Chapter 512 The Dust Settles
Long Yao sat in front of the tomb for a long time. She came here and changed the fate of many people. She didn't know whether it was good or bad. Seeing the power of faith in her, she felt that this should be a good thing.

It was already noon when Long Yao appeared in the palace again.

As soon as she arrived at the Royal Garden, she met Fengxuan and Pei Baiyi, Longyao had a headache and raised her forehead, the last thing she wanted to see was the two of them.

"I've seen His Majesty!" The two smiled, and finally let them wait until His Majesty.

Long Yao sighed and said, "Let's get down! Is there anything you want to come to see me?"

The two would rather die with her than live alone, and she hasn't figured out how to repay this friendship.

"I haven't seen Your Majesty for many days, and I want to chat with you."

Feng Xuan felt bitter, His Majesty didn't like them.

They thought a lot these days, and finally decided to help His Majesty achieve supremacy, and would rather die alone than want to guard her side.

"You are free. What I said a few days ago always counts."

On the day Long Yao ascended the throne as emperor, she conferred the titles of two people, and now there are only these two people in her harem.

Promise the two of them that they will always be free, and let them go to the palace school to learn how to be an official together.

"Your Majesty, we have made up our minds. We are not going anywhere. We will always be your concubine. Your Majesty has given us enough freedom. We will help His Majesty achieve the unification of the continent."

Ever since Pei Baiyi read the book Long Yao gave them, he felt that the world in that book was really wonderful, and they also wanted to see that kind of prosperous age come, so they decided to assist His Majesty to achieve the unification of the world.

"Since you have made up your mind, let it be with you. As I said, you are always free."

She can't give them affection, all she can give them is freedom and decency for the rest of their lives.

"We understand." Feng Xuan put away the sourness in his heart, and decided that it is good to accompany her to the end like this.

The three of them talked freely from noon to night, and the original embarrassment disappeared.

Longyao ascended the throne as emperor, and changed the name of the country to "Jiulong", which is the first year of Jiulong.

From then on, Nvzun Kingdom was changed to Jiulong Kingdom, and Long Yao also started her 500-year ruling career here.

Neighboring countries were also destroyed 17 years later in Kowloon, and the mainland has been unified since then.

In the past 20 years of Kowloon, the world has been peaceful. Nowadays, there are not a few men in the country of Kowloon, and it is no longer just the era of women.

Longyao implemented the New Deal, vigorously developed agriculture, animal husbandry, and mining, and implemented the rule that men and women can also go to school. No matter whether they are nobles or commoners, they are treated equally in school. This has achieved the heyday in the history of Jiulong Kingdom.

In the 26th year of Kowloon, the Empress Dowager passed away and was buried in the Royal Cemetery. The whole world mourned.

In order for the Queen to live a few more years, Long Yao used the Holy Spirit Spring to extend her life. She saw the reunification of the mainland and the prosperity of Kowloon, so she passed away with a smile.

Fengxuan and Pei Baiyi never entered the imperial court, they silently supported Longyao behind their backs, and were willing to be her concubine in name only for the rest of her life.

Long Yao no longer has a concubine, and her harem is still only the two of them.

In 93 in Kowloon, Fengxuan had also reached the end of his battle.

Feng Xuan who was lying on the bed was already very old, and he was very relieved to see Long Yao who was still as good-looking as he was.

"Your Majesty, you are still the same as before. I can only accompany you here. I hope Your Majesty will live a long time."

Birth, old age, sickness and death are human nature, but they are not willing to part with their majesty.

After so many years of getting along, they are not husband and wife, but they are closer than husband and wife.

"Feng Xuan, don't meet me again in your next life."

Long Yao helped the two of them to live on, and they have lived to over 100 years old, and now they can be regarded as giving them an explanation.

"No! I don't regret it in this life! I still want to meet His Majesty in the next life! No matter what the result is, take care, Your Majesty!"

Feng Xuan finally swallowed his last breath, and left gracefully with a smile in his eyes.

Long Yao looked at him for a long time, why are you doing this?Every man who meets her seems to be lonely for a lifetime, who owes whom?

Long Yao finally buried him in the royal cemetery.

She was her concubine during her lifetime, and she was still a member of the royal family after her death.

Pei Baiyi also reached the last moment in Kowloon 97.

Just like Fengxuan, he watched Longyao for a long time unwilling to take his last breath.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Bai Yi only wants you to take care of yourself and stay as young as you are now!"

"Your Majesty always doesn't eat well, I'm worried—"

Even though Pei Baiyi is getting old, he still maintains a clean and elegant appearance. When he was young, he was a beautiful man with a beautiful appearance, and when he was old, he still had the shadow of his youth.

Long Yao held his hand, "Bai Yi, don't worry, I will be fine."

Pei Baiyi smiled and nodded, "Then I can rest assured."

Looking at Pei Baiyi who was slowly closing his eyes, Long Yao sighed lightly, the lifespan of a mortal is really short!
Long Yao stood in front of Pei Baiyi and Fengxuan's tombstone for a long time, speechless.

"Your Majesty, it's time to go back!"

Following Long Yao was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, who was her elder brother's grandson, Long Xi.

She is now Commander of the Praetorian Guard, taking her grandmother's place.

"Xi'er, just call me aunt here!"

Long Yao liked this little guy very much, she was taken to the palace by Long Yao to teach him personally when he was five years old, and now at the age of 17, he was entrusted with important tasks.

"Grandma, Xi'er will take you back?"

Long Xi supported Long Yao, and the two walked out of the imperial tomb slowly.

Looking at His Majesty who was about the same age as him, Long Xi felt very strange in his heart.

His grandparents are already old, but his aunt shows no signs of aging at all, and even looks younger.

"Let's go! They have all left me one by one!" Long Yao walked slowly on the road to the cemetery, looked at the sun that was about to set and smiled faintly, and saw the afterglow of the setting sun again.

Everyone around her was leaving her one by one, and she was left alone again.

Zisu is gone, elder brother is gone, Fengxuan is gone, Pei Baiyi is gone, she is really the only one left.

She also wants to leave here, the purple dragon ball is too difficult to refine, so she has to stay in this continent.

"Grandma, Xi'er is with you."

Long Xi smiled and accompanied Long Yao, where he still had the aura of the commander of the imperial guards just now, but now he is just a child who has not grown up.

"Okay! I have you by my side." Long Yao felt that her appearance had not changed, but her state of mind had changed accordingly. She seemed to have aged a lot.

After returning to the palace, Longyao began to go to court to deal with political affairs every day. Year after year, everything in the whole continent has changed, and the only thing that remains unchanged is Longyao's face.

Long Yao has also become an unattainable god in the entire continent, revered by all people.

500 years later.

The prosperity of the Nine Dragon Kingdom is unimaginable. In the past 500 years, there were also those who were dissatisfied with the rule of Longyao and wanted to rebel, but they were wiped out by her Xuehua Ling. Since then, the world has been peaceful for hundreds of years.

(End of this chapter)

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