Chapter 58 Symptoms of Demon Possession

Qin Ruoxian was a little puzzled: "Why should I listen to you?"

Ning Jie couldn't help pricking up his ears.

Jiuyu said without changing his face: "Because I am your Taoist companion, if you listen to me, I will be happy. I am happy and you are happy too. Think about it, don't you?"

Qin Ruoxian frowned, thinking hard.Ning Jie couldn't bear to look at it anymore: "You are happy because you are happy! What's the matter with my brother?"

Jiuyu glared at him, and thought about it.

【Are you stupid?Now your senior brother is haunted by demons, we have to find a spell for him, can't we let him cooperate with us! 】

Ning Jie had to admit that Jiuyu was right.But...he was extremely unconvinced.

[My senior brother's companion will never be you! 】Ning Jie was so childish that Jiuyu almost wanted to beat him up.

【Qin Ruoxian is really bad at Yishimen, even his life can only be placed on such an unreliable disciple. 】

Ning Jie's face was ugly, he was annoyed and didn't know what to say.

The relationship between Ning Jie and Qin Ruoxian is actually not that good.As a senior brother, Qin Ruoxian is too strict.In fact, Ning Jie is secretly envious of Xiqin's relationship.

But in the Zongmen Grand Competition, Qin Ruoxian had something to leave, so he chose Ning Jie to cover it up!He didn't hide it from him this time, and even handed him the token. After he found out that Qin Ruoxian trusted him so much, he was very moved!
Each of these things, if it were Ning Jie, he would definitely hand them over to the closest people.

Ning Jie thought to himself: Eldest senior brother is usually strict with me, but unexpectedly he silently regards me as a family member!I must not live up to his trust!

At this moment, even Xiqin, whom he likes, was ranked behind Qin Ruoxian, and he only wanted to send Qin Ruoxian away.

But how to send it out, his mind was blank.He was only in his teens, facing the blockade of the god transformation stage, he could only pretend that he didn't know anything, and tried his best not to expose Qin Ruoxian's whereabouts.

[My brother is just not sober, not stupid, do you think he will believe what you say? 】Ning Jie put on airs, but his tone softened a lot.

"You're right, I'll listen to you." Qin Ruoxian nodded obediently, as naive as a large spirit beast.

Ning Jie: ...

Jiuyu didn't expect to be able to deceive him, so she breathed a sigh of relief.Since Qin Ruoxian cooperated, it would be much easier.

"Ruoxian is so kind! Can Ruoxian answer a question for me? Is Ruoxian here because there is a boundary talisman here?"

Jiuyu had long suspected that the reason why Qin Ruoxian came to this place was because there was a chance of his life here.

Under Ning Jie and Jiuyu's nervous gaze, Qin Ruoxian showed a confused look on his face.Jiuyu was very nervous.

Qin Ruoxian is now in a state of being possessed by a demon, all his memories should be chaotic.I don't know if he can remember it.

Qin Ruoxian turned around slowly, and chaotic auras appeared in front of her. They devoured each other extremely fiercely, but they could never wipe out all the auras.

Qin Ruoxian raised her hand and pointed in one direction: "I know, there is the secret of this ruin, as long as you solve its puzzle, you can leave from here."

Jiuyu asked eagerly, "What's the secret?"

Qin Ruoxian shook her head: "I don't know. I can't remember."

Ning Jie looked back and knew that it was not something they could move.

"Aren't you looking for a boundary symbol? Don't worry about the secret."

Jiuyu was a little disappointed, she nodded.

"Okay, then let's go out to find the boundary symbol first. You wait here obediently for us."

Jiuyu talked to Qin Ruoxian like coaxing a child, and Ning Jie became more and more angry.This is his mighty elder brother!
Qin Ruoxian took Jiuyu's hand slowly, raised her head with a sense of pity.

"No, I'll go with you."

Jiuyu felt a little helpless: "Didn't you just say you wanted to listen to me? Why don't you listen now?"

Qin Ruoxian was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice, "You said you would be happy if I listened to you, but you didn't laugh after I listened."

In such a tense atmosphere, Jiuyu was preoccupied with how to send Qin Ruoxian out safely.She froze for a moment, Qin Ruoxian's current performance really looked like a child of a few years old.Does he really have demons?The inner demon trapped him in his childhood?

She tried her best to show a smile: "I am very happy if Ruoxian can listen to me. Then Ruoxian will also listen to me, and I will continue to be happy."

Qin Ruoxian nodded in satisfaction, and twitched the corners of her mouth, revealing an expression that Ning Jie saw as a superficial smile.

Ning Jie shivered.

Both of them laughed so horribly that they felt like they were going to kill someone.

"Let's go!" Ning Jie repeatedly urged, and the two came to the door.

There is only one passage here, follow the past, and you will see a house.When they entered it, the densely packed water spheres hanging in the sky revealed pictures in the passages one by one.

Ning Jie just glanced at it, and he was dumbfounded.

"Xiqin! She, why did she come here!"

Jiuyu looked up, and sure enough, he saw Xiqin on one of the water polo.

"Give me the token." She stretched out her hand, and Ning Jie subconsciously held the stone tightly.

"What are you doing?"

Jiuyu said indifferently: "I'm going to kill her."

The token can control the aura of the tunnel, if you get Jiuyu, Xiqin will definitely die.

"You can't kill her!" Ning Jie looked at Jiuyu vigilantly, and took a few steps back.

"She was on the way we went out. If we met her, she would definitely suspect us. When she tells others, your senior brother will definitely die."

Ning Jie shook his head: "She doesn't know why we are here, no matter how much you hate her, you can't kill her."

In the water polo, Xiqin's words happened to be heard.

"Hmph, you dare to help the demons. When they fight for the inheritance of the immortal cave, I will attract everyone here. I see that you are the first disciple of the Changyue Sect, or you are still a street rat."

Xiqin stood at the entrance of the passage to resist the breath, and several spirit stones appeared in her hand.Looking at Xiqin's movements, Jiuyu knew that she was going to set up a large sealing formation here.

"Xiqin..." The cruelty on the woman's face in the picture didn't look like a fake, Ning Jie was stunned, more shocked than he was when he saw Jiuyu's change.

The kind Xiqin he likes, the Xiqin who is always considerate of everyone, the smart and lovely Xiqin, wants to seal them here.

Ning Jie comforted himself that Xiqin just didn't know she was here, but her thoughts became even more confused.

Ning Jie and Qin Ruoxian are brothers and sisters, Qin Ruoxian has a cold face every day, and the disciples of the sect don't like him very much, and Ning Jie is also like this.But Qin Ruoxian was willing to give his life to him.

Ning Jie is sure that if he and Qin Ruoxian must die, he will not want to harm Qin Ruoxian.After all, this is his senior brother!This is the person who carefully taught him when the master was not around.That's why he chose to help Qin Ruoxian, no matter whether he is a demon or not.

But... Xiqin grew up with Jiuyu, they are like sisters, she really wants Jiuyu...

"If you kill her, you will be punished after you go out. Let's expel her." Ning Jie said weakly, one white hand had already picked up the stone.

"She has the last talisman on her body, do you dare to bet that she will deliberately attract Jun Qianyi?"

Ning Jie's eyes were blank.

Jiuyu directly aroused the chaotic atmosphere here, and a violent force appeared in the passage instantly. Xiqin's eyes widened, and before he had time to react, his whole body was instantly reduced to ashes.

"No, Xiqin!"

 Make a wish on the recommendation ~ I hope it can be put on the shelves stably ~ (*/\*) Don’t kneel again~ Thank you little cuties for your recommendation tickets~


(End of this chapter)

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