Chapter 20

In the next few days, Wang Ke stayed in the village every day, guarding a few carpenters to make some new drawings he had drawn. Uncle Zhang had already found a shop in West Market, and had already carried out the decoration according to the drawings he designed. Just wait for the samples in the village to be ready and pull them over and put them on the table before they can open.

Wang Ke carefully recalled the past few days, trying to minimize some omissions.

Since the discussion with Wang Si that day, the entire palace was mobilized by the whole family. All the cash in the palace was taken out and less than [-] guan, Wang Ke was almost petrified at that time.

He never imagined that a dignified third-rank member of the Tang Empire would only have such a small amount of money in his family. After Mrs. Wang and two aunts took out their own jewelry, he could barely scrape together more than 1000 pennies, which was enough to give to Xishi. The one-year rent and decoration costs of the one-floor and ground-floor shop they fancy.

This also surprised Wang Si, who usually doesn't care about his own expenses, and strengthened his determination to do business according to Wang Ke's words.After all, if you have a lot of money and don't bite your hands, it's not a bad thing to have money in your hand.

Seeing the situation at home, Wang Ke also felt that his decision was quite timely. If it was delayed for a while, he might not even have the money.

Wang Ke asked Wang Si to sort out a list of ministers who wanted to send furniture. After reading it himself, he added the names of Li Ke, the princesses of Xiangcheng, Suining, Nanping, and Changle, and their highnesses.The family members originally thought that these people would not come to buy them if they gave them away, but when Wang Ke said what he had thought up earlier, everyone's mood immediately improved.

It turned out that Wang Ke had no intention of furnishing every family's house at all, but just a symbolic gift for each family. For example, a table plus four chairs plus a bed would count as a set. Send it to the house, who do you want to use it for?Needless to say, buy it.When I came here, I saw something else, it was pleasing to the eye, and it felt very comfortable to use. You have to buy it back, right?That's how business is done.

Wang Ke's business experience must have been very useful in the Tang Dynasty, and he also drew drawings of all the necessary but uncommon commercial activities in later generations, such as order lists and bills of lading, and handed them to Uncle Zhang. Finding someone to engrave and print it out, this hand also surprised everyone

Of course, Wang Ke will never forget the signboard and logo of the store, and directly copied the "Yanjia" of later generations.Lazy people don’t want to do it even if they can do it by themselves. If you have ready-made ones, you must take them. This is also in line with Wang Ke’s consistent style. , who can bite me?"

Wang Ke's idea is actually very simple. He just wants to operate like the furniture companies of later generations, but these people don't know these operating methods.

The craftsmanship of these carpenters is becoming more and more proficient. Although the things they made this time are more unique than those made for themselves, and each piece of furniture is carefully designed with decorative patterns, but in the hands of these carpenters, it is not considered a piece of furniture. What a problem.

By the end of the fourth day, the three rooms in Zhuangzi dedicated to storing finished products were almost full.

Wang Ke made some calculations, as long as three more sets are made today, it is enough to give away and put them in the shop.Wang Ke asked Carpenter Yang to give some instructions, and arranged for a servant to load all kinds of furniture sent to the store and pull them into the store, but he took a step first, because he still had the most important thing to do.

Wang Ke drove to the store, and saw that Uncle Zhang was instructing a few guys in the store to clean up the store nervously. After all, time was tight, and it was about to be opened just after the decoration. Do things.

Walking into the store, several of the guys were servants from the old manor. Wang Ke saw that these guys were smart, so he arranged for them to come to the store.Seeing the young master coming in at this time, they all stopped what they were doing and saluted Wang Ke.

Wang Ke waved his hand to signal everyone to do their own thing, grabbed Uncle Zhang and got into his car.Because the wood used by Wang Ke in the past, including the furniture used for giving away and displaying this time, was saved by his own family before, and the technical price is really easy to calculate. A few days ago, he asked Uncle Zhang to inquire about the price of wood. Come here today to ask, so that the price of the furniture can be finalized. Otherwise, once the store opens, it won’t sell even if the price is low. That would be a big joke.

Wang Ke stared at Uncle Zhang and asked, "Uncle Zhang, have you found out the price of the wood?"

Uncle Zhang took out a Fang Sheng from his sleeve, handed it to Wang Ke and said, "Master, you have all the types of wood you want to ask, and I wrote them all on it. You can quickly set the price, and it will be as soon as it opens." to use "

Wang Ke compared the above prices and calculated the materials used for each item. Of course, he would not forget to add the loss into it.Without much effort, all the cost prices have been calculated one by one, but the price on paper is [-]% higher than the real price he calculated. After all, labor, shop rent and future material price increases are also the same. To be calculated together, these have to be included in the cost.

