Chapter 195

Seeing that Comrade Li Er was lost in thought, everyone present did not say a word, they just cast their eyes on Comrade Li Er to see what he had to say.

When Wang Si found these people just now, they all readily agreed to go to Comrade Li Er's imperial study to see if there was any way to save Wang Ke's life.

On the way, these people discussed it as they walked. Although the matter is not easy to handle, they still have to do their best to help Wang Ke mediate, especially for those who have princesses as their wives. I racked my brains to find a way.

For them, Wang Ke's previous actions can be regarded as a great help to them, especially the matter of letting the princess into each house, if Wang Ke hadn't argued hard, the princess can only live in the princess mansion now Here, my son is waiting to be summoned, and I don't know what year and month it will be if I want to hold my grandson.

As the saying goes: There are three kinds of unfilial piety, the greatest is having no descendants.

For these people, the most important thing is to embrace their grandson so that their blood can be passed on. Wang Ke is equivalent to saving their own life. This kind of kindness cannot be repaid in any other way Yes, now is the best chance.

Comrade Li Er looked at the group of courtiers who followed him to fight the world standing in front of the imperial case, and he was filled with emotion. Since he took this seat, he has never seen these people. Looking at Wang Ke who is still kneeling on the ground now, I feel very uncomfortable.

It hasn't been long since this kid came back, but everything he has done has won his appreciation, and the effect after implementing it is quite obvious.It can be seen that this kid is doing things for himself wholeheartedly. It can be said that it is completely impossible to say that he has any other ideas.

Comrade Li Er said in a deep voice: "I also know the feelings of all my lovers, but if this matter is not punished according to the law, how can I manage all the officials in the future, and how can I be able to convince the public!"

As soon as Comrade Li Er's words came out, everyone's mouths were really sealed. Regarding Comrade Li Er's words, everyone really felt that there was no room for refutation, and they couldn't help but looked at each other, speechless for a while.

After a while, I heard Fang Xuanling say weakly: "Your Majesty, this little lord Wang has also made meritorious service to the court, can he be exempted from the death penalty by paying the meritorious deeds, and just be punished!"

When Fang Xuanling said this, it was obvious that he had no confidence at all, because he knew that this merit was merit, and that a demerit was a demerit. Although Wang Ke's meritorious deeds were normal, they did not appear every time. Rewards, but Comrade Li Er's rewards to Wang Ke are also extraordinary every time. Otherwise, according to Wang Ke's qualifications, he would not be able to reach his current position in another ten years.So now that he told Wang Ke to use his merits to pay for the crime, Fang Xuanling didn't even believe that it was feasible.

Comrade Li Er looked at Fang Xuanling and said word by word: "Fang Qing, I have rewarded the Wang family boy for his merits. Now, how low is it to say that he should pay for his crimes with his merits?"

Comrade Li Er's question made Fang Xuanling, who had no idea at all, even more speechless at this moment. Comrade Li Er's question hit the point, how could he lower his guilt?Resigned to noble!That's too light. Originally, these things would be taken back when the head was beheaded. Now if these are used to make up for the crime, it can be said that there is no punishment.why would you said this?Because these things are all false, even if they are all erased now, as long as they are still there, one day when Comrade Li Er is happy, he can immediately leave them intact, and even add a little more to Wang Ke. At that time, it is estimated that many people will say that Comrade Li Er is bending the law for personal gain, which is definitely what Comrade Li Er does not want to see.

Not to mention Wang Ke’s son-in-law, even Comrade Li Er’s own son, as long as there is an obstacle to his rule of the empire, he can also be erased. Everyone present has experienced that day five years ago (Wang Except for Ke, don't treat him as a human being now, anyway, he doesn't have much time) Anyone who wants to stop Comrade Li Er from accomplishing his career will be eliminated without mercy!

Looking at Comrade Li Er who had made up his mind, everyone present was spinning their minds rapidly, thinking how to intercede with Comrade Li Er, so that Comrade Li Er could be justified and Wang Ke could be spared. .

Although everyone knows that this possibility is impossible now, but now no one is willing to give up even a glimmer of hope so easily, after all, giving up now is tantamount to losing Wang Ke's life.And everyone can see now that Comrade Li Er has not ordered Wang Ke to be beheaded for a long time, and he has not even issued an order to put Wang Ke in prison first, and then hand over to the Ministry of Punishment or the Taiwan court to which Yushitai belongs for trial. It is to see who can come up with a reason that can convince Comrade Li Er, so that Comrade Li Er can find an upright reason for not killing Wang Ke.

