Chapter 229

When he came to the West Market, Wang Ke saw a high platform that had been built on the open ground of the West Market. Wang Ke secretly admired the high efficiency of the Chang'an Mansion. He only told them yesterday afternoon that he wanted to build such a platform in the West Market. The stage used for the public trial meeting, I didn't expect to see Zhang Ying come to invite me after noon today, saying that the high stage has been built, please come over to see if it is available.

This Xishi Wang Ke also comes here a lot, but when he comes here on weekdays, he just plunges into Nanping and their fashion stores, and has never shopped around. He is really not very familiar with this place. In a place where every inch of land is expensive, there is still such a large open space.

Wang Ke casually asked Zhang Ying and found out that this vacant lot was reserved for those farmers who did not have a fixed shop, worked in agriculture on weekdays, and only came here to exchange some change in their spare time. Of course, there were regulations on this time. Yes, that is, it is opened once every three days, and the market must be closed after noon on the opening day. Otherwise, if it is open every day and the time is not limited, then these merchants can't do it.

Wang Ke secretly sighed inwardly, the management of this aspect of Tang Dynasty seems to be very sound. This method not only takes care of the interests of merchants, but also takes into account the lives of farmers. It really can be regarded as the best of both worlds.

Following Zhang Ying all the way to the high platform, Wang Ke saw that the high platform was built too high. Standing close to the platform, she couldn't see it even if she looked up.

Wang Ke turned to Zhang Ying and said: "Master Zhang, this platform has to be lowered, it is too high, people in front can't see it, and it is inconvenient for us to go up, and the depth needs to be lengthened, now this looks like a Stage, no way."

Zhang Ying didn't agree right away. When Wang Ke asked to build the stage yesterday, he didn't say what it would be used for, how big it would be, and he hadn't done it himself, so he had to award the prize according to the usual stage. In the end, Wang Ke Saying no when you come here really makes you not know what to do.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Ying couldn't figure out how far to go, how deep the depth would be, there was really no other way, so she had to ask: "Master Wang, I don't know how tall the crown prince you are talking about, how deep is the depth?" How deep. Please tell Master Wang to be more specific, lest it still cannot be used after changing it, and it will be too late!"

Wang Ke patted himself on the forehead. He really had to blame himself for this matter. At that time, he didn't think too much about it. He just asked Zhang Ying to build the platform, but he didn't tell them how to do it. Looking at it now, he probably had never built it before. .Seeing Zhang Ying asking now, he could only explain the request for building a high platform.

After Zhang Ying finished listening, she patted her chest and assured Wang Ke that the building would be built according to Wang Ke's request before noon tomorrow.

Wang Ke nodded and asked: "Master Zhang, when is the world of public trial scheduled for you?"

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "Master Wang, this is what Mr. Fang and the others said. Let us post a notice to let everyone in Chang'an City know about it. Several places around here have also issued documents to let the local people know about it. The yamen also posted the notice. After calculating the time, it will take three days at the earliest to let everyone know, so the time for the public trial is set in five days, and Mr. Wang can also use these few days Let's get acquainted with the case. It will be up to Mr. Wang at that time."

After Zhang Ying finished speaking, she deliberately cupped her hands towards Wang Ke. Wang Ke quickly waved her hands and said, "Master Zhang, this matter still depends on you. You are better than me in the laws of the Tang Dynasty, and I can only do it." Let’s just say a few words, the specific judgment depends on you.”

Wang Ke's words can be regarded as the truth, not to mention the law at this time, even if it is the law of later generations, Wang Ke doesn't know much, if it comes to this issue, then Wang Ke can't take it easy up.Wang Ke is good at making jokes. When it comes to this kind of highly professional, then he is no match.

Seeing that Wang Ke spoke frankly, Zhang Ying couldn't help but get closer to Wang Ke again.However, there were still a few words of humility in his mouth.

After bidding farewell to Zhang Ying, Wang Ke plunged into their fashion store in Nanping.

I couldn't think of it until I arrived in West Market, but now that I came here, I remembered whether the price of my store had increased. It had happened for so many days, and I really didn't think of asking.

Going straight to the backyard, Wang Ke saw that all the shareholders were sitting in the house, presumably they were discussing something.

Standing outside the door, Wang Ke stopped. He felt that there was no need for him to go in at this time. If he was really discussing something, going in by himself would definitely interrupt their train of thought. Now seeing that they can independently support this A shop, although it is not big, is considered very good in this era.

Wang Ke didn't want to go in, but his position gave him away. He was standing directly facing the gate, and he didn't even think about hiding to the side, just in time for Princess Xiangcheng who was sitting at the top to see him. When people heard that Wang Ke was standing outside the door, they turned their heads to look, and they didn't care about the meeting, so they all ran out and pulled Wang Ke in.

Wang Ke came to the table and said with a smile: "You guys talk, I'll just listen in."

Xiangcheng said with a smile: "Master Wang is an expert, what we discussed, I will ask Mr. Wang to see if it is feasible later!"

Wang Ke nodded repeatedly, and sat aside by himself, listening to what they were discussing.

After listening to a few words, Wang Ke understood that what these people were discussing now was the question of whether the price of the clothes they made should be raised or not. The fabrics have already increased, and now the profit of ready-made garments has decreased by more than [-]% compared with before, so the price should also be increased; if you don’t support the price increase, Moli is very sufficient to lobby for maintaining the original price. In the past, the price was already high, and the profit was quite considerable. Even if the price is not increased now, the profit is still very attractive. If the price increase scares away the old customers, it will be difficult to do it in the future. It is much more difficult.

