Chapter 55 Clues
In the fairy mansion, the candle in Feng Yinnian's storage bag flickered and went out instantly.Feng Yinnian took it out nervously, but the candle started to burn again.

The blazing flame seemed to be revived, and Feng Yinnian breathed a sigh of relief.

In another part of the mansion, Ning Jie didn't go directly to find Chance as he told Xiqin.He looked for people everywhere and asked these disciples who came from outside.

"Did you hear anything when you came here?"

The disciple gave him a strange look and began to speak.

At the same time, a very familiar woman appeared in front of a disciple of the Ascension Immortal Sect.

"Don't you want these opportunities?" Jing Ming entered the Treasure Pavilion here alone.The Treasure Pavilion was tightly sealed, and Jing Ming has been researching the way to crack it.

"I really don't want a chance."

The opportunity of grass and trees is of no use to the mind-cultivating Jiuyu.Jiuyu doesn't need all the treasures here.Her real opportunity has not yet appeared.

Under Jingming's question, Jiuyu said confidently:
"I'm here to join in the fun, you continue to break your formation."

Jing Ming is talented, intelligent and rebellious, and he is one of the most outstanding young disciples.Although he died as cannon fodder in the end, Jiuyu did not underestimate him.

"Go on." Jiuyu urged, and Jingming suddenly didn't want to break the formation.

"If you came here to give Fengyin years, I can tell you. It was not because of the reason why he was expelled from the Yuhua Xianmen that he was expelled from the Yuhua Xianmen. Our Yuhua Xianmen is worthy of him!"

Jing Ming stood with his hands behind his back, standing there firmly, the unique arrogance of the Yuhua Xianmen rushed to his face.

Jiuyu was taken aback.

Feng Yin was in the Feng Clan when he was young, and later entered the Yuhua Immortal Sect, but was expelled because he was not a member of the Feng Clan.There were also some things that happened at that time. Since then, Feng Yinnian has always had complicated feelings about Yuhua Xianmen.

"I'm not here for him, I just want to see how you break the immortal's formation. Break it quickly!" Jiuyu urged, Jing Ming didn't move.

He is the eldest disciple of Yuhua Xianmen, even though Jiuyu is also an eldest disciple.But according to the ranking of Xianmen, Jingming is one point higher among the two of them.

Jiuyu asked him to do something, and he did it. Wouldn't it damage the name of Yuhua Xianmen?

"What do you want to do?" Jing Ming's tone gradually became cold, holding the sword with one hand.

Jiuyu looked helpless.She just wanted to see if the mirror inscription of Yuhua Xianmen could break the formation set up by the immortal.

She sighed slightly: "I didn't expect to be spotted by you. In fact, I came here to ask you about Qin Ruoxian who leans against the stone gate."

Jiuyu turned her head and took out a lot of talismans, Jingming immediately rang the alarm and stepped back a few steps, as if what she was holding was not a talisman, but something that threatened her life.

"It was given to everyone by Taoist Qianyi. I asked for it, and you have a share of it. Why is Jingming so nervous? Is there something wrong with this talisman?"

Jiuyu pretended not to understand, and even picked out most of the talismans and gave them to Jingming.

Jing Ming's face changed slightly, and he reached out to take the talisman without doubting Jiuyu's words.And this action just revealed something wrong with him.

"Of course there is nothing wrong." He took the talisman and looked very natural, but the clothes behind him were already soaked.

He knew what this talisman was about.Otherwise, why did he take the talisman without identifying it.

Jiuyu immediately confirmed this matter.

"He asked us to find Mo and Qin Ruoxian. I want to ask what happened?"

Jing Ming's hand holding the talisman was very stiff: "You belong to the Changyue Sect, right? What do you ask him for?"

The woman clearly showed a sense of coldness, but when she smiled mischievously, there was a sense of shyness, as if she was not the eldest sister of Chang Yuezong, but a little girl.

"I want to find him as a Taoist partner."

Jing Ming was very surprised, few people would say it so bluntly.Jiuyu's words just dispelled his suspicion, and he shook his head: "It probably won't work."

"Why? In just a few days since the ancient ruins were opened, he already had a new love?" Jiuyu frowned, worried that it might not be a fake.

Jing Ming's expression was very strange: "He was possessed, and he was seriously injured and disappeared. When the ancient ruins are opened again and we leave here, he will definitely be killed by the immortal gate formation."

Jiuyu's heart skipped a beat, and the worst outcome she expected had happened.

"Enchanted? This is impossible! What is going on? Jing Ming, can you tell me in detail?"

Jing Ming nodded: "This is not a secret among the group of people who entered the ancient ruins first. If you want to know, I will tell you."

Their two sects are the sects who came here the fastest, and they were also escorted by Taoist Qianyi.Unexpectedly, Taoist Qianyi attacked Qin Ruoxian the moment he arrived!Qin Ruoxian was knocked down a crack in the ruins.

And Jun Qianyi also told them one thing, Qin Ruoxian has the aura of the demon clan on him.He is possessed...

Coincidentally, that crack is the only one in the entire ancient ruins that leads to each ruin mansion.The ruins are very chaotic, some mansions have extremely high cultivation levels, and even Jun Qianyi can't be sure whether he died or was transported to other mansions.

Jiuyu always felt that Qin Ruoxian did not die so easily, he must be somewhere in the ruins.

There are still some doubts about this matter.For example, if Qin Ruoxian has the Hidden Breath Jade, Jun Qianyi should not be able to see it. What is the problem?
"Why did Daoist Qianyi tell us that he is missing, maybe there is a demon."

Jing Ming looked at the talisman subconsciously: "Perhaps, he is not sure, after all, the devil has not appeared in this world for a long time."

Jiuyu immediately understood the meaning of his actions.

If they were directly told that there was a demon, most of them would not look for it. Ordinary disciples would surely die if they encountered Mo Mo.Under such circumstances, Jun Qianyi added Qin Ruoxian.

Finding the missing Qin Ruoxian, isn't it easier than finding the devil?
In fact, this is to let them die...

"If Taoist Qianyi is not sure whether he is a demon, how can he hurt him? Taoist will not do such a foolish thing, right?"

Under Jiuyu's gaze, Jing Ming actually said: "The aura of a demon and a demon are the same. If Qin Ruoxian is haunted by a demon, he will also emit a demonic aura. The only difference is that the demon can be expelled." , Taoist Qianyi shot to expel him, who knew he fell through the gap, so I don't know whether he is a demon or is haunted by demons."

Jiuyu nodded thoughtfully.

"I see. I don't know if Jing Ming has any other clues?"

"Are you going to find him?"

"Even if he becomes a demon, I still have to see him before I'm reconciled. Magical talismans have life-saving effects, why don't you give them all to me? I can call Taoist Qianyi after I find Qin Ruoxian."

Jingming took a deep look at Jiuyu and nodded.The magic talisman is a hot potato, whoever holds it may die.

Jiuyu wanted it, of course he wouldn't stop it.

Jingming liked Jiuyu's behavior very much, and he said casually: "After all, this is a matter of his sect. You'd better leave this talisman to the person who leans against the stone gate for safekeeping."

(End of this chapter)

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