Chapter 74
"His grandma's, who wants your broken inheritance!" Lin Wen was almost able to get his chance, at this moment, he was forcibly teleported over, and he immediately yelled, unexpectedly alarmed the demons here , immediately fled frantically.

Scenes like this are happening in various places in this weird place.

Ordinary disciples are even more afraid to find their fellow disciples.

"This is not to inherit the inheritance, it is clearly to want us to die!"

They screamed endlessly, without a trace of joy.

In the chaotic land, there was a lake, he lowered his head slightly, and his appearance was reflected in the lake.

It was a beautiful face, but the eyes were covered with blood.Ripples swayed layer by layer, and his figure suddenly appeared on the calm lake.He stood on the throne surrounded by demon energy, and underneath was a very powerful demon...

Holding the Ice Soul Sword, he killed him expressionlessly, and all the demons bowed down.

He tried his best to find the figure of the woman in the picture, but she was not there.

"Jiuyu, you lied to are not my Taoist partner at all." He murmured, his heart tainted with devilish energy throbbed fiercely.

He laughed miserably: "It turns out that I really can't escape! I really can't escape!"

"Plop, plop..."

The powerful heartbeat spread instantly, and no matter where people were, they all heard this sound, and even the demons chasing them stopped.

"What's that sound?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Plop, plop..." Their own heartbeats, as if they were being guided, slowly coincided with the sudden heartbeat.

In a short period of time, Jing Ming used a special secret method to find many fellow students. After the voice, he hurriedly said: "Quick, close your hearing, don't listen to this voice!"

However, he could still hear the beating of his heart.

His heart slowly coincided with the sound of the heartbeat, and then, he watched helplessly, a trace of demonic energy spread out from his heart.

Jing Ming's mind went blank for a moment, and a legend suddenly came to his mind.

A demonized person is not the same as a demonized person.The former is a demon cultivator, who belongs to the betrayal of the immortal sect, and the demon clan does not recognize it.If you go to the Demon Realm, get the guidance from the Demon Realm, and succeed in transforming the demon, then you will be successfully transformed into a formal demon cultivator.

But between heaven and earth, there is a kind of demon that can truly become a demon without being recognized by the demon world!
That is the heart demon!
It is a demon that is above all living beings.Among the millions of demons, there may not be one.Because the conditions for becoming a heart demon are extremely harsh.

Need itself is possessed by a demon, and there is a huge knot in the heart. The knot turns into a demon, and the demon has another catastrophe. If it cannot overcome it, it will be trapped in the catastrophe for the rest of its life.

But now, in this ruins, there are many evil spirits, which are absorbed by the heart demon who is about to cross the catastrophe, and the heart demon spreads in an instant, affecting each of them .

"damn it!"

"How could we be so unlucky!"

Everyone complained, and before they had time to react, they fell to the ground one after another.

Jing Ming held on and let out a message.

"As long as the heart demon successfully survives the catastrophe, we will all be able to wake up. If anyone succeeds, we must go to Qin Ruoxian! Help him overcome the catastrophe!"

All the people are trapped in the heart demon tribulation, but the atmosphere here is chaotic, and it is still the territory of the fairy king. Even if Jun Qianyi came to the ancient ruins, there may be no way to find them...

Before Jing Ming closed his eyes, he suddenly had the same idea as Lin Wen.

Who wants this broken inheritance.


In a gray mist, there is a transparent puppy.It was conceived and nourished by countless soul qi, and its whole body became solidified.

A flame the size of a fingernail suddenly appeared and circled around the dog anxiously.The dog opened its eyes in a daze, and barked twice.

It jumped into the mist, and came to a ruin full of battle marks and demonic energy.The woman lay on the ground and hugged her feet tightly, her face was covered with tears.

"Wow woof! woof woof woof!"

The puppy ran to her side and rubbed against her, but she remained motionless.It jumped to her ear again and kept barking.

The flame landed on her chest in a flash and swayed, the dog showed a embarrassed expression, and finally stepped on her heart.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The barking of the dog seemed to carry a kind of magical power, the woman frowned slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes, but all the images in her mind were still in the cave on the mountain.

"Woof woof!" You are awake.

"Xiaoxi!" The big black dog with the size of a palm nodded, its paws were on Jiuyu's chest, no matter how you looked at it, it felt weird, she was silent for a moment.

"It's my heart that made me wake you up like this." Xiaoxi quickly jumped off Jiuyu.The heart fire the size of a fingernail disappeared in an instant.Inexplicably, there were many dog ​​footprints on Jiuyu's clothes.

"It's really not that I stepped on it." Xiaoxi explained, standing on the ground awkwardly.

"I know."

Jiuyu nodded without changing his face.Xiaoxi is just an illusory soul, how could it be possible to leave footprints on her body, it must have been caused by her recent weird temper.

Xiaoxi breathed a sigh of relief, and returned to the spirit ring.

Everything around became quiet, Jiuyu frowned.

"Xiaoxi woke me up so easily. The picture before waking up is my original home."

This fact is so strange, she thought her demon was killed by Xiqin at the moment.

Jiuyu didn't think for too long, she had to find Qin Ruoxian now.

Along the way, she passed by many disciples who were in pain. Jiuyu couldn't help them, so she could only move the surrounding demons away, lest the demons wake up and kill them all.

Soon, Jiuyu met the first person who woke up.


"Nine Jade."

The two looked at each other, seeing surprise in each other's eyes.Jiuyu wakes up because of Xiaoxi and anger.

How could Qingyao do that?
Seeing her doubts, Qingyao explained: "I don't have any knots in my heart, so the demons in my heart can't affect me."

In Jiuyu's memory, the only thing that can't be influenced by the heart demon is Weiqing who cultivates the ruthless way.

"Are you practicing the ruthless way?"

Qingyao shook her head: "I practice the way of the gods. The gods have no desires, desires, or intentions, and the power of incense and fire will protect the body, and evil spirits will not invade."

Jiuyu understood immediately: "I cultivate my mind, so I have not been affected."

But Jiuyu always felt strange.If Qingyao really cultivated the divine way, how could she end up with Feng Yinnian later on.Jiuyu recalled carefully, and finally found some details.

Qingyao was indeed Yun Luozong's eldest disciple at the beginning, but later the eldest disciple changed to another person.Could it be that Qingyao failed in her cultivation in the end!That's why she was with Feng Yinnian!

"You promised me before that you would do one thing for me."

(End of this chapter)

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