Chapter 506 Darkroom
"I know!" Long Yao leaned on the iron cage powerlessly, since the pill had been broken, she was powerless to recover.

"Longyu, open the door, I want to see the Queen Mother!"

It is also good to take advantage of this time to feed the empress some holy water to renew her life.

Long Yu smiled sarcastically, "You just give up! I won't let you see the Queen Mother. Only when the Queen Mother is here can you be obedient."

"Come here! Take away our Royal Highness!"

Think she is a fool?Want to save the empress?It's not that easy!

Seeing that Long Yao couldn't go in to see the Queen Mother, she had to find another way.

"Servant, take good care of the empress!"

Long Yao secretly put a small jade bottle the size of a thumb in his hand.

The waiter froze for a moment, pretending to be okay, and tightened his grip on the bottle in his hand.

"Your Highness, take care!" The servant kneeled and kowtowed with tears.

Long Yao was taken to another secret room, the iron cage was made of the same material.

Long Yu looked at Long Yao in the cage and laughed triumphantly, "Long Yao, I didn't expect you to have today! When I get the imperial edict, you, a princess, will be burned to death as a ghost!"

"Hmph! Let's go!" Long Yu proudly walked out of the inner secret room.

In a few days she will be able to get her wish!

In the abandoned yard at night, it was as dark as ink, and a figure flashed out of the darkness.

Long Xiao smiled sinisterly, "Let's fight! Being a yellow bird is the smartest, isn't it?"

Turn around and open the door of the dark room, go in and find the place where Long Yao is being held.

"Little sister, don't come here without any harm!" Seeing that she is now his prisoner, she felt extremely happy.

Long Yao didn't even bother to open her eyes, and said coldly, "Are you satisfied? When did you let the Queen go?"

Everything behind this was planned by Long Xiao, that brainless Long Yu couldn't think of such a thorough plan.

"Let her go? Why should I let her go? As long as she decrees to abolish you as a princess and promises to make way for me, I will let her go."

"As for you? If you want the empress to live well, you should be obedient. I have only one condition, and that is to exchange your life! I will promise you to treat the empress and your elder brothers well. Fair enough."

Long Xiao took out a jade pendant, which was exactly the dragon pendant worn by the empress.

Long Yao's eyes dimmed, "I don't believe a word of a cruel person like you."

Let her die?She can die!Anyway, she can't die, and they won't let the queen mother and her brothers go.

"Don't believe it? There's nothing you can do if you don't believe it? You can't get out now! This iron cage was specially built by someone I found. It can block all the ways of martial arts. It is impossible for you to get out!"

"Just wait for three days to be sacrificed to heaven as a ghost!"

Long Xiao smiled cruelly, she had plenty of back tricks to deal with her.

She will pay back all the humiliation she has suffered in these years!

"Sacrifice to heaven? Heh! Do you think you can threaten me like this?"

She is under the control of others and cannot leave here yet. She wants to buy time for Zisu and the others.

Now it seems that even if Zisu and the others find the secret room, they will not be able to save the Queen Mother. I hope they will be fine.

"Can't you? Can I threaten you now?"

Long Xiao clapped her hands and opened several doors on the wall opposite her.

There is this kind of iron cage in every door, and inside are several men who have been beaten and bruised.

"Big Brother! Second Brother! Third Brother! Fourth Brother! Fifth Brother! How are you?"

"Brother! Talk to me!"

Long Yao saw the appearance of those people clearly and shook the iron cage crazily. She could only watch them unconscious and unable to save them.

"Long Xiao! These elder brothers are all siblings with your mother! How can you bear to treat them like this!"

Long Yao hated herself for being so weak now that she couldn't even protect those close to her.

Although she has only been with these brothers for a short time, they all love her very much, and she can't do it just by watching them leave them alone!
"So what about the same mother? Aren't you and I also half-sisters? But how does the Queen Mother treat you and me?
Day by day!Treat these useless men better than us!I hate!I hate the empress!I hate you even more!If it weren't for your birth, I would definitely be the candidate for the future empress with my ingenuity!But you were born anyway!After birth, she was named a princess!Is it because of a vision from heaven when you were born? "

"Hehehe! That's great! The vision that came from the sky when I was born just gave me a good excuse! You are the reincarnation of a ghost! If you kill you, you will win the hearts of the people! I will be the next empress!"

Long Xiao yelled wildly, immersed in her own crazy thoughts, as if she had seen the scene of her ascending the throne in the future.

Long Yao suppressed the breath in her heart and said: "As long as I die, you will let them go, right? I'm talking about letting them live comfortably in the future, including the empress!"

She can die because she can't die!It's just that the dragon balls haven't been found yet, so it's fine if the dragon balls here can't be found, she can come and look for them again, if these people die, they are really dead!
"Of course! So you have figured it out? Are you planning to exchange your life for theirs?"

As long as Longyao agrees to die willingly, she will win the hearts of the people, and it will be most beneficial for her to ascend the throne smoothly.

"Okay! I promise you! If you can't do what you promised, I will kill you even in a dream!"

Looking at her brothers again, Long Yao could only suppress the hostility in her heart.

The only way for her to save their lives now is to agree to their terms.

"Okay! Since you agreed, I will not torture them again! Let them catch up with you! Hahahaha!"

Long Xiao laughed triumphantly and left the dark room.

She wants to go back and arrange the ceremony of the ghost sacrifice to the sky. As long as she dies, everything will be hers!

The whole world is hers!
Long Yao wanted to wake up her elder brother, but she couldn't wake up no matter what.

"Bastard!" Long Yao punched the iron cage angrily.

Her brothers were all tortured and given medicine, no wonder they were unconscious.

"Stop shouting! They won't wake up." A magnetic voice came from the darkness.

Then a figure appeared from the darkness, it was Mo Xun.

"Mo Xun, is this your plan?"

In her previous life, she was indeed the king of the Three Realms, and she had a lot of ambitions. If she wants to unify this continent, it depends on whether she agrees or not!
"No! This is not my plan! My plan is only you! I know you know medical skills, I just want you to help me cure my illness!"

Mo Xun was silent for a moment and said, "I still want to know about Bai Mi."

Looking at Long Yao's beautiful suffocating face, she felt pain like a needle prick in her heart.

"You have finally revealed your purpose, right? Of course I understand medical skills, and I also know that you will die because of the loss of five senses! But I don't want to save you!"

"As for the white rice, I planned to wait for the marriage between the two countries to stabilize. I will announce the technology of growing white rice to the world, and I will also provide you with seeds, but you are too anxious."

Long Yao was unhurried, what he said almost made Mo Xun vomit blood.

(End of this chapter)

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