Chapter 10 Almost laughed out loud

"Elder Cangsu, disciple Jiuyu is here to receive this year's treasure."

Cang Su was wearing a gray robe, and his appearance was too old to be a cultivator, but Jiuyu dared not despise him in any way.

Jiuyu, who has been resurrected for a lifetime, knows more secrets than others.One of them is about Elder Cangsu.It can be said that the two most powerful people in the Changyue Sect are Jiuyu's master and Elder Cangsu.

Cang Su lifted his eyelids, looked at Jiuyu with his cloudy eyes, and then swipe the identity token casually and threw it to Jiuyu.

Jiuyu hurriedly ran to take the token, but she was very good-tempered and didn't say anything.

Xiqin breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this scene.No matter how much a person changes, the change will not be too great.And the details won't lie, her senior sister is still that kind-hearted person who doesn't need to be fooled to soften her heart.

I've just been pissed lately.

Seeing Jiuyu leave, Fu Baizhan hurried forward and handed over Xiqin's token.Elder Cangsu swiped it, and the next moment the token drew a graceful arc, accidentally hitting the corner of Xiqin's skirt.

Xiqin was stunned, although it didn't hurt, but the feeling of being insulted made her eyes overflow with tears.

"You, you are too much! An old man looking at the treasure house really thinks that we honor you as an elder, so you really think you are an elder?" Fu Baizhan scolded anxiously.

Elder Cangsu closed his eyes directly, not bothering to talk to him, Fu Baizhan became even more arrogant, and he grabbed Elder Cangsu's collar all of a sudden...

The voice behind was very noisy, Jiuyu didn't need to know what was going on.

In the previous life, Elder Cangsu did often throw Jiuyu's disciple tokens around. At that time, Jiuyu thought Elder Cangsu was very strange, but the status of Jiuyu's senior sister prevented her from getting angry, so she never cared about it.Now Elder Cangsu has also attacked others, and they can't bear it all at once.

Why didn't they think about it, Jiuyu had just taught his younger brother a lesson, and was suddenly treated like this by Elder Cangsu, why he obediently came back with the token.

How did such a group of stupid guys join the Changyue Sect?
Jiuyu thinks about it and finds it ridiculous. Jiuyu has already experienced a lot of what they have experienced, and no one has stood up to speak for her.

Jiuyu didn't know whether to be sad or happy for a moment.

The identity token gradually glowed, guiding her to a black box.When she stood up, the scratch landed on the box with a whoosh.

The box was slowly opened, and a refreshing smell spread. Jiuyu sniffed, and the spiritual energy in his body flowed five minutes faster.

Jiuyu blinked her eyes, the beautiful Yu Ruyi was only the size of a palm, but she was white and translucent all over, and there was mist flowing in it.

The most important thing about Yu Ruyi is not Yu Ruyi, but the good luck in it.

Jiuyu could clearly remember how Xiqin's wishes came true after she got this sliver of good luck!This is one of her most important golden fingers in the early stage and even in the later stage!

Jiuyu made a tactic with both hands, and carefully took out the good luck in Yu Ruyi, when Xinhuo suddenly appeared, Jiuyu's eyelids twitched, and before he could stop it, Xinhuo happily swallowed it in one gulp.The color of the fire seemed to be dyed with a touch of jade.

"My good luck is gone?" Jiuyu was stunned for a few seconds.What's even more puzzling is that there hasn't been any big change in the anger at all.

Jiuyu's wishful thinking is almost shattered.She could only comfort herself, but luckily she was swallowed by her heart fire.If it was taken by Xiqin, it would be miserable.

After the good luck was swallowed, Yu Ruyi still looked the same as when Jiu Yugang opened the box, nothing changed.

Jiuyu felt the speed of spiritual energy flowing in her body, and she suddenly froze for a moment.

Every treasure that Wei Qing gave was invaluable, and the most common elixir was Xisui Pill.These things are given according to the annual assessment. Jiuyu gave Xiqin all the things in the past, and he didn't look at them carefully at all.

Now that she took Yu Ruyi, Jiuyu's heart stirred up a huge wave, and she knew why Wei Qing gave her Yu Ruyi.

Because he knew that Jiuyu was in a place where the aura was insufficient, and he knew that Jiuyu was starting to struggle in cultivation.If you have Yu Ruyi, Jiuyu can practice faster even in a bad place!The good luck among them can make up for Jiuyu's lack of treasures!

No wonder, no wonder that after Weiqing left the customs, she asked about Yu Ruyi, and never cared about her again.

"Master, in this life, I will never let you down again!" Jiuyu carefully put away Yu Ruyi.Even though it was just a small box, she felt that it weighed a thousand catties.

When she went downstairs, she suddenly found...the backs of Fu Baizhan and Xiqin leaving in embarrassment.If you think about it, you will know that there must have been a good show just now!
Elder Cangsu still looked like he was too lazy to open his eyelids, this time he spoke very indifferently: "If you also want to challenge me, an old man, you can challenge me, I want to see, who dares to make trouble again today! "

The disciples cringed, obviously terrified.Jiuyu almost laughed out loud.

She walked to the door and pretended to be puzzled and asked, "What happened just now? Why didn't the younger brothers and younger sisters go to get the treasure?"

When the frightened disciples saw her coming out, they immediately found the backbone.Someone boldly said: "Senior Sister! You have figured it out! You don't know, just now Cang Su, who had practiced a few years more than us, beheaded Xiqin and Fu Bai, and ordered them not to come to Baoge again Step! He is just a gatekeeper, yet he is so arrogant! You have to make decisions for Xiqin and the others!"

In the sect, Xiqin is the little pitiful that everyone loves. The little pitiful was bullied, so of course everyone wanted to stand up for her.In the past, Jiuyu didn't need them to tell him, he did it directly.

Everyone naturally put their expectations on Jiuyu.Even if I occasionally heard about the secret realm and Chuyue residence, I still felt that she was only a passing moment.

"What!" The woman's face changed slightly, as if extremely shocked.

"This treasure pavilion belongs to Sect Master Weiqing, yet Cang Su dares to teach the disciples of the Sect Master directly!" The person who spoke watched Jiuyu teach the ordinary disciple.

He concluded that Jiuyu would definitely use sharper words to address Elder Cangsu.

Sure enough, there was a hint of anger on Juemei's face, and she said: "Elder Cangsu, I apologize to you on behalf of my juniors and younger sisters. It's all my fault that I care too much. Master went to retreat again, and no one disciplined him. They will You have no respect for your elders, and openly provoked the elders in front of Baoge, please don't get angry."

Jiuyu slowed down his voice slightly, and took out the jade Ruyi he had just obtained.

"This item is the jade Ruyi of Immortal Ruyi. Although it has lost the effect of the magic weapon, it can speed up the speed of spiritual energy. I also ask Elder Cangsu to accept it and treat it as their atonement."

(End of this chapter)

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