Chapter 152

The sky was getting colder, and Wang Ke also started to collect his thicker clothes at home, so as not to have time to prepare when the weather changed.

After cleaning up for a while, Wang Ke remembered that the cotton had been picked for a long time, and he had handed it over to them. He hadn't cared about how to do it since then, and what happened to Li Jingye a while ago made him really care about this matter. Forgot all about it.If I’m free today, I might as well ask where I can get it, and go and see for myself. With so much cotton, I have to use some to make quilts.

Standing in the living room, Wang Ke didn't know where his wives had gone. After thinking about it, he decided to ask his wife, Mrs. Wang.When he came to Wang Si's side, Wang Ke didn't even see anyone, let alone Mrs. Wang, even his two aunts disappeared.

Wang Ke was a little puzzled now, it was like an appointment, once he didn't see anyone, he couldn't see anyone.make an appointment!Wang Ke seemed to understand a little bit. Did these people go to the workshop? There are a few days in every month, a group of women will gather together to talk about the status of the business, and what kind of style is the outside world feeling now? Interest, how to match the colors.

Since Wang Ke set up the stall for them, he hasn't asked about it. I remember asking Li Ke once, but Li Ke hasn't visited it either, and he doesn't know anything about the current situation there.Wang Ke vaguely remembered that place, and now he couldn't find anyone anyway, so he decided to go there to see if not all of them were there, at least one or two people would be there.

Wang Ke came to the workshop excitedly, but Wang Ke didn't know how to get into the backyard, so he had to go in through the gate.

As soon as he entered the gate, a young woman came forward to greet him, bowed to Wang Ke and said, "May I ask what this official needs to do in the shop?"

Wang Ke was taken aback, and didn't call himself an adult today. He looked down and found that he didn't wear a military uniform, but came out in plain clothes. Looking at the person in front of him, he really didn't know him, and quickly said: "Well, I don't know I'm here to find someone to make clothes."

The woman still smiled and said, "It's okay, just take a look."

Wang Ke was a little curious. In other shops, Rick had never encountered such a good attitude. Usually, he would stop talking to him when he heard that he didn't buy something. He didn't expect his wives to be so good.This is comparable to the services in those big shopping malls in later generations.

When Wang Ke was stunned, the woman had already turned around and walked away. Wang Ke hurriedly stopped her and said, "Girl, do you dare to ask if your boss is here?"

When the woman asked about the boss, her face straightened, she looked Wang Ke up and down, and then she opened her mouth and asked, "I don't know why the officials are looking for our boss?"

Wang Ke felt a little angry in his heart, he could be regarded as half the owner of this place anyway, but he still had to be interrogated like this when he came here, but after thinking about it again, Wang Ke lost his anger.First of all, I didn't reveal my identity, and others didn't know me; secondly, the bosses here are all women, so it's really suspicious for a big man to ask such an abrupt question.If these people knew the identity of their bosses, and they came here like this and asked about their bosses as soon as they entered the door, these people would definitely want to ask who they were.

After Wang Ke figured this out, he couldn't help laughing, and said to the woman: "You should go to your boss quickly, anyone can come. As for who I am, don't worry about what you have to do with your boss." Now, you just need to tell your boss to find a person surnamed Wang, your boss knows who I am."

Wang Ke dare not say that he is the husband of their boss. Besides his three wives, the boss here also has his mother and aunt, Li Ke's concubines and princesses.If I said that, it would be fine if this person went to report to my wife, but if it was someone else, then it would be a big mess.

The woman also knows the identities of her bosses, and the wives and misses of high-ranking officials in the court usually come and go. Although a single man like today has never come to look for her, the identity of this person should not be bad. .Seeing that Wang Ke spoke so confidently, she hesitated for a while and decided to report in. After all, as her own boss, no one would dare to come here to act wildly.

The woman bowed to Wang Ke again and said: "Please wait for the officials to wait for the little girl to go in and report."

Wang Ke did not propose to go in by himself, and he also had his considerations. After all, the backyard is full of women. If he rushed in directly, the people in the front shop would definitely not agree. It will be more embarrassing if you go in and bump into it. Instead of doing this, you might as well wait a little longer, and all problems can be avoided.

Not long after the woman left, she turned out from behind, followed by her own wife Lan Ling.Seeing Lan Ling, Wang Ke breathed a sigh of relief, after all, it was more convenient for his wife to come out than others.

As soon as Lan Ling saw Wang Ke, he ran up with a smile on his face, held Wang Ke's arm with both hands and said, "General, it really is you. When I came in and said that someone surnamed Wang was looking for me, my sister said it must be you. Lan Ling still doesn't believe it. Why did the general think of coming here today?"

When the woman who greeted Wang Ke heard Lan Ling's words, she immediately understood that this person was the current son-in-law, her face turned pale from fright, and she quickly knelt down to make amends.

Wang Ke smiled and said: "Get up, you didn't know who I am just now, besides, you didn't do anything wrong, so there is nothing to apologize for."

