay! If you have a man you like, you can come to me to marry you." Long Yao saw that she didn't want to say more, and understood her concerns, so she didn't believe her!

How many absurd things Long Yao did in the past is beyond description, no wonder the subordinates don't believe her.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Your Highness, are you going to the lotus garden of the two concubines?"

Zisu followed Long Yao to the apse unconsciously, only a threshold away from the place where the concubines lived.

"What?" Long Yao looked up, and the Lotus Garden was not far away.

It was only now that Long Yao remembered that she was already married and had two side concubines!

What her two side concubines looked like, she didn't have the slightest impression in her mind.

"Your Highness, these two side concubines were married by His Majesty, and you have never been here once."

Zi Su replied in a businesslike manner.

"Come on, let's go and see." It's incredible!She actually got married!

Long Yao walked into the lotus garden with fluttering feet, the whole yard was cleaned up very cleanly, and the servants were all doing their own things with low eyebrows.

Seeing that it was Long Yao who came in person, she knelt down and kowtowed in fright, "I have seen Your Highness."

Each of the servants spoke softly, for fear that they would become the souls of this brutal Highness's subordinates in the next moment.

"Get up!" Long Yao passed a few servants and went to the main hall.

The two side concubines, who were doing needlework in the main hall, knelt at the door to welcome them in person when they heard the report.

As soon as Long Yao arrived at the door, she saw two thin men bowing their heads and kowtowing.

"I have seen Your Highness." The two lowered their eyes and did not dare to look up at the sky.

Long Yao stepped into the main hall, and then said: "Get up."

The crisp voice made their hearts beat violently, as if they were about to burst out of their chests.

"Thank you, Your Highness." The two of them stood up politely, and then they dared to look at Long Yao.

Seeing this, they put a touch of rouge on their faces.

Long Yao also saw clearly the appearance of her two side concubines, they were indeed delicate and handsome, with the immature features of teenagers on their faces, and in a few years they would definitely look stunning.

The age of these two people is only one year older than Long Yao.

"Your Highness, why did you come here suddenly?" Pei Baiyi poured a glass of water and offered it to him.

Feng Xuan, who was standing aside, looked at Long Yao uncontrollably.

Growing up so big, they have seen only a handful of women. When they were at home, they only saw their mothers and sisters. They almost never saw their nieces. As their highness, it was the first time for Long Yao to stand on the stage today. in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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