Chapter 143

After exhausting countless words, the group finally persuaded Comrade Li Er, but Wang Ke's tricks did not fool Comrade Li Er, but for Comrade Li Er, Wang Ke's idea is still Agree.

For Comrade Li Er, nothing is more important than his expansion of territory, and these firearms are what he relies on to expand his territory. For him, for this goal, everything can be put back. Even family affection is no exception!
But for Wang Ke and Li Ke now, as long as Comrade Li Er can agree, they don't have to worry about anything else.

Wang Ke understood Comrade Li Er's thoughts, but he would not tell Li Ke. He knew that Li Ke would not understand, but he was also worried about what Li Ke would think after he said it.So I kept these words in my heart, even if it was rotten in my stomach, I wouldn't say it.

A group of people happily came out from Comrade Li Er. As soon as they walked out of the palace, Li Ke was anxious to ask Wang Ke to go on the road together.

Wang Ke shook his head and said, "No matter how urgent it is, we can't leave right away. We must first arrange the transportation of the firearms, and then we will go home and arrange everything at home before we can leave."

Li Ke felt a little anxious, and said, "Isn't there still a day's delay?"

Wang Ke stared at Li Ke and asked: "Then what should we do? You have to eat every bite, and you have to do it one by one. If you don't arrange to go for a long time, how can you explain to the emperor when you come back!"

Li Jing on the side suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and said from the side: "Your Highness, how about this? You go home and arrange everything at home, and the firearms will be arranged by the old man. You go first, and start looking for Jingye when you arrive. I will arrange for the firearms to arrive later. This thing is of great importance, and it must be protected by someone, and its weight is not light. It must arrive later than you. Now, try to buy as long as you can. .”

Li Ke looked at Wang Ke to see what he thought of Li Jing's proposal.

Wang Ke saw that there was nothing wrong with Li Jing's arrangement, and knew that Li Jing was also very anxious, but because it involved his family relationship, he couldn't say it clearly, so he agreed.

After taking two steps, Wang Ke turned back to Li Jing and said, "Uncle, my nephew thinks it's better to drive my nephew's car first, and change to other tools after the oil carried by my nephew's car reaches the farthest place." Go to the training place, and the car will be kept by the local garrison for my nephew. Uncle, please let the firearms delivery team pick up the fuel for my nephew's car, and then drop it off at the place where my nephew puts the car. My nephew can also drive the car back when it's done, and save a little time."

Li Jing wanted Wang Ke and the others to arrive as soon as possible, the happier he was, and of course he fully agreed to Wang Ke's request.

Seeing that everything was settled, Wang Ke and Li Ke rushed to their respective homes in a hurry.

Back home, Wang Ke told his family members about his going out, and the whole family was in a mess. After all, the Wang family had never had such a thing, and they didn't know what to prepare.

Wang Ke is quite familiar with this kind of thing. He took out the big box that he brought when he traveled through later generations, and stuffed all the things he needed into it.

How can the few people in Nanping see it anymore? Although they feel a little bit reluctant, they also understand that this is doing something for Comrade Li Er, so they all come forward and help Wang Ke fold the clothes before putting them in the box. .

Before Wang Ke could pack up, Li Ke had already rushed over excitedly. It was also the first time for Li Ke to go out for this matter, and the unconcealed excitement in his heart was fully expressed on his face.

Because the three of Nanping were helping him clean up, Wang Ke seemed to have nothing to do, standing aside and watching.As soon as Li Ke came, Wang Ke couldn't help but look over, only to find that Li Ke came with both hands empty, and he didn't bring anything.Wang Ke asked a little strangely: "Did you just come here? You didn't take anything!"

On the contrary, Li Ke asked very strangely: "What do you want to take? Just make arrangements for the family, what else do you want to take!"

Wang Ke almost fainted, so he had to patiently say: "Your Highness, this is not going out for an outing, and you can come back at night. You must at least bring a change of clothes. If you go like this, don't you even change your clothes?"

Li Ke was stunned, he completely forgot about this matter, and murmured unconsciously: "Then what should we do now?" Wang Ke shook his head, called a servant of his own family, and told him to rush to Li Ke's mansion Go up and ask Li Ke's concubines to pack up some change of clothes immediately, and when the two of them set off in a while, go there and leave without delaying time.

The servants took the order to go, Wang Ke pointed to the bewildered Li Ke, shook his head with a wry smile, buried his head and continued to pack his things.

Wang Ke and Li Ke left the palace and went straight to Li Ke's prince's mansion. When they arrived at the ground, Wang Ke was taken aback by the things Li Ke's concubines packed up for Li Ke, food, clothes, For use, two carriages were fully loaded.

Wang Ke thought to himself: "This is not a business trip, it's just a move!"

Li Ke also felt that something was wrong. He saw Wang Ke packing things at Wang's house just now, and he knew that what he did was wrong, so he hurriedly called someone to pick out some according to his own ideas, and Wang Ke was also beside him to help give pointers. , It took a little more time to reduce the required things to a very small point, just enough to fit in Wang Ke's car.

