Chapter 29 Her Heart Knot
Xiqin and Fu Baizhan searched for demons for a few more days, and many disciples practicing behind closed doors were disturbed, but they couldn't find anything.I wanted to see everyone's storage bags, but this time, no one refused.

Xiqin was heartbroken and lost a lot of weight.

Jiuyu became more curious after hearing this.

"What did you take her for?"

Jiuyu took all the treasures that Xiqin didn't need now.Although the ferocious beast inner alchemy and animal bones are precious, they are used to cultivate ferocious beasts, and the lowest requirement for ferocious beasts is the heaven rank.

Other Nascent Soul Pills, as well as masks, require the lowest level of cultivation to complete the Golden Pill.As for the kung fu, Xiqin hasn't practiced the lower part yet, so she probably didn't realize that the lower part was gone.

If it was because of these, Xiqin would not be so sad at all!
Qin Ruoxian huddled in the tortoise shell and couldn't get out, and didn't answer.Jiuyu was speechless, but he also knew that he was Wei Qing who was afraid of going out at any time.

As the days approached day by day, Qin Ruoxian couldn't bear it anymore.

"We have three days left before the Yishimen Grand Competition. Ning Jie should not be able to hold on anymore. When will you get the Hidden Breath Jade?"

The reason why Qin Ruoxian was able to stay here for so long was all because of Ning Jie helping him to cover it up, but the most important thing in a sect is the first disciple, and it is impossible to disappear for too long.

Jiuyu was silent for a while.Weiqing hasn't left the customs yet, she doesn't want to disturb Weiqing in her heart.

Seeing her hesitation, Qin Ruoxian added more strength: "Your junior sister is the child of luck, no one will believe you if you tell anyone, but I am the only one who believes in you. I will know if you find me I'm bewitched, and I know the danger I'm in now.

Today, I, Qin Ruoxian, swear to the sky, if you help me get through this difficult time, I will definitely kill her by the sword if I have the chance in the future! "

There is a firm force in the man's voice.Jiuyu was stunned, a warm current flowed through his heart.Obviously she and Qin Ruoxian didn't meet much, but they had an inexplicable tacit understanding.

"Okay, you wait for me here."

Jiuyu took a deep look at the turtle shell and put it on the table.

Weiqing is now the representative of the righteous way, if Qin Ruoxian is found out, Jiuyu doesn't know how to explain it.The matter of rebirth is too vague, and the foretelling is also nothingness.

Except for a lunatic like Qin Ruoxian, who would believe what she said?

The place where Weiqing retreats is underground, Jiuyu came to the door, but she didn't dare to take a step forward.

Wei Qing is a very responsible master.Even after he practiced the ruthless way and his feelings became more and more indifferent, he still remembered to take care of Jiuyu.

However, Jiuyu believed in Xiqin and did not believe in him, which led to a tragedy.Although it wasn't caused by Jiuyu, Jiuyu still feels uncomfortable every time he thinks of Weiqing Daobeng's death.

"Master..." She called out, unable to restrain the guilt in her heart, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"There are still three days left before the Grand Competition, is it because something happened to the sect that you came here?" Wei Qing was dressed in white, even in an underground cave, she couldn't hide her dusty aura.

His eyes are like stars, vast and ruthless, with a feeling that he can see through all falsehoods in the world.

It was difficult for almost everyone to look at him, afraid of his eyes.

"Your cultivation base has increased a lot, it seems that the knot in your heart has been resolved." Wei Qing nodded, seemingly satisfied.

Jiuyu cried even more when he heard it.Wei Qing didn't say anything, but she knew that her stagnation in cultivation had something to do with her knot in her heart.

But after Jiuyu was reborn, she forgot what her knot was... She had another knot.

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Weiqing sighed, and Jiuyu felt a hand gently patting her back.

After Jiuyu was picked up, she has never been so intimate with Weiqing.This time, she just wanted to cry in Weiqing's arms.

Jiuyu thought that Xiqin was her relative, but she was wrong.It was Wei Qing who picked her up and thought of her everywhere, but it was a pity that she let Wei Qing down.

"Master, are you disappointed in your disciple?"

Jiuyu cried enough, raised her head, and looked at the indifferent man with red and swollen eyes.

Weiqing looks very young, but he watched Jiuyu grow up.It was also watching her restrain her radiance step by step, pampering another child who was about her age.As a result, my path of cultivation was abruptly stagnated.

Weiqing has never blamed her, and she also knows that she has a knot in her heart.

"It's good if you figure it out. Practice hard in the future, and when you become stronger, you will definitely be able to do what you want to do."

What Jiuyu wanted to do was to hope that Master would not be persecuted.She nodded quickly, wiped her tears and remembered the business: "Master, I came to you because I had a dream..."

Wei Qing's eyes were faint, but he couldn't see what he was thinking.

Jiuyu deliberately emphasized: "People who cultivate immortals don't dream easily. As long as they dream, there will be great things happening. And the more detailed the dream, the more effective it will be. The things I dreamed are extremely clear, so clear to the point of fear."

Weiqing looked at Jiuyu quietly, Jiuyu gritted his teeth and told about Chang Yuezong and Weiqing.

"I dreamed that there was a source of disaster in our Changyue Sect. One day in the future, that person will come from the Xiangu Dojo. He will kill everyone in the sect, and you, Master, will also be there at that time. , being entangled by the love they brought from the ancient immortal way, if you indulge, the ruthless way will break, if you resist, you will die..."

What Jiuyu said was extremely uncomfortable, it was a memory she regretted extremely painfully, and it caused her a hundred times more pain than Xiqin killing her.She doesn't want this to happen from the bottom of her heart, but she also knows the power of Shangguan Ming and the power of Xiqin's protagonist halo.

She had to tell Weiqing in advance to make him take precautions.

Wei Qing's face was serious: "What else?"

Jiuyu described Shangguan Ming's appearance in detail, and even drew his portrait and his identity.

The most important thing is the chance of Xiangu Dojo.

"The Immortal Dojo has been opened three times between heaven and earth. This time, it is the dojo for the famous Battle of Immortals and Devils. There is a formula in it, called Seizing Immortal Technique. It can win everyone's celestial fate. This is Shangguan's order The biggest harvest in Xiangu Dao.

It was on the body of Arm Xu, a vicious traitor from Xianmen. Arm Xu did not have his own mansion in Xiangu Dojo, and his corpse was broken on the battlefield and picked up by the corpse guard.In addition to Seizing Immortal Art, there are also artifacts, and the Collection of Ten Thousand Laws is also there, which is located at the front of No.30 Nine Paths..."

Based on his memory and various rumors, Jiuyu sorted out a guide about the Xiangu Dojo.

In the previous life, many things were taken away by Shangguan Ming, and he was harmed by Xiqin, and these things were taken by Xiqin again.

This time, the person Jiuyu wants to get him is Weiqing!

Even if Wei Qing didn't believe it at first, he had to believe it later.

Many of what Jiuyu said matched his news, and his news was not even as detailed as Jiuyu's.

"Master, if one of these things falls into the hands of others, we will have a little more life!" Jiuyu's eyes flickered, and there was hope in his eyes.

Weiqing nodded: "Since you have known about the future, it means that God has given us a chance, and this matter is left to us elders. You don't have to worry too much."

Even though Weiqing heard that she was broken, she was still indifferent.It seems that he doesn't care about these things, and even treats Jiuyu as a child.

(End of this chapter)

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