Wang Ke saw that these people had not been in business for long, and they had already considered this matter so thoroughly, and she was very happy in her heart. It has been said since ancient times that a woman's lack of talent is virtue, and it seems that she doesn't know how much she has buried. Such a talented person is really a waste of money!

The two sides couldn't stop arguing, and at this time they turned their attention to Wang Ke, hoping that he could make a ruling.

Wang Ke looked at this group of female soldiers, and was really unwilling to say this, not because Wang Ke didn't know what to say, but because he didn't want to let himself be the arbitrator. This matter is their business, so they should settle it by themselves. If they always have to rely on themselves or Li Ke's help, then they will never be able to make a decision on something independently, which will not be good for their future operations!

Seeing that Wang Ke didn't mean to speak, all the girls thought Wang Ke was in trouble, and they didn't know which side to help. Princess Xiangcheng encouraged: "Master Wang, just talk. There are no outsiders here. What's the matter?" I'm sorry to say it, even if you said something, I don't think anyone will blame you."

When Wang Ke heard Xiangcheng's words, he really felt a little dumbfounded. It's fine if these people can't guess what he thinks, why would he think that he is embarrassed to say it, for fear of offending others!
Wang Ke said with a tangled face: "This... I don't mean that. I just think that you will definitely encounter this kind of thing in the future. If you want to rely on other people to make decisions for you every time, then it is not a solution, right? .When things happen, you have to think about solving them on your own. Don’t think about finding someone just because you have a problem. This is your own business, so you must find a way to solve it yourself. Asking for help is better than asking for it. Myself! I don’t know if you understand what I mean?”

Wang Ke's words were very simple, but everyone present still understood the meaning.I also agree with Wang Ke's words in my heart.But this is the first time they have encountered such a problem. Although the problem has been raised, they still don't know what to do if it is solved. The reason for wanting Wang Ke to arbitrate.

Xiangcheng also knew this truth, but after Wang Ke had spoken, she also felt that she couldn't open her mouth when she was asked to let Wang Ke speak. At this time, it was still Princess Changle who said: "Master Wang, is this not This is the first time we have encountered such a thing. We have to learn to deal with it ourselves. We have to give us a learning process. This time you teach us. If there is such a thing in the future, we can learn to do it. ?"

Needless to say, when Princess Changle said these words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. These words of Changle touched their hearts. This is the first time they have encountered such a thing, and they really don’t know How to deal with it, if someone can teach me about it, then even if I follow the gourd painting in the future, there will be a reference point!
Wang Ke was also caught by Princess Changle's words. If there were no such words, it would be fine if he didn't say anything. Now that he said it, he told him to teach them how to deal with such things. If he didn't speak again, it would be unreasonable .

Wang Ke had no choice but to say: "Actually, this matter is not a big deal. No matter how big our profit margin was before, it means that the price is recognized by customers. Now that the price of raw materials has increased, if we keep the original price unchanged, So for us, it’s just a reduction in profits. As long as there are profits, even a reduction is not a big deal. As long as there are profits, we will not lose money, so it’s okay to consider not raising prices. questionable."

Wang Ke's words made the party who insisted not to increase the price very happy. Originally, what Wang Ke said now agreed with their opinions. How could this not make them happy!

But what Wang Ke said next made their hearts cool down again, and those who agreed with the price increase became excited: "As for the price increase, this is also a matter of course. The price of raw materials will increase. If the price does not increase, we will Not to mention the loss of profits, the customer may also think that the price of the materials has increased, but the price of the garment has not increased. Did we earn a lot of money before! At that time, the customer will go to other places If you make clothes, it’s not that you earn less money, but you lose money!”

Wang Ke's words are also reasonable, but he gave a positive statement on both sides of the opinion, which made these people wonder whether to increase the price or continue to maintain the original price, and everyone's faces showed a look of bewilderment , I don't know what to do.

Xiangcheng couldn't bear it anymore, and said to Wang Ke: "Then what should I do? It's not good to raise the price now, and it's not good if it doesn't. Words will do!"

Wang Ke had expected their expressions to be like this before speaking, and everything now was within his expectations. Regarding this issue, Wang Ke had his own thoughts. What he said just now was just analyzing the facts and saying It's just out of the customer's general psychology. Regarding the solution to the problem, he will definitely say it after he has said this, because he wants to let these people know that life is full of knowledge, not what they think, only reading Talent is noble, all others are ignorant.

Wang Ke said slowly: "This problem has to be solved in this way. The price has to be raised, but it is not appropriate to raise it too high at once. Now that the material has increased by more than [-]%, then we can increase it by [-]%, and then issue a notice explaining that it is because of the material. The previous price has no profit, and now we can only be forced to increase the price, but considering the customer's affordability, we decided to only increase it by [-]%. Once the price of materials recovers in the future, our store will restore the original price. If the price of raw materials falls, our store's The price will also be lowered accordingly. This will not only ensure that we can win the hearts of old customers, but also reflect our good reputation. In this way, our profits will not be lost much. Maybe the sales volume will increase, isn't it just Is it perfect?"

Wang Ke's words made everyone feel like they could see the sun through the clouds, and the tense atmosphere just now eased down.

As soon as Wang Ke saw that the matter was resolved, she immediately said: "You guys discuss it. I'm just making a suggestion, and the final decision rests with you. I'll leave first. I don't have a lot of things to do."

After Wang Ke finished speaking, he walked away. He didn't want to be surrounded by these people here, and he would have to spend half a day answering their questions.

(End of this chapter)

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