Chapter 35 The Thunder Is Too Loud to Hear

Jiuyu stared at him, and said coldly: "What do you think of me? In your heart, am I the one who can rubbing other people's exercises?"

Feng Yinnian bit the bullet and said: "That's not what I meant. [A Thousand Spirits' Enlightenment Jue] is the skill that you worked hard for Xiqin, and it is the most suitable for her. Now it is lost. After Xiqin enters the Nascent Soul, his cultivation will stagnate. .So can you tell me the location where you found the [Thousand Spirits Success Jue], as well as various details, and I will find it for her."

Feng Yinnian was always apologetic, but what he said was ruthless.

At this moment, they already had a vague sense of confrontation, Jiuyu looked at him with a surprised expression: "Do you really want to know?"

Feng Yinnian nodded without hesitation.

"You said that I came here with all my might, why should I tell you this news? Do I have to go back because of the things you gave me?"

It's not that Jiuyu can't afford silk, she is very rich now.But she is not happy!

"Then senior sister, what do you think should be done?" Feng Yinnian knew he was wrong and didn't argue.

"Don't you know how much news about a local cultivation method is worth in the cultivation world?" Jiuyu said very calmly.

Feng Yinnian went out to practice, so he naturally understood the rules of the cultivation world.He took out a bag of Lingshi, Jiuyu looked at it, and then told him the news.

Feng Yinnian took his clothes and left, his running back looked like a parent cleaning up the mess for his children.

He knew that he was unreasonable, but he still defended Xiqin eccentrically.After today, even their superficial relationship may be broken.

Jiuyu persuaded Feng Yinnian, but he refused to listen.It is also impossible for Jiuyu to tell him heartbreakingly what will happen to his daughter-in-law and children in the future.At most, when he meets his wife in the future, Jiuyu will find a way to keep them from being together, so maybe they won't die.

Jiuyu silently entered Chuyueju, and silently burned the lower part of the [Qian Ling Cheng Dao Jue]...

She had worked so hard to get this skill back then, but it was still a lonely copy, but it really disappeared after being burned.

Chang Yuezong suddenly had a strong wind, lightning and thunder.It seemed that even the heavens were condemning her behavior at this time. 【The Art of Enlightenment of Thousand Spirits】had laid the foundation for Xiqin, so she could have the achievement of almost becoming a fairy later on. If the nine jades were burned, Xiqin would have difficulty finding a suitable exercise for her for a while, and her cultivation would definitely stagnate.

But Jiuyu ignored the sky and went to the house to continue burning.

This is her thing!She worked so hard to get here!Xiqin just sits back and enjoys what she has achieved, and doesn't think of any kindness, so why should she think about her!

The lightning flashed across, illuminating her indifferent expression.This [Thousand Spirits Enlightenment Jue] finally turned to ashes.


Feng Yinnian went back with the things, and told Xiqin that he had obtained the [A Thousand Spirits' Enlightenment Jue], and Xiqin immediately showed a happy smile.

When asked how Feng Yinnian made Jiuyu tell the news, Feng Yinnian's expression became very strange.Xiqin asked quickly, and when she heard the sky-high price of spirit stones, she was so angry that she vomited blood again.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, reflecting her pale face.

"Jiuyu!" She murmured tremblingly, she was absolutely sure, this is a time traveler who came from nowhere!
Jiuyu gave her all the treasures before, and never cared about anything.Especially the martial arts, Xiqin got it for nothing.At this time, it cost a sky-high price to buy the news, and Xiqin felt very heartbroken.

"Brother, she's not Jiuyu, she's not Jiuyu!" Xiqin said weakly, holding Feng Yinnian's hand.

Feng Yinnian nodded distressedly, and echoed: "I know, she is not."

"Brother, I must find a way to get the real senior sister back!"

The thunder roared, as if it wanted to pierce through people's eardrums. Xiqin looked in the direction of Chuyueju, gritted his teeth and said: "Senior brother, you must defeat her in the Zongmen Grand Competition and get the Bone Pill. This is my A method found for you."

Xiqin distressedly gave Feng Yinnian the lore technique left to her by Shangguan Ming, and Feng Yinnian got it, and his expression gradually became extremely shocked.

Xiqin hated Jiuyu even more.

If it wasn't for this damn timetraveler, she should have been favored by all her brothers and sisters!She doesn't even need to work hard to get the Bone Off Pill!

It's all her fault, it's all her fault!She shouldn't be there!

Xiqin didn't think about it at all, but this is actually her senior sister.It was Jiuyu, but she had changed.Because some of Xiqin's behaviors have completely changed...

She never felt that she did something wrong, on the contrary she was wronged.Obviously, he had tried his best to dispel Jiuyu's anger, but in the end Jiuyu changed into another person, and the oil and salt did not enter.


The big competition on the second day of Changyuezong started in the pouring rain.Xiqin, as the contestant on the second day, did not participate in the competition.Feng Yinnian specially found Elder Cangsu for her, and explained the current situation.

"Xiqin's cold is not recovering, and he is too weak to participate in the competition in the rain. Can the elder push back the time?" Feng Yinnian looked worried, and Elder Cangsu picked his ears.

"What are you talking about? The thunder is too loud for me to hear."

Feng Yinnian took a deep breath and said, "Let me tell you, Xiqin's cold is still not healed, and the weather is cold now, so it's not suitable for the competition in the rain. Can we postpone it for a few days?"

Elder Cangsu tilted his head: "What? When did you say it will start? It will start when all the disciples arrive!"

The disciples are coming one after another, even in the thunderstorm, you can still see their excitement and eagerness to try.Many of them have been preparing for the Zongmen Grand Competition for many years, and they can't wait to show their talents.

Feng Yinnian frowned, and repeated it again. Elder Cangsu still wanted to pretend to be stupid, so he heard a female voice beside him say calmly: "Junior Brother, the rules of the sect are here, if it is changed by one person, then our Changyue Sect It will become a joke in the entire cultivation world.”

Of course Feng Yinnian knew, but compared with Xiqin in the sect, he must have chosen Xiqin.

"Yesterday, Xiqin was so angry that it happened to be raining. She fell ill without Nuanyu when she had a cold attack. If she participated in the big competition, she would regret it so reluctantly. I don't want her to regret."

Jiuyu exclaimed, "A cultivator is so weak! How pitiful she is!"

Feng Yinnian frowned, feeling uncomfortable. Just as he was about to speak, Jiuyu turned to Elder Cangsu and said, "She is so pitiful. Why don't we postpone the competition."

Jiuyu and Elder Cangsu jointly deal with the matter of the Zongmen Dabi, and when she opened her mouth, Elder Cangsu's expression became uneasy.He thought that Jiuyu was finally awake, but he was still so confused!

Feng Yinnian didn't expect Jiuyu to speak for Xiqin, so he froze for a moment.

"However, Junior Brother should persuade those disciples who are waiting for the big competition in the rain. As long as they all agree, Elder Cangsu will also agree. Elder Cangsu, are you right?"

Elder Cangsu nodded quickly: "Of course! Isn't the Zongmen Grand Competition just for disciples?"

 thump thump thump passed by for some reason... Speak casually, even if you are talking to yourself.

  In the past few days, the manuscripts have been released regularly in the early morning.What, you ask the author?The author doesn't dare to look at the grades and has already escaped... Weak, pitiful and helpless
(End of this chapter)

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