After speaking, he touched Lanling's head and said, "Who is in the backyard? Take me there, I have something to ask your sister."

Lan Ling led Wang Ke to think about leaving, and answered Wang Ke's question: "They are all here, they are all here today, even the mother-in-law came together."

Wang Ke heard that everyone was there, and asked again: "Is today the time for your meeting?"

Lan Ling said with a small mouth: "That's not true. They all heard that the cloth made of cotton will be released today, so they all came to see it. Didn't they want to come to our house to ask for some back?"

Seeing Lan Ling's cute look, Wang Ke couldn't help laughing.After chatting and laughing, the two came to the backyard. Lan Ling took Wang Ke directly to a big house. Wang Ke saw a row of looms in the house busy, and everyone was in the loom room. Walking back and forth.

Wang Ke stepped forward and looked carefully at each loom. It was obvious that the thickness of the cloth woven by each loom was the same. Wang Ke took a spun cloth from the side of the loom. When comparing the thread in his hand, Wang Ke understood the mystery. When spinning the thread, the thickness of the spun thread determines the thickness of the woven cloth. Now each loom uses spinning thread of different thickness. , must be finding out how thick the thread spun is the most suitable for making clothes.

When Wang Ke was running around inside, everyone had already seen him, but Nanping didn't let everyone call him, because Nanping knew that Wang Ke must be learning about the inside of weaving by walking around like this.

After Wang Ke finished reading, Princess Changle couldn't wait to ask: "I said brother-in-law, did you see anything famous after watching it for a long time? You should tell us what you see. This is the first time we have seen this thing." Woolen cloth."

Wang Ke patted the dust off his hands, walked towards the female general and said, "Which of you came up with this method?"

Upon hearing this, Princess Changle asked a little nervously: "Why, is this method not good?"

Seeing Changle like this, Wang Ke knew that she must have come up with this idea. She praised it secretly, gave a thumbs up and said, "Very good, everything weaved like this is useful. The thin one can be used to make curtains, Clothes; thicker ones can be used as bed sheets and quilt covers. The thickest ones can be used for many purposes, such as pockets, mats, etc., soaked in tung oil to make tents.”

After Wang Ke finished speaking, he turned his head to the side and said: "However, it is a bit wasteful to use cotton cloth to make a tent. Let's not mention this, let's make it with linen cloth. It is more cost-effective to calculate."

Princess Xiangcheng, who had been quietly listening to Wang Ke's words, said about it: "That's right, this cotton cloth is much better than linen cloth. It's a pity to use it as a tent. It can't be used as a tent."

Seeing Xiangcheng, all the girls started to talk, and they also started talking in a hurry.

As the saying goes: There are three women in one drama, and all the women talk to each other, there are five dramas, which made Wang Ke frown.

Wang Ke hurried to the side to look at the woven cloth. It was okay to touch and it was quite soft, but when Wang Ke picked up the thinnest piece of cloth, Wang Ke frowned even tighter.The cloth is so thin that it is already comparable to silk, and you can see through it without lifting it up.

Wang Ke hurriedly stopped the female weaving workers, and said to the girls who were still talking non-stop: "Stop talking, come here quickly. This kind of thing is not allowed!"

As soon as the girls heard Wang Ke's words, they surrounded him with a groan, spread the cloth on their hands, and looked at it repeatedly, but they didn't see anything wrong.

Chang Le asked suspiciously: "I said brother-in-law, what's wrong with this, the thickness and softness are quite good. Why not?"

Wang Ke didn't speak, but pulled one side of the cloth with both hands, and tore the cloth in half with a slight tear.

Wang Ke held the torn cloth head and said: "You all saw it when spinning the thread. The cotton is not very long. If the thread is spun too thin, the woven cloth cannot withstand tearing. If you tear it lightly or it will be broken, what is the use of this thing?"

As soon as Wang Ke finished speaking, the female worker sitting in front of the loom said timidly: "My lord is right, the little girl always breaks the thread when weaving, and it never happened when the little girl was weaving linen before." I thought the cotton thread was like this, so I never said anything about it.”

Only then did the girls realize that it is not good if the thread is too thin.

Chang Le said with some disappointment: "Then what should I do? There are still many such lines. Wouldn't it be a waste if they can't be used?"

Wang Ke scratched his head, he didn't know what to do, even though he spoke clearly and logically, when he encountered such a specific problem, he couldn't solve it.

The female worker next to her said again: "It won't be wasted, as long as we weave a few of these cotton threads together, it's okay."

Wang Ke loves to hear these words. He has never woven cloth. Wang Ke has seen too many weaving scenes on TV. In his impression, it seems that there are several threads weaving at the same time. Several threads are called several threads. For yarn or something, Wang Ke nodded vigorously, indicating that this would work.

All the girls agreed to do this when they saw Wang Ke, and they all thought that Wang Ke agreed to do this because she knew what to do. In fact, Wang Ke is making decisions entirely based on her own memory, because Wang Ke understands that everything has to go through Countless repetitions can be done successfully, of course, except for things that you know.

(End of this chapter)

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