Chapter 95 Do You See Someone Believes You?

There was a bang, and a person fell from the sky and hit the bluestone slab.

Jiuyu was watching the play with folded arms.

"How many times has it been?"

"It seems to be the fourth time." Huang Yingying snapped her fingers and said with great certainty.

The disciple stood up with a face of humiliation, and ran over again.

"As long as I succeed once! As long as I can get an elixir, I will be prosperous!"

Everyone worked very hard, except Jiuyu and Huang Yingying...

The two of them pick up leaves or small stones next to each other every day. Compared with other people, the behavior of the two of them is very...

Xiqin stood in the Immortal King's mansion, and every time he looked over, he felt a sense of contemptuous pleasure.

"How long will it take to get the Dragon Crying Sword?"

[If you sacrifice that avatar of the transformation stage, I guarantee that you will be able to open the Shenbing Pavilion within a month! 】

When Shangguan Ming left, he left a clone for Xiqin, which was a life-saving magic weapon that she hadn't used for a long time.She took a deep breath and nodded.

Suddenly, the phantom appeared.

"Huh? Where is this place? There is actually immortal energy here!" Even if it cannot be absorbed, it is already attractive enough.

Shangguan Ming's eyes turned, and he saw the word "Shenbing Pavilion" above his head!

"There is still an immortal artifact!" His eyes were immediately attracted by the sound of the dragon's cry inside.He stared intently, with deep longing in his eyes.

There are no immortals in the world, if you can get the immortal artifact, you will be able to surpass the tribulation period and beat everyone!

"Where is this place! You must notify my main body to come over!" Shangguan Ming hurriedly turned his head, but only saw a cold face.

"You..." As soon as he said a word, he found that he had no way to control his own strength.With both hands, Shangguan Ming's figure was slowly erased, leaving only a mass of pure energy, and he suddenly turned into another figure.

The moment Xiqin saw him, he smiled.

When she gets the fairy artifact, she will see how Jiuyu can resist!


Unknowingly, a month has passed, and within this month, no one can get the inheritance.This also means that they cannot go out from here yet.

But during this month, several major events did happen.One is that the Feathering Immortal Sect jointly opened a small attic restriction, and finally got a few pills from it.No one knows the efficacy of these elixirs, but they are all very envious.

The second is that everyone found a place of inheritance, but if they entered, they would be struck half to death by lightning.This month, Lin Wen entered it four or five times, and he had to go every time he was seriously injured. His perseverance was amazing.

And Qingyao and Feng Yinnian didn't know why, they suddenly approached, and they went together to break the restriction and get something for Qingyao.

The third is that all the people from the other path came over, and only Ning Jie was left there.

On this day, Huang Yingying was trying to make straw cakes, and one person came to them in a daze.

"One thousand spiritual stones for healing, if it's the first time you come here for free, it can be regarded as repaying your kindness for insisting on saving senior sister." Huang Yingying said without raising her head, and the person sat down at the table next to her in silence.

"Tianming?" Jiuyu came back with a few dead leaves in his hand, a light flashed in his eyes.

His hair was disheveled, his face was haggard, and he looked in a bad state.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Senior Sister Jiuyu, I have already given you three chances, can you help me once?"

Jiuyu shook his head: "No help."

The chances he gave were Xiqin's three chances, not Jiuyu's three chances to kill Xiqin.

Jiuyu looked so hard-hearted that Tianming couldn't help being speechless.

"So what if you help me? After all, we are members of the same sect."

"If it wasn't for you, would they help Xiqin?" The words Tianming said in rewarding the adversity are really fresh in people's memory, Jiuyu can still recall the feeling at that time.

"I just want to make things fairer." Tianming sighed.

Jiuyu glanced at him meaningfully: "I just want to make things fairer. How can the opportunity be obtained with the help of others?"

Tianming suddenly became even more depressed.

If possible, he didn't want to find Jiuyu either.Every time he finds Jiuyu, he will pay a price, not to mention that Jiuyu actually didn't help him!

"If you don't help me, then I'll tell them that you are related to Xianfu!"

He had figured this out, and that's why he came here.

"You tell them." Jiuyu didn't like him at all.

"Sister, leave him alone, come and try my new straw cake!" Huang Yingying happily took the straw cake over, and no one paid any attention to Tianming at all.

He held his breath in his heart until Lin Wen came over with a weak face while carrying the sledgehammer.

"Huang Yingying, treat me..."

"You went to be struck by lightning again today? Did you gain anything?" Huang Yingying hurried over and collected some spirit stones very skillfully, and then the power of vegetation surged on her body, and the scorched black place on Lin Wen's body suddenly gradually faded away. Restored its original appearance.

The power of plants and trees was already full of vitality, which made Lin Wen feel much better.

"Nothing. This fairy king is too stingy!"

Lin Wen was also extremely depressed.

After Huang Yingying healed her injury, she left.Tianming couldn't help but said to him: "Did you know? In fact, Jiuyu has something to do with Xianfu!"

Lin Wen thought about this sentence for a while, then raised his head and gave Tianming a weird look: "Are you people from the Changyue Sect so weird? Everyone wants to harm Jiuyu! Is she in your way?"

Tianming frowned: "What!"

Lin Wen waved his hand at him: "Go, go, go, you can solve the affairs of your sect by yourself, don't try to drag me into the water, I won't be fooled!"

Lin Wen took the hammer and walked away with contempt on his face.

Tianming:? ? ?
This person is sick!He told him very important news!

After a while, Qingyao also came here. She was sending soil to Huang Yingying.Tianming tentatively said, "Jiuyu has something to do with this Immortal Mansion."

Qingyao cast a glance at him: "I'm not interested in this matter."

Tianming: ...

At the end of the day, he met several waves of people who came here, and these people said that they would never be fooled by him.

Tianming vaguely understood something.

The disciples of Changyue Zongmen helped Xiqin, so his clan sided with Jiuyu after knowing this!But, he is not with Xiqin!

"Do you think anyone believes you?"

No one really believed him, even Feng Yinnian told him where Xiqin was after hearing this, and left in a hurry.

Tianming sat down on the chair decadently, and said depressedly: "How can you help me?"

He, the descendant of Taoist Tianji, can only feel powerless in the face of this situation... Unfathomable!So he really needs help.

(End of this chapter)

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