Comrade Li Er will use the law as an excuse for anyone who says anything now. As long as anyone can use the law to break Comrade Li Er’s reason, then Wang Ke’s life will probably be saved. As for other punishments, Now everyone present is thinking about how to save Wang Ke's life, and they have no time to take care of anything else.

Seeing that no one in the group of people said a word, Comrade Li Er said: "All my lovers are here, so I won't find another time. All my lovers are pleading for the boy of the Wang family, and I will allow you to speak out. Now you all have to come up with a reason to convince me, I will send someone to summon Liu Qing from the Ministry of Punishment, if you lovers can't convince me, I can only ask Liu Qing to deal with it according to the law."

Comrade Li Er's words made everyone have to face up to this problem. Comrade Li Er has already made it very clear, asking for love, yes!Come up with convincing reasons.Now I will give you time to think about it. If you still can’t say it in a while, then don’t blame me for being rude.

This is an open discussion that everyone is allowed to discuss. If there is any reason these people don't understand, they immediately get together and discuss it.

Comrade Li Er saw that Wang Ke was still kneeling on the ground, moving his knees from side to side. He probably knelt for too long and couldn't bear it.

Comrade Li Er leaned on the back of the chair, and said as gently as possible: "Boy of the Wang family, get up first. If there is nothing to do in the future, you don't have to kneel anymore. If there is something to do, then don't blame me!"

Wang Ke is feeling uncomfortable now. When he heard Comrade Li Er told him to get up first, Xie En wanted to stand up, but because he knelt for too long, he felt that his feet were a little unstable when he stood up. If Cheng Zhijie beside him grabbed him He probably has to come here to have intimate contact with the ground again.

While moving her legs, Wang Ke asked in a low voice to the person next to her: "Who made this rule? There is still such a place set aside for the emperor's exclusive use. Doesn't it mean that whoever is not careful will do it?" Are you going to lose your head?"

The people standing next to Wang Ke are all those old killers, and they don’t know much about the laws of the court than Wang Ke. It’s just that they know more or less after a long time. It’s really embarrassing for them to explain in detail. .

Cheng Zhijie didn't know how to explain to Wang Ke, so he turned around and pulled Changsun Wuji over, repeated Wang Ke's question, and asked, "Old man, please explain this question, I really don't mind I know how to explain it to the Wang family boy."

Changsun Wuji took a look at Cheng Zhijie, and then said to Wang Ke: "Nephew, it's like this. This Zhuque Gate is the only access to the Imperial City and other areas of Chang'an City. Every time, no matter whether the army is on an expedition or the officials are on patrol, it is very important." A ceremony must be held here. Of course, sometimes it is also at the gate of the outer city. That kind of situation is rare, and it is not a standard system. The place where you park your car outside the Suzaku Gate is the special place for the emperor to hold ceremonies. Anyone They are not allowed to set foot in at will, even if soldiers are on patrol, they must go around. That is to say, no one can stand there without the permission of the emperor."

After listening for a long time, Wang Ke still didn't hear the answer he wanted. He wanted to ask why there was such a provision in the law. It was as absurd as a law of the Commonwealth of Nations in later generations.

The law of the Commonwealth of Nations says: It is strictly forbidden to turn straw into gold bars, and if it is violated, it will be hanged.But in this world, there may not be anyone who has such a great ability to violate this law. If there is such a person, it is estimated that no one will send him to the gallows, but will be strictly protected. Let him increase the gold reserves for his country.

And the law of the Tang Empire is really life-threatening. No one can guarantee that they won't step on it by accident. Wouldn't that be their own life?In Wang Ke's view, this law is completely as absurd as the law of the Commonwealth of Nations.

But this time I have no ability, the most important thing is that I don't have time to change, because now I am about to be taken away by this law.

When someone was discussing and chatting with Wang Ke (I felt that there was no way to persuade Comrade Li Er, so I had to do my best to chat with Wang Ke), Liu Zhenghui, Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, came in, saluted Comrade Li Er, and secretly greeted him. Fang Xuanling who was beside him asked: "Master Fang, what's going on, why did you come to the emperor today, and even called the old man here."

