After the rebirth of Senior Sister Xianmen, she had HE with the villain

Chapter 319 [Special Episode 9] The Way of Heaven

Chapter 319 [Fan Wai Nine] The Way of Heaven

When the world first opened, the rules and everything in this world gathered into the Dao of Heaven.Tiandao has no gender, let alone a body. Tiandao is ruthless and desireless, and looks at everything in the world indifferently and calmly.

Everything is gray and white in the eyes of Tiandao.In other words, the way of heaven is like the central processing unit that humans talk about in the poor.

The job of Heaven is to manage the rules of heaven and earth well.The rest, whether people are going to die or the world is going to be destroyed, has nothing to do with him.

Over the years, many people have been seeking the Tao wholeheartedly, but only one or two people have come to the way of heaven.The only thing Tiandao remembers is the man named Wang Xianzun.

His fate is very strange, he seems to be lonely, but not alone.He is a member of the legendary sin clan...

The sinners, a long time ago, were rejected by the whole world.A heaven-defying hatred fell on Tiandao.Tiandao didn't feel anything, but that person always wanted to kill Tiandao...

In fact, Heaven has never had its own subjective wishes, but human hearts reject them, so heaven and earth also reject them.At that time, Wang Xianzun didn't seem to understand, and it was impossible for Tiandao to explain.

So... Wang Xianzun was full of hatred, and brought the few remaining members of the sin clan, and almost turned the sky upside down.The whole world was smashed by them, and no one can become a fairy after them.

Later, when Wang Xianzun reached the extreme, he kept looking up various things, and he seemed to understand that all this was not caused by the way of heaven at all.He was depressed for a long time...

Heavenly Dao didn't punish them. In fact, Tiandai didn't care what these people were thinking at all.

Heaven has been falling into a deep sleep, and its will is floating in various worlds.Some became people, some became things.When they die, they return to their original form.

The things they bring back will be disposed of by Tiandao as garbage.It's all very well balanced.Until a strange creature came to this world.Her body was shrouded in a warm light, and in Tiandao's eyes, she was colorful.

This is very strange.Tiandao even sensed that she was ruthless and desireless, she was essentially the same as himself, and even she already had an aura of nascent heaven.

It was the first time Tiandao met the same kind, so he was inevitably a little curious.

So, it saw Wang Xianzun coaxing the child to dig out his heart.This Wang Xianzun, who is admired by everyone, is indeed dignified, but does that little girl really not know that he is lying?
At this moment, she handed over a heart.For the first time, the two words "beautiful" emerged in Tiandao's heart.It looked for a long time, but did not answer.

Taking over the heart means that it will become a human being, a living being, and have a relationship with the person in front of it.

She fell down slowly in disappointment, with obsession in her eyes.At this moment, a strange emotion burst out in Tiandao's heart.It is so curious, why would a person who is about to become the Heavenly Dao of that world give up all this and make it a human...

It took over the heart and read the memory of the consciousness that it was about to treat as garbage.

So, it became him.

Tiandao had a heart, and he became curious like that person.However, what he was curious about was not the world, but that person.

He had a hunch that that person would definitely come here.He waited for a long time, and she finally came!The color of her soul is different from others, Tiandao recognized her at a glance, every time he saw her, his heart would beat violently.


"You are the most special person to me." Qi Su brought Jiuyu into a room, which was filled with all kinds of crystals, and the most eye-catching one was the colored stones in the middle.

"This is the spar formed by your memory. Do you want to see it?" On this day, he finally brought Jiuyu here.

Jiuyu nodded: "Okay. Actually, I really want to see how we met."

Tiandao was able to turn into a human for her and go down to overcome the tribulation, Jiuyu was very moved.Especially knowing that they have been in love for a long time, I don't know why there is a strange feeling.

"Come on." The colored stones exuded brilliance, Jiuyu stretched out her arms, touched them slightly, and those memories that she had forgotten flooded into her mind at once.

She remembered everything in the past.I remembered... It turns out that Tiandao's heart is her heart!It turned out that from the very beginning, the way of heaven became human because of her.

The picture like a tide rushes towards our face.It is more of a picture of her and Tiandao living together in this world.

The sun shines on the curtains, and Tiandao will always be by her side no matter what happens. The two have walked hand in hand for many years.

If it weren't for the fact that Tiandao hadn't fully grown up, they wouldn't have to go through the calamity at all.

Now that the tribulation has been successfully overcome, Jiuyu and Tiandao can really stay together forever.

The only thing she cares about is Wei Qing, that is, Wang Xianzun.

"A long time ago, Wang Xianzun misunderstood you and made the world into this situation. He took the initiative to make this agreement. Did he already know that he would he wanted to make up for that world."

Jiuyu frowned.

She used to have very complicated emotions towards Weiqing.On the one hand, she is her own master, on the other hand, she is her own enemy.But now that she remembered all the memories, her heart became very peaceful.

Finally, I can look at Weiqing from a comprehensive perspective.

A light flashed in Qi Su's eyes: "Actually, he hasn't left either. He has become the plants and trees of that world, the aura and luck of that world...

After a period of time, he will become the Heavenly Dao of that world. "

Jiuyu's calm mood fluctuated slightly: "Really?"

Qi Su smiled: "Really."

Jiuyu was originally the holy spirit who was about to become the Heavenly Dao in that world, but she gave up that identity and dedicated her heart to the Heavenly Dao. Now she has no possibility of becoming the Heavenly Dao.

But that world still needs the Dao of Heaven.

A long time ago, that smart man had already figured out his own way after seeing Jiuyu's actions.Now he has got his wish.

"Let's go, let's take a good look at the house we lived in before." Qi Su and Jiuyu were about to leave when Jiuyu received a call.

"Ning Jie, is there something wrong?"

"Something happened to Jing Ming! He was locked up in a mental hospital. I wanted to pick him up, but they wouldn't let me pick him up, and asked me to pay..."

Jiuyu and Qi Su looked at each other.

"Why is it him again!" Qi Su, who was fine at first, suddenly frowned.

"He has no relatives here, I'd better go and see him."

Qi Su looked at Jiuyu eagerly, and Jiuyu turned his head cruelly.Don't think she doesn't know, Tiandao itself has no character, Qi Su is like this, it's all because of what Jiuyu likes, he will become what he likes.

She doesn't like this!don't eat!

(End of this chapter)

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