Chapter 91 Rarely Gentle
"After they lured me to come here, Xiqin asked me to return the Bone Pill to her. I had already swallowed the Bone Pill, so she used sorcery to exchange all my blood and spiritual marrow...she She was also very cruel to herself, that bone sword was made from the bone she replaced."

Huang Yingying slowly narrated everything that happened, including that Xiqin turned her head from time to time as if talking to someone, but there was nothing beside her.

As soon as Jiuyu heard it, she knew that it was absolutely impossible for Xiqin to come up with such a method by herself, so there must be someone beside her pointing her out.

Who is this man?To think of such an insidious method!

It's a pity that no one thought that Jiuyu would come, Qin Ruoxian would make a move, Huang Yingying would finally be reshaped into a body, and she would wake up!And this time, she was born in the blood pool!

She was originally practicing the Blood Bathing Art. After Huang Yingying experienced such a great ordeal, all the blocking feeling of Huang Yingying's previous practice disappeared.

There was also a wonderful change in her body.She can turn into a liquid at any time...

This is simply an unheard of form!
When she showed it happily, Jiuyu looked at her for a long time without any smile on her face. Huang Yingying was at a loss in her heart, and jumped on the ground in embarrassment: "Am I like a monster?"


Jiuyu held up the puddle of blood pitifully, it represented the enormous torture that Huang Yingying had suffered!This is the moment, Jiuyu made another vow!

"The pain you suffered today, I will make Xiqin repay it a thousand times and a hundred times in the future!"

"Senior Sister..." The blood in the palm of her hand suddenly boiled, and Huang Yingying instantly turned into a human again, crying loudly.

Wasn't Huang Yingying afraid when being tortured?She is afraid!She also panicked, and she also thought about whether she should return to being a follower, or be an ordinary person again.

But...every time she thinks of this, she thinks of the days when her parents didn't love her and her mother didn't love her and flattered Xiqin.

Jiuyu was very strict with her, but only asked her to practice hard, gave her the exercises that everyone dreamed of, and gave her advice from time to time.No matter how stupid she is, she knows that Jiuyu really hopes that she can grow up and break away from her previous environment.

It is said to be used, but in fact, she is a little waste, what use value is there?Xiqin can't even look down on her...

Jiuyu even returned the blood contract to her in the swamp!After Huang Yingying found out about this, she was terrified for a long time, thinking that Jiuyu was going to give up on her.

This time she did not betray Jiuyu, wait and wait, Jiuyu still came to save her!

Huang Yingying is really very very very happy!She didn't want to cry either.But Jiuyu let her know that Jiuyu saw all the suffering she suffered.


Huang Yingying was out of breath from crying, she couldn't stop her runny nose and tears.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, you idiot, the lake of the fairy king's inheritance has opened, let's go and surprise Xiqin." Jiu Yunan said softly and softly.

Huang Yingying held back her tears and stretched out her hand to grab Jiuyu's sleeve.Rubbing her hair, Fu Baizhan on the ground was taken into the soul ring by her.


All the people are standing together, and in front of them is a distorted space.Everyone was surprised to find that the area around them was barren, and now suddenly many trees grew!

"This place seems to have returned to its original appearance!"

"Look, is there a lake in front of you?"

Through the gaps in the tree trunks, the piece of shimmering light in the sun seems to be the legendary Lake of Destiny.

"Quick! Let's go there quickly!"

Just as they were about to rush over, at this moment, many evil spirits appeared around them. They were crazy and wanted to rush over!
Suddenly, a huge evil force surged up in the south!He passed through the crowd in an instant, even Jing Ming couldn't stop him, he could only watch him run past him.

"After countless years of waiting, I finally arrived at Destiny Lake! Destiny Lake! Let me see! Will I die in the future!"

"Hurry up, don't you know that there are quotas for this?" Tianming said casually, and his figure quickly passed by.On him are top-level runes that are constantly burning!
Everyone started to use all their abilities, just to be able to go to the front one step ahead!The big disciples of various sects, they are the pride of the heavens themselves, there is no doubt that among this group of people, they immediately stand out.

"Xiqin!" Feng Yinnian was about to say something when he realized that Xiqin was following Lin Wen steadily!

But in a few days, Xiqin Bian has grown to a terrifying height!Feng Yinnian faintly felt that something was wrong, but now was not the time to delve into it, so he also rushed over.

The rest of the disciples were not so strong-minded, and they had to start fighting against the evil spirits.It's a pity that these demons are stronger than them, and they can't move forward at all.

"The three of us form an formation, and one of them goes in!" After discussing for a long time, they finally came up with a solution...

The first demon to reach the lake looked down at the lake, and immediately a skeleton appeared in his eyes.Soon, an aura came through the lake, and he froze for a moment, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"What! I'm already dead? Impossible! How could I be dead?" The powerful demon muttered to himself, and immediately attracted the attention of those who came.

"He doesn't look like he's dead either."

Feng Yinnian arrived just in time and heard what Xiqin said. He scrutinized the demon for a long time and saw a flaw: "Yes, he is indeed dead. Now he is here only because of the fairy king Qiran." It's just magic."

The demon's eyes suddenly glowed green: "Boy, what are you talking about! I'm not dead! I'm not dead!"

Jing Ming nodded at the side: "The magic of the Immortal King is indeed monstrous."

After they entered this area, the dead energy on the demon's body began to erupt continuously, so strong that it was hard to ignore.He seems to have figured this out himself...

"No, no!" His body also began to slowly disappear, revealing the skeleton seen in the lake...

"No!" He shouted, and wanted to rush out, but unfortunately, his body was still completely blurred.There is only one shelf left...

After the demons outside saw this scene, they suddenly understood something, and they didn't dare to move immediately.

"Lake of Destiny... just let me see my future." Xiqin walked to the edge of the lake and lowered her head nervously and expectantly.

The calm lake surface rippled, gradually revealing some pictures...

(End of this chapter)

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