Chapter 146

Knowing that Li Jingye's team had a general whereabouts, and sent someone to look for it, the whole special investigation team put down the big stone in their hearts.

After Wang Ke had a good rest, he found Li Ke and Tang Jian, and made preparations for the next artillery test.

Don't look at Wang Ke and the others who just set off a little earlier than the cannon transport team, but they were lightly armed and light riders, and their traveling speed was much faster than the huge transport team. They had been there for three days, and the transport team hadn't seen a trace yet.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Ke took Li Ke to wander around. He needed to find an open and secret place for test firing, so as to ensure that the weapon would not be leaked before it was actually used.

For several days, Wang Ke and Li Ke finally reached an agreement in the debate. This decision was Li Ke's first victory in countless struggles with Wang Ke. Of course, Li Ke also accepted Wang Ke's decision. A certain opinion is finally decided.

What they found was a land of hills, with flat land and ravines, mounds and hills, which could simulate various battlefields and give full play to various usage modes of artillery.

Regarding these issues, Wang Ke is indeed not as thoughtful as Li Ke. After all, Li Ke deals with this thing every day, and his mind is always thinking about how to maximize its effect.And Wang Ke had some contact with this thing in later generations. When it comes to understanding it, he is really inferior to Li Ke now.

After listening to the report of the two, Tang Jian clapped his hands again and again. He had heard that this thing was very powerful, but he had never seen it before. Now his team was the first to use it. Of course he couldn't help but shouted. Someone to arrange for a few soldiers to come, and ask Wang Ke and Li Ke to explain to them how to operate it first, so that the transport team can get started faster when they arrive.

Of course, Wang Ke was obliged to hand over all the matter to Li Ke. The reason was that Li Ke was much more familiar with him than him.

The following days are just waiting, the artillery has not been delivered, there is nothing to do, and there is no news from Li Jingye. Wang Ke takes advantage of this gap to ride around on horseback every day. He wants to take this opportunity to get familiar with horseback riding. , In case my car breaks down in the future, I don't have to use the [-]th road to go back and forth every day.Sitting in a sedan chair?Just kidding, how can a dignified general use the transportation used by that civil servant? Isn't that a joke!
If you don’t come, you won’t come. As soon as you come here, the artillery transport team has just arrived, and those who went to meet Li Jingye sent people back and reported that they had found Li Jingye’s team, but Li Jingye said he was still there. If there is something unfinished, please delay for a few more days before returning to the team.

Wang Ke didn't wait for other people to express their opinions, and said directly: "Go back and tell Li Jingye immediately, and ask him to return to the team immediately, otherwise he will be dealt with by military law. If he wants to say anything, just tie him back. If he dares to resist, just go to the place immediately." Fa-rectification!"

Wang Ke's words shocked everyone at once. At this time, no one dared to stand up and raise objections with Wang Ke. When the visitor left the tent and watched him disappear outside the gate, Li Ke said: "Wang Ke Brother, are you being too strict in doing this, if dedication is something that is beneficial to the court, wouldn’t it be a waste of time.”

Wang Ke said with a cold face: "What he did is definitely beneficial to the court, and it is of great use. But first of all, he violated the most basic requirements of a soldier and acted without authorization. He did not ask for instructions beforehand and did not report afterwards. If everyone is like him, how can this team be led by Tang Shuai! No matter how important the matter in his hands is now, he must stop immediately and return to the camp to accept military law. For this point, no one can plead for him !"

Wang Ke's ruthlessness made Li Ke feel a little scared, and he didn't dare to argue with Wang Ke anymore, so he turned his eyes to Tang Jian for help.

Unexpectedly, when Tang Jian saw Li Ke looking at him, he immediately refused: "Your Highness, don't expect the old man to intercede for him. Mr. Wang is right. Li Jingye did nothing right about this matter. For an army For me, order and prohibition are the most basic requirements, if you can’t even do this, how can you do anything else! How can you become a team that wins every battle!”

Li Ke really didn't have anything to say now. Wang Ke's attitude was okay to say, and now Tang Jian said the same, so he couldn't say anything more, so he just sat there and didn't say anything.

Tang Jian saw that this was going to be cold, and quickly said: "What do you say that this is not the time yet? When the firearm arrives, let's talk about the firearm first. Let's see when the test will start. When the old man thinks of this It’s something, I’m eager to see it.”

Wang Ke said with a smile: "You have to ask His Highness about this. He will start when he says. We are not qualified to make decisions."

Li Ke rolled his eyes and said: "When I came here, my father said that you are the leader and I am the deputy. You have the final say on everything."

Wang Ke shook his head and said: "You are wrong. The emperor said that I am the one who is looking for this stinky boy Li Jingye, but he didn't say that I can make the decision on the test shooting. It is up to you to make up your mind."

Li Ke rolled his eyes and said quickly: "Then we can change it. You decide this matter. How about letting me deal with Li Jingye?"

There is no reason why Wang Ke didn't know what his plan was, so he pointed to Li Ke and said to Tang Jian: "Tang Shuai, look at how good your Highness thinks, do you want to use this to seduce me?"

