Chapter 542 Leaving the Palace
Mo Xun understood Long Yao's concerns, nodded and said, "I'll go! I just don't trust you to stay in the palace alone."

He has already experienced the darkness in this palace, and Yaoyao has no martial arts, what if she is persecuted?
Long Yao was amused by his serious look, this kid started to worry about her affairs now?
"Don't worry, I'll be fine! Even if I don't have the skills, you still don't know my skills?"

She doesn't have many other things in her hand, but there is a lot of poison. She doesn't know how to fight with others. Could it be that she doesn't know how to sprinkle medicine powder?
Thinking of Long Yao's ability, Mo Xun finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I can rest assured, you must wait for me to come back."

Mo Xun arched into Long Yao's arms and hugged her coquettishly. He didn't look like Shura when he killed someone just now.

"I am a female officer and cannot leave the palace. I will wait here for your return."

Long Yao looked up at the starry night, she was about to stay in this cage-like palace for many years.

The next day.

The emperor stared gloomyly at Zhou Zheng and Liu Yunhong who were kneeling on the ground. What happened to the palace where he lived?There are almost two assassinations every three days, it's okay!Do you really think that the emperor is dead?

"What else can you two say to argue?" the emperor said in a deep voice.

Mo Xun stood aside and waited for him, the emperor, how to deal with this matter.

After he left, he must leave a safe space for Yaoyao.

"Your Majesty, this subordinate has neglected his duties!" Zhou Zheng bowed his head and admitted his mistake, which is the right time to admit his mistake.

Liu Yunhong also bowed his head and said nothing. The deployment of Meihua Palace was arranged by Commander Zhou, and they were not allowed to approach, and they didn't know what was going on.

"Since that's the case, Zhou Zheng should go home and contemplate the past behind closed doors! Let Liu Yunhong take over everything, let's go down!"

The emperor is not a fool, the Zhou family grows stronger year by year, and it just so happened to kill their prestige this time.

Zhou Zheng raised his head in disbelief, seeing the ugly face of the emperor, he had no choice but to suppress his unwillingness.

"It's Your Majesty!" Zhou Zheng didn't forget to give Liu Yunhong a hard look when he turned around and left the imperial study.

This time let him get cheap, he is really careless!
Liu Yunhong also saluted and left the Imperial Study Room.

Seeing that the father and son were left in the imperial study, Mo Xun said, "Your Majesty, I want to go to the army to practice. I can't bear such endless assassinations."

Mo Xun didn't save face for his father at all.

Is it just to punish that Zhou Zheng for pulling him down so casually?Isn't this punishment too easy?

The fat on the emperor's face froze immediately, "Alright! I'm sure!"

Since he wants to go to the military camp for training, let's go!
He was also thinking about the stability of his own palace. When he didn't recognize his son, there were not so many assassinations. The cause was the child, so he left.

The emperor didn't feel sorry for the child at all, but felt sorry for his own imperial power being threatened.

He also felt ashamed of Qi Baiying if he didn't recognize this child, but now that he recognizes him, whether he lives or dies depends on his own destiny.

Since he asked to go to the military camp, he let him go. If he survived, he might be able to do something.

Mo Xun cupped his fists and said, "Then thank you, Your Majesty!"

Facing this biological father, Mo Xun didn't feel any affection between father and son, only strangeness.

The emperor looked at the back of the child, his back was straight, as if nothing could stop his pace on the road ahead.

There is no prospect of this trip, and I hope to meet again one day!

one year later.

Mo Xun finally went to the military camp, leaving Long Yao alone in Meihua Palace.

Looking at the first letter from Mo Xun in his hand, his red lips raised slightly, "I knew you would be successful in the military camp."

This is Mo Xun's first letter to her after he went to the military camp for a year. It is full of interesting stories in the military camp and some words about missing her.

"My lord, the Empress Dowager wants you to visit the Compassion Palace."

A servant girl came to report.

Now Meihua Palace has become Mo Xun's exclusive residence, and the emperor also let Long Yao live here and let her take care of Mo Xun.

Mo Xun went to the military camp, only Long Yao lived in Meihua Palace, and because of her special status, no one dared to make trouble, so Long Yao passed a year peacefully.

Just after a year of peaceful days, the queen mother came to make trouble again.

"Then go!"

Led by the servant girl, Long Yao went down to the Palace of Compassion and Peace.

It was the first time for the Queen Mother to see Long Yao, and she really was a witch who charmed her master!

"I heard that it was you who charmed the emperor and made him ignore the government and often go to your Meihua Palace to stay?"

The women living in Meihua Palace really didn't have any good things, they were all witches who charmed the emperor.

There was one Concubine Liu back then, another Qi Baiying later, and another Long Yao this time?
Sure enough, that Meihua Palace shouldn't be kept!

"Queen Mother, I don't understand what you're talking about. It's true that His Majesty often goes to Meihua Palace, just to eat."

Long Yao is speechless to these women in the harem, what does she care about if the emperor is a stinky old man?He was the one who sloppily ate at the Meihua Palace, so what the hell did she do?

These harem women are intriguing all day long, they don't think about the people's livelihood in the world, but only want to fight for the favor of that stinky old man, is it interesting?

"Dining? Aijia sees that you have used some kind of charm technique, otherwise why would you not be able to kneel down to anyone? The entire palace will not be peaceful!"

The Empress Dowager has heard about Long Yao's special features. She has been cultivating herself in the Palace of Compassion and Ning, and has never seen this woman with her own eyes.

If it weren't for the women in the entire harem to complain to her, saying that they hadn't seen the emperor in the harem for more than a month, she would not be willing to come forward to make trouble for herself.

"The empress dowager's words are wrong. It is God's permission for an official not to kneel to anyone, and there is nothing that an official can do! As for the charm technique you mentioned, an official can't use it. Where in the palace is disturbed by an official? gone?"

She, Longyao, was born without bowing down to anyone, even in the world, let alone mere mortals!

Charm technique?She really doesn't know this kind of technique!

"You? This is sophistry! Someone! Pull this rebellious person out and stick him to death!"

The Empress Dowager was so blocked by her that she was speechless. She came here today to find fault with her. Who let her live in Meihua Palace!He even fed that little bastard!

That little bastard went to the military camp, which made her original plan to kill him come to nothing, and she was powerless in the military camp!
This time, she must get rid of this woman, so that that little bastard will have no peace in the barracks!
Long Yao smiled slightly, since they are courting death, no one can blame her!
A group of eunuchs rushed into the Compassionate Ning Palace, and before Long Yao could be caught, lightning and thunder flashed in the sky, and the arm-thick lightning struck directly above the Compassionate Ning Palace.

The entire Compassionate Ning Palace was shrouded in a lightning net, and the roaring thundercloud turned into a thunder dragon and swept across the Compassionate Ning Palace.

The originally magnificent Compassionate Palace turned into ruins in the blink of an eye, and all the eunuchs and maids in the palace were chopped into charcoal. The Empress Dowager stood in the ruins, her whole body was pitch-black, only a pair of frightened and wide-eyed eyes were exposed.

impossible!impossible!Can she really attract thunder?
The queen mother was trembling all over, looking at the charred bodies of eunuchs and maids on the ground, she was really scared!

(End of this chapter)

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