Chapter 1

Wang Ke parked the car firmly in front of the 93# gasoline tanker, rolled down the window glass and stuck his head out without even looking at it, and said, "Uncle Zhang, work has started, and I'm still sleeping."

As soon as the yelling was over, a middle-aged man in his 40s came out of the lounge, still yelling: "Stinky boy, I came here just after I closed my eyes, you are looking for a beating on purpose!"

Wang Ke smiled and said: "I didn't know that you were going to sleep just now. You are in a hurry. When I come back, I will invite Uncle Zhang to drink and apologize to you."

When Uncle Zhang heard that he was going to invite him to drink, he stopped thinking about it, looked at the sky and said to Wang Ke: "It's raining, you have to go out, what kind of project is this time?"

"It's far away this time. It's not in the urban area. It's going to install a hotel in a county below. It's estimated that it will take seven or eight months to finish it at the earliest. Look, my mother gave me all the summer and winter clothes. I brought it with me, it’s such a big box, how can I actually use it.” Wang Ke replied while shaking his head.

Uncle Zhang poked his head out to look at the big suitcase on the back seat of the car, and said with a smile: "Your mother still cares about you, you have to go for so long, what should you do if the weather is cold, it's better to bring it with you. By the way , This time, go far, fill up your spare fuel tank, and fill up your two small oil barrels, so that you don’t forget to refuel on the way.”

Wang Ke scratched her head embarrassingly: "Just do as Uncle Zhang said, and fill up everything."

Wang Ke knows that she has a bad habit of driving: she doesn't like to look at the fuel gauge when driving.Several times in the past, I ran out of gas halfway and looked for oil everywhere.

Once talking about it with Uncle Zhang while drinking, Uncle Zhang, who works at a gas station, gave himself an idea.

I added a large spare fuel tank behind the back seat of my Great Wall Cypher, and found two and two small oil barrels.Uncle Zhang asked an acquaintance to install and fix it, and he told himself that he can only add these fuel tanks and oil barrels when he goes to refuel; if he goes to other places, he can only add the one that comes with the car itself. After all, this kind of thing counts It is still against the regulations, and it can only be operated in a dark box. When the car is inspected for the year, it has to be dismantled before it can be used.

As a result, Wang Ke hasn't refueled outside since then, because every time he refuels, it is enough to return to the gas station where Uncle Zhang works.Wang Ke also felt much more convenient.

After paying the gas money, Wang Ke said to Uncle Zhang: "Uncle Zhang, please tell my mother after get off work. The medicine for high blood pressure I bought for her is on the decorative shelf in the living room. I forgot to give it to her." Let my mother put it away, and don’t forget to eat. I’ll call her when I get there.”

Uncle Zhang nodded: "When I come home from get off work, I will go to your house first and tell your mother that I will go back. Don't worry. You should also be careful when driving. It hasn't been long since the rain started, and the road has not yet been harvested." Well, drive slowly when going down the mountain. I'm still waiting for you to come back and buy me a drink."

Wang Ke nodded heavily: "I know, don't worry, Uncle Zhang, I'll go first." After speaking, he got into the car and drove away.

Looking at the car going away, Uncle Zhang murmured, "It's too hard to start a company and run around by yourself."

After speaking, he shook his head and turned to walk to the lounge.

Not long after Wang Ke drove away from the gas station, he came to the winding mountain road going down the mountain.

I usually take this road every morning and evening, and I have long been used to the road conditions of this road.Although it was raining today, Wang Ke didn't care, and rushed over without slowing down.

Just after turning a left turn, Wang Ke saw a large truck driving towards him.The cars that usually run on this road don’t have the habit of honking when cornering after running for a long time, and it’s the same today, no one has thought of this incident.

But what was different today was that this big truck didn't drive on its own side, but most of its body passed the yellow line in the middle of the road, occupying Wang Ke's side of the road.

Wang Ke instinctively turned to the right, and the two cars almost passed by.Wang Ke let out a long breath and greeted the female family members of the big truck. When he was about to turn back, he found that the front of the truck had already rushed towards the side of the road because the road was too slippery.

Wang Ke only saw that after the car rushed out of the curb, the front of the car lifted up, and a dark sky appeared in front of it.

Wang Ke knew that it was past ten o'clock in the morning, and she was still wondering how the car had entered the darkness quickly when it became so dark, and the car was falling down rapidly.

Wang Ke secretly shouted in his heart: "It's over, I must die now! I'm only 28 years old, and I don't even have a wife yet..." Before Wang Ke could finish thinking, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of him, and the car moved steadily. stopped.

Wang Ke rubbed his eyes, looked around, and found that the scenery around the car was completely different from before.

Wang Ke opened the car door and jumped down, looking around carefully.There is a mountain behind, and some roofs can be vaguely seen in the dense woods; on the right side, there is a small mound next to the roadside. The double-leaf gate is more than 3 meters high and about 1.8 meters wide.

Behind the fence, you can see the roofs of the houses in the garden. It can be seen that they are all tile-roofed houses, and the tall ones look like two-story buildings.

Turning your head and looking to the left, there is a wide farmland filled with immature wheat.Directly ahead is a dirt road that is not too wide, that is, less than the width of two lanes.

Wang Ke has seen this kind of road a lot. He has been doing decoration projects outside for many years, and many rural roads Wang Ke passes by are like this.

Wang Ke knew that there was no such place near the road he drove just now. He stared blankly at everything in front of him. He didn't know where he was. He wanted to ask someone, but he couldn't see anyone.What surprised Wang Ke most was that it was raining just now, but the sun was hanging high here, and there was no trace of the ground being wet by rain.

Wang Ke looked at his car, it happened to be parked on the side of the road, and the two wheels on the right were still pressed against a small ridge.

Wang Ke didn't even bother to move the car down, took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, took out his beloved zippo lighter, lit it, then climbed up the hood and sat down. Those who plan to wait can ask here what is the place.

After smoking the cigarette, there was still no one in his eyes. Although it is August, which should be the hottest time of the year, Wang Ke did not feel the scorching heat of the sun shining on his body as usual. That kind of feeling, on the contrary, is the mountain wind blowing from the mountain behind him from time to time, which makes people feel a little cool.Wang Ke couldn't help but sat on the hood and dozed off in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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