After speaking, he turned his head and said to Li Ke: "Your Highness, don't use this to tempt me. Let me tell you clearly, this is not acceptable! We all understand that you want to plead for Li Jingye, but you can't open it. Don't think about it, the consequences of doing this will make Tang Shuai lead this group of soldiers in the future. Li Jingye must deal with it, there is no condition to talk about!"

Li Ke was caught by Wang Ke's words, and said with a sneer: "Then let them familiarize themselves with the terrain first, and start test shooting the day after tomorrow."

Tang Jian and Wang Ke smiled at each other and nodded in agreement.

A few years later, when Tang Jian and Wang Ke were chatting, Tang Jian also mentioned this matter, saying that after hearing Li Ke's words, he felt that Li Ke was so kind and devoted to his friends. His defiant attitude was completely heaven and earth, which also gave him a little more respect for Li Ke, and he stood firmly on Li Ke's side in the later days.Of course, this is something for later, so I won’t go into details here.

Li Ke was nervously preparing for the test firing. Wang Ke and Tang Jian walked around with their hands behind their backs because they had nothing else to do now. Now there are only one of the three senior officers in the special investigation team. The precious person is extremely busy all day, but the other two are extremely idle, and they keep accusing them of being wrong here and there, causing Li Ke to protest from time to time that they just talk but don't practice, making themselves more and more useless. Confidence.Whenever this happened, the two of them laughed and ran away immediately, and appeared in front of Li Ke again after a while.

When the test shooting day arrived, Tang Jian blushed with excitement, and he dragged Wang Ke to the test shooting point they had chosen early in the morning.

Wang Ke yawned and said: "I said uncle, it's too early. They still have to install the artillery, adjust the scales and so on. Can you let my nephew sleep again?"

Without looking back, Tang Jian walked forward with the wind under his feet, and said in his mouth: "No, I want to see the whole process, you have to help me explain what I don't understand."

Wang Ke saw that he had no choice but to follow Tang Jian to the ground with a bitter face.

As soon as Tang Jian saw the cannon, he immediately left Wang Ke behind, rushed over with one step, and started fighting around the cannon. How could Wang Ke miss such an opportunity, and hurried to the place where the equipment was piled up, curled up on the straw mat and Dozed off.

When Wang Ke was sleeping comfortably, he only felt a pain in his buttocks. Wang Keteng jumped up, rubbed his buttocks and opened his eyes, but Tang Jian was staring at him with a pair of bull's eyes.

Wang Ke hurriedly said with a smile: "Tang Shuai, if you have anything to say, just talk about it. My nephew has thin arms and legs, but I can't stand your troubles."

Tang Jian frowned and pointed at Wang Ke and said, "You are also a general after all. Look at what you look like. You came here to sleep."

Wang Ke pouted in dissatisfaction and murmured softly: "Isn't it too early? You dragged me here before I woke up. I can't sleep if I want to sleep."

"What did you say?" Tang Jian asked without hearing what Wang Ke was muttering clearly.

"It's nothing, it's still early, let's rest for a while." Wang Ke quickly argued.

Tang Jian didn't talk to Wang Ke, he pointed to the cannon position and said, "Boy, come here and tell me how to use this firearm."

Wang Ke reluctantly walked over, pointing to the neatly assembled cannons and began to explain.

Li Ke finished his goal setting and ran back, already sweating from exhaustion. Seeing Tang Jian and Wang Ke coming, he greeted him and began to arrange for the test shooting operators to enter their positions.Wang Ke hurriedly dragged Tang Jian back to the designated viewing area, only to see Li Ke waved his right hand downwards, and the arranged cannons were fired one by one, and the hill was immediately covered by thick smoke.

Li Ke turned around and said, "Tang Shuai, please go and check."

As soon as Tang Jian heard this, he ran over immediately, stood outside the thick smoke and waited for the smoke to dissipate. After the thick smoke dissipated, Tang Jian was stunned. Just now there was a mound not less than one foot high. , has disappeared now, and the eyes are full of dust.

Tang Jian murmured: "My God, how powerful this is. If it explodes before the battle, how many people will be wiped out!"

Wang Ke wanted to walk inside the explosion site, and replied: "According to the current explosion power, people within a radius of one foot can be eliminated."

Li Ke caught up with Wang Ke, grabbed him and asked, "What are you doing in there, the second test shot is about to begin."

Wang Ke stopped, turned to look at Li Ke and said, "Don't worry, first check if there are any duds. We must know how many bombs did not explode after each launch. These data will be useful for future production."

How did Li Ke know this? After hearing what Wang Ke said today, he realized it. He hurried into the explosion point just now with Wang Ke to check.

Turning around, Wang Ke had to admire the level of these manufacturing workers, there was not a single unexploded dud.But Wang Ke didn't say a word. After all, there are still several batches of test shots today, and he wants to see if it's the same after each completion.

After several consecutive test shots, today's subject is basically completed. Wang Ke is very satisfied with the results. After several batches, only one shell did not explode. It was not because of the manufacturer, but because it happened to fall It fell on the bombed soil, and since it was full of floating soil, the seal could not be triggered. After picking it up and continuing to use it, it actually exploded. Wang Ke felt as if a miracle had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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