Chapter 510
Mo Xun couldn't hear what Long Yao said, he just wanted to imprint her image in his soul at the moment when he couldn't see her.

Even in the next life, he doesn't want to forget her appearance.

"Girl, I, really, love you!" Mo Xun said the last word, his head lightly leaned on her shoulder and lost his breath.

The whole body is still tightly protecting Long Yao.

Mo Xun couldn't see or hear at all, and even the last words were difficult to squeeze out of his mouth.

Until his death, he never thought that he would have a relapse of all his illnesses at this moment, and there was no chance for him to react.

A drop of clear tears slipped from the corner of Mo Xun's eyes and landed on Long Yao's shoulder.

I don't know if these are tears of regret or tears of joy.

Long Yao suddenly realized that Mo Xun lost all senses so quickly because he was too close to her.

"Mo Xun!" Long Yao couldn't care less about the hot flames burning on her body.

Looking back at the other two, they were also dying.

If this continues, they will all be burned to death!

Xue Hualing has not arrived yet, she can only rely on herself.

She can only gamble!


Long Yao roared to the sky.

Seeing Mo Xun die in her arms, her heart suddenly hurts!
This kind of pain is something she has never experienced before, so is this heartache?

A purple tear from the corner of his eye fell silently on Mo Xun.

People who were proud suddenly saw a purple light rising into the sky from the fire!

The black clouds in the sky overwhelmed the top, and the strong wind suddenly rose, accompanied by purple lightning, overwhelming the sky and pressing down on the ground.

A vision from the sky shocked everyone.

"what happened!"

"Why is it raining? The spirit hasn't been burned yet!"

"Don't let her escape! Hurry up and light the fire again!"


Now that the altar is in chaos, who cares about the people above!

A golden dragon soared into the sky from the fire, and the dragon's body covered the sky and the sun stretched for thousands of miles.

A pair of long eyes looked at the people in the entire capital through the clouds, with boundless majesty.

Long Xiao squatted on the ground, her face pale with fright, what is going on?
what is that?dragon?impossible?

When the surrounding people saw the unknown creature, many of them fainted from fright, and some who didn't faint trembled. Seeing the unknown creature, they wished they would faint too.

"Dragon, dragon, dragon?"

The ministers and common people who were escorted here by Xue Hualing all stood there stupidly when they saw this shocking scene, their jaws hit the ground.

Feng Xiaoyao stood in the crowd, looked at the giant dragon in the sky, and unconsciously knelt on the ground, trembling with excitement.

That is the legendary dragon!

The surrounding people all knelt down uncontrollably, trembling all over, not daring to raise their heads.

That's a dragon!The princess is not the reincarnation of some ghost at all, she is clearly a real dragon!

It turns out that the golden dragon appeared in a vision from the sky when Her Royal Highness was born!It's not a rumor at all!

"Long Xiao, you did a good job! You dare to touch the deity!"

The dragon's voice was as bright as a bell, and the familiar voice struck the heads of everyone like thunder.

"What?" Long Xiao couldn't believe it, why is this voice so familiar?

Is it her little sister's voice?impossible!This is absolutely impossible!

Her little sister is not a real dragon!no!
Xue Hualing was very familiar with her master, Qiqi knelt on one knee and shouted loudly, "See you, master!"

Feng Xiaoyao and the others looked confused, their master?
That voice is obviously the voice of the Empress Dowager?

When Xue Hualing protected them, she didn't reveal their identities.

Just when everyone was wondering, the figure of the giant dragon gradually shrunk, and a purple figure was suspended in the air, watching the world with disdain.

Long Yao's gorgeous purple Nine Dragons robes fluttered in the wind, the streamers on the Nine Dragons' crowns fluttered domineeringly, and the golden dragon's boots were entwined with auspicious clouds.

She is an inviolable god descended from the sky, holding a purple bead in Long Yao's hand, looking at that bead, she doesn't know what it feels like.

At the moment when she shed tears, Mo Xun's figure combined with her tears turned into this bead.

The purple bead represents emotion. It turns out that the tears shed after heartache are the key to turning into this bead.

"See Your Royal Highness!" Feng Xiaoyao found his voice after a long time.

"Grassmen, please refer to Your Royal Highness! Your Royal Highness is a thousand years old!"

The common people who were escorted by Xue Hualing, when they saw Longyao, excitedly shouted Qiantui in unison.

Apart from shouting out the excitement in their hearts, they have no way to vent their excitement.

Dragon!She is indeed a true dragon and goddess!

"What princess! Are you blind? She is obviously the reincarnation of a ghost!"

Long Xiao can't see her having a good time, so what if she is a legendary dragon?She still makes her a spirit!
"You all get up!" Long Yao didn't bother to respond to Long Xiao's clamor, she fell from the air and stood on the altar.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Feng Xiaoyao led the people to stand up, looking at the figure of the god on the altar, he was very relieved, His Royal Highness finally grew up!

The legend of this continent has finally come true!

Fengxuan and Pei Baiyi were covered by a layer of enchantment, with only slight burns on their bodies. The moment they saw Longyao fall from the sky, they had tears in their eyes.

"Your Highness." The two called out affectionately.

Long Yao waved, and the barriers on the two receded, "Are you all right?"

Long Yao helped them up, and fed each of them a mouthful of spring water.

"Your Highness, you are fine!"

The two of them hugged Long Yao together, and they never wanted to experience the feeling of being lost and found again.

The corner of Long Yao's mouth twitched, these two people are hopeless!

"I'm fine, you are waiting for me."

Long Yao had a headache, she had to find a way to get rid of these two people.

"Okay!" The two stood behind Longyao, looking at that domineering figure, there was nothing else in their eyes.

Long Yao was a little puzzled. Seeing her dragon body, the common people were not as scared as they imagined?This is a bit puzzling.

"Long Xiao, you keep saying that I'm a ghost, do you still think I'm a ghost?"

Long Yao approached Long Xiao step by step, looking down at her from above, with a strong hostility in her eyes that couldn't be melted away.

Long Xiao backed away in fright, "Don't come here! You are a monster! You are a monster!"

Isn't it a ghost to change from a monster to a man?

"My youngest son is not a monster!"

An old voice came from below the stage.

Long Yao turned her head and saw the queen walking over supported by her servants.

Ye Shaoheng and Xuanyuanli followed behind them.

Ye Shaoheng and Xuanyuanli knelt down together, "Master, you have fulfilled your mission!"

"Well done! Get up, you two!"

"Mother, how are you?"

Long Yao hurriedly supported Long Meiniang.

"Yao'er, the Queen Mother is fine, my Yao'er has finally grown up."

Long Meiniang caressed her little face lovingly, her youngest son was indeed extraordinary, she was a real dragon and goddess!
"Empress, aren't you afraid?" A giant dragon suddenly appeared, they must be very scared, right?

Long Meiniang shook her head, "Mother, don't be afraid! Once there was a rumor in the mainland that there would be a real dragon to save us. People in the whole continent believed that there would be such a day. Thousands of years have passed, and this rumor has only been regarded as I didn't believe the rumors, but the empress has always believed in the rumors, and the empress was even more certain when Yao'er was born."

Only then did Long Yao realize that there was still such a rumor in the mainland.

(End of this chapter)

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