Fang Xuanling told Liu Zhenghui what happened today in a low voice. At this moment, Comrade Li Er said: "Dear dears, now that Liu Qing has come, if you still can't convince me, I will let Liu Qing do it. The law dealt with Egypt"

At this time, no one could think of any way to persuade Comrade Li Er, so they had to lower their heads and dare not look at Comrade Li Er and Wang Ke.

Li Jing couldn't hold back anymore at this time, he came out and said: "Your Majesty, I don't know why I have come to plead with the Emperor for the sake of my lord, but I still hope that the emperor will do a lot of things for the court because of my lord. For the sake of forgiving Lord Xiao Wang, I am willing to use my wealth to intercede for Lord Xiao Wang." Li Jing knelt down after speaking.

As soon as they saw Li Jing kneeling down, everyone except Fang Xuanling and Liu Zhenghui also knelt down together, asking Comrade Li Er to spare Wang Ke.

It's not that Fang Xuanling and Liu Zhenghui are not helping Wang Ke to intercede at this time, but Liu Zhenghui is discussing something with Fang Xuanling after listening to Fang Xuanling's words, and doesn't care about these people's actions at all. .

Comrade Li Er couldn't say anything when he saw these people. Knowing that there was nothing to do, he had no choice but to harden his heart and said to Liu Zhenghui, "Liu Qing, now tell me what happened to the Wang family boy. How should it be dealt with according to the law?"

When Liu Zhenghui heard Comrade Li Er calling him, he quickly pressed Fang Xuanling's arm, and after signaling for a while, he stepped forward and said to Comrade Li Er: "Your Majesty, I can't handle it."

When Liu Zhenghui said this, everyone except Fang Xuanling was stunned. How could he not deal with it?Everyone knows this, this is a capital crime, and everyone here is still pleading for Wang Ke, which is good, when Liu Zhenghui comes, he will say that he can't deal with it!
Comrade Li Er was at a loss for a moment. Just now he asked everyone to give him a reason, but no one could give him a reason.It's good now, the person I called, just evaded me with just four words.

Comrade Li Er said very angrily: "The prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. How could Liu Qing say such words!"

Liu Zhenghui cupped his hands to Comrade Li Er and said: "Your Majesty, the law stipulates very clearly that offending the dignity of the royal family has different degrees of punishment according to the seriousness of the circumstances. The serious ones will be beheaded, and the worst ones will be exiled. I just listened to Mr. Fang's detailed explanation, but I didn't find any applicable law from the law, so I can't deal with it!"

Comrade Li Er was very surprised: "How could it not be possible? The Wang family boy entered the forbidden area without authorization today. Isn't this an offense to the dignity of the royal family?"

Liu Zhenghui looked at Wang Ke, and said to Comrade Li Er: "Your Majesty, the scope of the royal forbidden area is clearly recorded in the law. There is really no place outside the Suzaku Gate. All officials dare not include this place in the law without authorization. I hope the emperor will forgive me!"

At this time, Wang Ke really admired these ministers under Comrade Li Er more and more. Dynasty, I guess I don't have such a good thing.

Fang Xuanling, who was standing aside and listening to Comrade Li Er and Liu Zhenghui, stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the place outside the Suzaku Gate is only reserved for the emperor to hold ceremonies. It is still my dynasty, and it is not specifically managed as a royal forbidden area. The emperor is wise, so everyone consciously does not trample on this place. After a long time, everyone gets used to seeing this place as the emperor's exclusive place. Please ask your majesty to look into this point."

Hearing Fang Xuanling's explanation, Wang Ke couldn't help wiping the beads of sweat from her head, and said in her heart: "If I knew this was the case, I wouldn't have to kneel for so long. Why don't I know about it? It was only when Master Liu came that he was able to free himself with a single sentence."

Comrade Li Er asked with a look of still not giving up: "Is this really the case?"

Liu Zhenghui said solemnly: "If the emperor does not believe it, I can immediately bring the law to the emperor for review!"

Comrade Li Er shook his hand and said: "No need, since this is the case, forget it, this matter is over. The Wang family boy is fine!"

Seeing that Wang Ke was fine, the old man and the veterans breathed a sigh of relief, and when they saluted Comrade Li Er and were about to leave, Wang Ke opened his mouth and said, "Your Majesty, I want to sue, and I want to sue the one who framed me." people!"

(End of this chapter)

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