Chapter 68

Xiao Xi has been ignoring him, just lying on the fluffy blanket.He was a little disappointed, but he made up his mind to bring Xiaoxi a panacea.

"Grandpa Wang, Sister Lin, I'm going down the mountain."

Sister Lin nodded and handed a package to him. Grandpa Wang also warned: "I don't know if there is still war outside, you must be careful when you go!"

The boy nodded: "I will definitely come back safely, don't worry!"

On the day he left, everyone saw him off at the gate of the village, even Jiuyu walked over slowly.A look of joy flashed across the boy's face when he saw her.

"Xiaoxi, you came to see me off too!"

Jiuyu: ...

She is a dog now!What does this person mean!
"You go, we will take good care of Xiaoxi."

The boy nodded movedly, and then left.His figure gradually disappeared at the end of the path, Jiuyu muttered: "The outside world is so prosperous, here is only a closed village, I'm afraid he won't want to come back after he goes out."

As soon as the words came out, there were a few woof woof woof.Jiuyu shut himself up again.It's not good to become anything, why turn into a dog.No one understands the words.

"Don't worry, this child's heart is like a mirror, and the bustle outside will not fool his eyes. He will definitely come back."

Grandpa Wang said something suddenly, which stunned Jiuyu.

"Wow woof woof!" Can you understand me?
"Of course I can understand." Grandpa Wang said in a spirited manner.

After a long time, she was depressed here, and the depression was wrong.

"Can that boy understand me too?"

"He doesn't understand."

She looked at Grandpa Wang and Yang Qiao suspiciously, always feeling that they looked like very ordinary people.On the contrary, the boy looked unusual.

"Are you puzzled?"

Grandpa Wang asked proactively, and Jiuyu nodded.

"Because we all cultivate our minds. Everything in the world has its own mind and its own voice. As long as you think about it, you can hear their voices."

Jiuyu's pupils trembled, the old man in front of him was so ordinary, he was actually a master among the masters!
"But, I can't hear their hearts." What Jiuyu cultivated was her heart, and now she has made rapid progress, but she still hasn't made a breakthrough because her heart told her that it's not yet time.

So Jiuyu did not act rashly.Now that she met the person in front of her, she suddenly felt that this was an opportunity!
Grandpa Wang looked at her fixedly and asked her, "What are you now?"

Jiuyu didn't hesitate at all: "I'm a dog now."

She has a very clear understanding of her current image.

"What do you think we take you for?" Jiuyu was confused for a moment.These people are very strange.Because she couldn't accept being turned into a dog, the young man went down the mountain to find a elixir for her to turn her into a human.

Even Grandpa Wang treats a person the same way.

"You take me as a human being?" Jiuyu felt very ridiculous.

Grandpa Wang shook his head: "In this world, man is the head of the spirit, but it only occupies one-thousandth of this world."

Jiuyu didn't quite understand: "Then what do you take me for?"

People are actually very exclusive.In their minds, people are people, and other creatures are other creatures.Even people who have cultivated different Taos themselves are divided into cultivators of immortals and cultivators of demons.

"We regard you as a living being in this world. We are also living beings in this world. Every flower, every plant, every tree is a living being. That's why I can hear their hearts."

Jiuyu stared blankly at Grandpa Wang, feeling extremely shocked.There seemed to be a path in front of her!These words sound very simple, but how many people can actually do it?

As for Grandpa Wang, he must be a very powerful person!
"Thank you, Venerable, for your advice!" Jiuyu was so excited, she always felt that her cultivation of mind could go a step further.

Grandpa Wang shook his head. Through Jiuyu, he saw another figure: "You should thank Xiaoxi, who chose you."

Jiuyu was at a loss and said nothing.

She will know what she should know, so she won't worry about it anymore.

So beside the river, a black dog appeared sitting cross-legged, and pretended to close its eyes.Well, this cross-legged movement almost killed her.But there is no way, only by meditating can I feel everything around me more clearly.

Who made her an ordinary dog ​​now.

The sound of the rushing water in the creek sounded like cheerful music.The stone buried in the ground has been plundered for many years in this water. It is silent, sending away countless fallen leaves without saying a word. Only the stream has remained unchanged.

The fish in the stream wagged their tails, and a stone dropped by the river could change the stream...

So, what are they thinking?
Jiuyu tried her best to sense, but she couldn't sense anything.She obviously tried hard to think of them as holy spirits.

Jiuyu was extremely puzzled.

After the boy left, Lin Qiao took care of her three meals a day.Her husband went fishing today with a fork, and Jiuyu was watching.

Grandpa Wang also came to join in the fun and asked, "Did you hear what it said?"

Jiuyu said hesitantly: "It said, don't eat me, I don't taste good."

Grandpa Wang shook his head: "This is your idea, not the fish's idea."

"Is it possible that it is happy?"

Grandpa Wang didn't answer this question. Jiuyu ate a very fat and big fish that day.

The days passed quickly, Jiuyu didn't see the boy, and he couldn't go out from here, and he didn't learn the way from Grandpa Wang.

She started to get anxious.

"I want to go out! Is there any way to get out! Grandpa Wang, you..."

Grandpa Wang stroked his beard and shook his head slightly: "Haven't you found out yet?"

Jiuyu frowned: "I know, I must be in someone's memory!"

Grandpa Wang said meaningfully: "In the memory, of course you have to wait until the memory is over before you can go out. You can just practice hard now."

Jiuyu sighed, "But I can't feel the hearts of these creatures."

Grandpa Wang nodded: "This is normal. They are all illusory and fake. How can you feel the heart of something that doesn't exist?"

Jiuyu: ...

She practiced hard for half a month, but it turned out that these were all fake.

"So you heard my heart because I'm the only one here who is real?"

"No, and this body of yours."

Grandpa Wang left after finishing speaking, leaving Jiuyu alone with his mind buzzing.

Grandpa Wang almost didn't tell her directly, in fact, she should listen to this dog's heart in her cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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