Wang Ke looked at the price he had written down, raised his head and said to Uncle Zhang, "Uncle Zhang, what do you think is the right price for us to sell these things?"

Uncle Zhang already knew the cost of these things when Wang Ke was calculating (of course, the cost after Wang Ke added [-]%). Whatever you want, the table is three pieces, the bed uses a lot of materials, and it is also complicated to make. If you want ten pieces, I can’t say anything else. Let the young master decide.”

Wang Ke nodded slightly, the price that Uncle Zhang said was about the same as what he expected, so he didn't say much, just wrote these prices in the price list, and discussed with Uncle Zhang to set the prices of other things come out.

Now waiting for the samples to be pulled and placed, Wang Ke took out his cigarette, and while smoking, told Uncle Zhang about the problems he might encounter in the future and how to solve them.Hearing this, Uncle Zhang didn't dare to blink his eyes. He hadn't heard of this before. These are all experiences.The carriage pulling the furniture came, and Wang Ke instructed to arrange everything according to his requirements, and they were all in their places in a short while.

I don’t know if I don’t look at it, this look is really amazing, Wang Ke copied everything that can be copied by later generations, not to mention the table, chair, bed, even the big wardrobe, or the sliding door ; Desks, enshrinement tables imitating Ming and Qing furniture, coat racks... dozens of varieties.

In addition to a lounge upstairs, there is also a VIP room and two exhibition rooms.One of the exhibition rooms is arranged like a front hall for receiving guests, and the other is arranged like a bedroom, which is considered a very novel approach in this era.

After the arrangement was completed, Wang Ke sent someone back to the mansion to inform the family to see if there was anything that needed to be changed. After a while, Wang Si came with Mrs. Wang, two aunts and Dongyue.

The few people who walked in the door were stunned by everything in front of them. They never thought that a small piece of furniture can make so many tricks.Wang Ke led them upstairs, and they were even more amazed when they saw the two showrooms.

Wang Si murmured: "Ke'er, our house will also be arranged like this in the future, which makes people look comfortable, much more pleasing to the eye than our house now."

Wang Ke secretly thought to himself: "Does this need to be said? There are wooden sofas, three-seater, two-seater, and single-seater. The coffee table is in the middle, which is completely modern. Of course, it is more modern than your Tang Dynasty sofa. The decoration is much more beautiful." He replied: "Father, our house is not in a hurry, when we earn money, we will decorate the house first and we will arrange it like this."

Wang Si nodded and came to the display room showing the bedroom, pointed to the low cabinets on both sides of the bed and asked, "What is this?"

Wang Ke replied with a smile: "This head cabinet can put some small things, and for the convenience of night, you can put a candlestick or something, and you can lean on the bed to watch something; mothers and aunts can also sit on the bed and sew something, which is convenient. a little."

After listening to his explanation, everyone felt that this thing was very good, and they all said that it was thoughtful.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with it, Wang Ke asked Wang Si: "Father, the furniture for giving away is ready. When will you give it away? It happens that you don't have to go to court tomorrow, why don't you give it away tomorrow?" Bar."

Wang Si thought for a while and said: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to send it. We don't have so many cars. If we want to send it one by one, we may not be able to send it to several families in a day. Otherwise, we will send it to every family in the invitation card." Put a bill of lading made by you, write down what is there, and let them find their own time to pick it up, so that we will save trouble and it will be convenient for them.”

Wang Ke also felt that this was very good when he heard it. He called Uncle Zhang and asked him to ask Mr. Wang from the accountant to prepare it. He especially told that the stub of the bill of lading must be handed over to the person in charge of the warehouse in the village in advance, lest others Unable to check upon delivery.

Seeing that Wang Ke had arranged everything properly, Wang Si looked around and asked, "Ke'er, where is the price tag you mentioned, why didn't you see it?"

When Wang Ke was asked this question, he explained what he had discussed with Uncle Zhang just now, and bluntly set a price, but he still wanted to discuss it with everyone.When everyone heard that the most fundamental issue had not been decided, they all became anxious. Now that everyone is here, it happened to be decided, so they went upstairs to the VIP room together. Wang Ke asked Uncle Zhang to come up with him because he was the supervisor here. .

Sitting down, everyone can't care about the male lead outside and the female lead inside; who is older and who is younger, what generation, status, and discusses and argues fiercely for a common goal.

When no one could convince anyone, it was unanimously decided to let Wang Ke decide, and everyone turned their eyes to him.

Wang Ke gritted her teeth and decided to sell everything at double the cost.Unexpectedly, Uncle Zhang thought it was too low and should be raised, but Wang Si thought it was too high and started arguing again.

Wang Ke continued to appease them, and finally passed all of them, so they opened at the price Wang Ke said first, and then adjusted the price according to the situation.Now that everything is ready, it is time to open on the selected auspicious day.

(End of this chapter)

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