Pack your stuff.The two hurriedly drove away from Chang'an City and headed towards Longxi.

At this time, due to the existence of the Western Turks, Longxi had not yet established the Longyou Road, and because it was close to Tuyuhun and Tubo, it seemed relatively desolate. In this vast land, the largest town was Lanzhou. Wang Ke and Li Ke Hurry up, it took a lot of time to get here.

It was okay along the way, although the road conditions were not good, but anyway, I drove over.When they arrived in Lanzhou, the two simply ate something to fill their stomachs, and then took the seal from Li Jing to the local garrison camp.

Wang Ke handed over the cart to them, and after arranging everything, Li Ke took over the reins of the horse from the local soldiers, got on the horse, and continued their journey.

Before coming to Lanzhou, Wang Ke kept talking about Li Ke all the way, saying that because Li Ke couldn't drive, he could only drive by himself, and he was about to die of exhaustion. He didn't fight back, but just leaned on the chair and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Except when he stopped to eat, Li Ke didn't make a sound, didn't move, never said a word to Wang Ke, and just listened to Wang Ke talking there.

Now this horse riding, the situation immediately took a 360-degree turn, and now it was Wang Ke's turn to keep quiet, and Li Ke kept educating Wang Ke by Wang Ke's side.It is said that Wang Ke can't even learn how to ride a horse. How long will it take to walk like this now? If anything happens, it must be caused by Wang Ke.

It was only at this time that Wang Ke realized that Li Ke didn't speak all the way, because he had already calculated that he had such a calamity, and Li Ke waited to get here before he came to take revenge on him.But Wang Ke didn't have the strength to refute. After all, he was really holding back now. Li Ke wanted to say something about himself, but he couldn't fight back. The best attitude now is to listen silently, think about nothing, don't say anything. He said, just hurry forward and try to arrive earlier.

Li Ke was no better than Wang Ke. After talking for a while, because Wang Ke kept silent, Li Ke also felt bored, so he stopped talking, stopped talking about Wang Ke, and just concentrated on walking.At this time, Wang Ke breathed a sigh of relief, and gradually the two of them returned to their old closeness, chatting and laughing and wanting to gallop.

Sitting in the car didn't feel much. After riding for a long time, Wang Ke couldn't hold it anymore. He only felt the burning pain on the inner sides of his two thighs from being rubbed by the saddle. Looking at Li Ke, he still looked like nothing was wrong. Wang Ke couldn't help admiring these ancient people a little.They have been riding on horseback all year round, they are much better than themselves, at least they will not be like me, who feel unbearable after riding for a short time.

Wang Ke gritted her teeth and persisted for a while. When she saw a small village in front of her, Wang Ke finally couldn't bear it anymore and begged for a rest before leaving.Stopping and stopping like this, after more than ten days of trekking, the two finally came to the training base camp set up by the special investigation team.At this time, Wang Ke was too tired to move on his horse, but let his horse follow Li Ke forward.

Entering the camp, everyone here knew Li Ke and Wang Ke, and immediately arranged for them to take a bath and rest.

After a period of rest and eating a hot meal, Wang Ke immediately regained her vitality. Although there was still some pain in some places, because the matter was right in front of her eyes, she couldn't care less about it. Come to the main tent.Li Ke went to work.

Before coming out, Comrade Li Er explained that Wang Ke was the main one coming out this time, and Li Ke was assisting from the side.

Wang Ke was also polite, and directly talked to Tang Jian about the whole story.When Tang Jian explained the whole story, Wang Ke's brows furrowed unconsciously, and he realized that there was something strange about it.

According to Tang Jian, the weather was fine that day, and there were no weather changes such as strong winds.At the departure time, the teams were arranged to carry out hidden training depending on the terrain. Since the training time was not overnight, each person only brought a small amount of dry food, which was only enough for one meal according to the usual amount.

Since this area is relatively open, Tang Jian also specially stipulated a training range, requiring all personnel not to go out of this range.And in accordance with the usual practice, personnel were sent to the three supply points to prevent any team members from getting lost.

When it was time to return to the team at night, the other teams had already returned to the camp on time, but only Li Jingye's team did not see any shadows.At first, everyone didn't pay attention, after all, this happened before, but when the time comes later, they can still come back.

But this time, everyone's wishes were not fulfilled. It took three days to wait for them to come back, and the people sent out did not find any trace of them.

Tang Jian had no other choice, so he sent people to report to Chang'an. While waiting for Chang'an to send people over, he sent people to search everywhere every day.Until Wang Ke and the others came here, they still didn't find any clues.

Wang Ke frowned. He felt that this was not a simple disappearance. If everything was normal, then Li Jingye and the others could only disappear on their own initiative. In other words, Li Jingye did not follow Tang Jian's words. Conducting training within the designated range, but making decisions on their own, made a mistake that should never be made in the army.

Wang Ke felt that his mind was in a mess. He needed to sort out every clue carefully, not letting go of any small details.Only in this way can the whole thing be brought to light.

(End of this chapter)

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