Chapter 533 Two Countries
This time they came to court and each had their own intentions. The king of Che Jianguo had just passed away, and the new king also came to ask to marry a woman from Mu Chenguo as his wife.

The Flying Eagle Kingdom came this time with some unkind visitors. It was also a new king who came to the throne, but he came to show off his might.

Both countries are new kings, and the purpose of coming here is different.

Long Yao understood after hearing this, then make a congratulatory gift to congratulate the new king on his succession.

"Eunuch Li, thank you for letting me know!" Long Yao still knew that she was busy enough these days.

"My lord, you are polite! Your majesty has allowed you to continue living here. During this time, your lord should be careful and take your leave!"

In the end, Li Delu couldn't help reminding her that such a woman is more real than those hypocritical women in the harem, and whether she can survive depends on her fate.

Eunuch Li did not expect that His Majesty would let her continue to live in this Meihua Palace, and His Majesty did not hate this place as outsiders imagined.

He was a little confused about His Majesty's mind.

The imperial decree in his hand was heavy, Long Yao casually threw it on the table.

Mo Xun came out of the room, glanced at the imperial decree on the table, "Yaoyao, did I make things difficult for you?"

"What nonsense? I did it on purpose! It's just that we might be having a lot of fun here."

Long Yao hugged him into her arms and coaxed him, "Little Xun'er, are you ready?"

She had been hiding Mo Xun for almost a year, and it was time for him to find out the cause of his mother's death.

"Yaoyao, I know that my mother's death was wronged, and I'm ready for it."

Mo Xun understood what Long Yao meant, and he was already ready to investigate the truth.

Before her death, Aunt Zhi Ma told him that his mother's natal family was wronged and died. If he didn't go out, he would not be able to investigate the truth. If he had the opportunity to leave here, his mother's death must be investigated.

"Okay! Then you should be ready at any time, and we will find a reasonable reason to appear openly."

Long Yao decided to let him appear in front of people, and only the emperor could give him an aboveboard identity.

Then don't blame her for plotting against the emperor!
To make jewelry for the pure concubine, the materials had to be obtained from the Sijin Bureau. Before Long Yao arrived at the Sijin Bureau, she met someone she didn't want to see.

"I've met the Seventh Prince." The person smiling in front of him was none other than the Seventh Prince Mo Ling.

When Mo Ling saw her again, it had been several days since the last time he saw her, and her image appeared in his mind every day.

"Now Mr. Si Jin's value has doubled, but he is even more noble than us princes."

Mo Ling laughed and teased her.

Long Yao didn't think it was a joke, and said: "The Seventh Prince laughed at him, and he has no choice but to step down from office. It is also very helpless to step down from office after being struck by lightning and being able to come back from death."

They didn't regard her as a monster, that's because she attracted Tianlei, and Tianlei was the most mysterious and unfathomable thing in their eyes.

Mo Ling still had a heart-warming smile on his face, "Where are you going? The prince just happens to have nothing to do so we can go together."

Long Yao refused with a smile: "Thank you, Seventh Prince, for your kindness! I'm going to the Sijin Bureau to pick up something, so I won't bother His Highness Seventh Prince! Farewell."

She doesn't want to have too much contact with these people who have other purposes for her.

The Seventh Prince who was in the Peacock Garden is no longer the same person as the purposeful Seventh Prince.

Ambitious people will change with the change of form, and the Seventh Prince is such a person.

He will flatter anyone because of his needs, no matter whether the person is a person of lower status than himself.

Long Yao doesn't have a good impression of such a person, it's better to stay away from him.

"Master, is this person too ungrateful?"

Xiao Baozi defended his master against injustice.

His master has searched for her for a long time, but he has never seen his master care so much about any woman?
"It doesn't matter if such a unique woman spends more time? A good hunter must be patient enough! Let's go!"

Mo Ling looked at Long Yao's back and smiled faintly, such an interesting woman was worth his trouble.

Maybe the current Mo Ling is the real Mo Ling?
Long Yao arrived at the Sijin Bureau, stood in front of the door, and finally stepped into the threshold.

In the past, Long Yao was bullied here, and finally she couldn't bear to resist and lost her life. Now she doesn't feel any special when she comes back.

As soon as Long Yao arrived in the courtyard, she was stared at by pairs of fiery eyes, especially looking at the female official uniform on her body, her eyeballs were about to fall off.

At this time, a woman pushed aside the crowd and walked in. Seeing Long Yao in front of her, she sneered disdainfully, "Hey! Isn't this Long Yao? He's not dead yet?"

Long Yao was so impressed with her, it was this woman who wanted to climb high, tried her best to curry favor with the imperial concubine, and pushed her out as a shield.

"Chen Luoyan, it's okay for you to see me being rude, but you still speak rudely! How should I punish you?"

Long Yao took two steps without haste, feeling full of oppression.

She is no longer the Long Yao from before, want to bully her again?So whimsical!
Chen Luoyan snorted coldly, "I specialize in making jewelry for imperial concubines, you are not qualified to order me anything! So what if you are a female official? Didn't you come here to curry favor with the pure concubine? I don't care about this kind of official position that I get for nothing. !"

In fact, she was so jealous to death!Why has she been flattering her for so long, she is still a little court lady, and the official position promised to her by the imperial concubine has not been realized at all.

The assessment of female officials not only requires super-high skills, but also profound knowledge. Chen Luoyan is just a woman from an ordinary family, so she definitely has no knowledge, and her skills are only available.

The imperial concubine wanted to promote her as a female official so as to win her over, but because she didn't have the authority to manage the harem, she couldn't fulfill her verbal promise to Chen Luoyan.

So up to now, Chen Luoyan is still just a court lady, but she has been promoted to a first-class court lady.

Long Yao had no choice but to let Concubine Chun keep this talent because the things she made were too delicate, so she made an exception and promoted her as a female official.

The jewelry made by Chen Luoyan was favored by the imperial concubine, and they all copied Long Yao's ideas and drawings. This was the reason why she really framed Long Yao.

She wants to monopolize Longyao's achievements, gain the appreciation of the imperial concubine and the emperor, and achieve the goal of climbing high.

"Really? Since you are so disdainful, I will teach you what rules are!"

Snapped!Long Yao raised her hand and slapped her.

"This is a lesson for you to be rude when you see a Shangguan. You have learned the rules of the palace for nothing!"

Snapped!Another slap!

"This is beating you for contempt for the imperial power! The official position of this official is through the emperor, and the emperor also approves it! In your eyes, it becomes disdainful!"

Long Yao didn't intend to spoil her, she didn't come back this time to be angry.

(End of this chapter)

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