Chapter 238

Wang Ke is a lazy connoisseur. He completely followed Comrade Li Er's instructions. Every morning, he showed a small face at his work place, and then disappeared immediately. He won't come to him. To put it bluntly, he is a consultant. He can ask if he can. Who will ask him if he can't care.

It doesn't mean that Wang Ke didn't do anything when he disappeared. He spent all this time in Nanping's fashion shop, but he just stayed in the textile workshop in the backyard and didn't go anywhere. Now here It has become a place that Wang Ke must visit every day. His purpose of coming here is to spin some linen or cotton cloth with dense warp and weft.

In this era, without those synthetic materials, Wang Ke felt helpless to make the airbag of a hot air balloon.Now what Wang Ke thinks is to try to use linen or cotton cloth first to see if it works. If not, then find other materials to test. This can also gradually reduce the range of materials used and save time. One point, the choice of materials can also be more clear, so as not to make myself so tired.

As for Wang Ke's request, the women workers in the workshop who specialize in textiles are of course familiar with it, so just follow Wang Ke's request. As for Nanping, the princesses heard that Wang Ke was trying to produce new things for the court. There is no second word, just ask Wang Ke to speak directly if you want anything, and all the expenses will be recorded in the account, and the settlement will be made after the trial production is successful in the future.

As for how much he will ask for at that time, Wang Ke will not ask. Anyway, he will not pay for the money. Even if he asks for more, he can still get a few more money. , Wang Ke will definitely not mind.

Taking advantage of the unspun cotton and linen cloth, Wang Ke went to his own village several times, collecting vines everywhere to weave the baskets used under the hot air balloon. In Wang Ke's impression, whether he was on TV or in In magazines, the baskets under the hot air balloons I saw were all woven with vines. Although Wang Ke didn’t know the reason for this, he also knew that it must be reasonable. There is nothing to change by yourself.

After a few days, the cotton and linen cloth had been spun. Wang Ke called Nanping and asked her to arrange someone to cut it according to her requirements. After sewing the airbag, she put it in her car and took it to her. The family's village.

Wang Ke didn't have the courage to assemble it in Chang'an City, not to mention that this thing is not small, if it falls during the test flight, no matter where it lands, it will bring a lot of losses, and in Zhuang If there is an accident, it will fall into a piece of farmland at most, and the crops in the field will be crushed to death. People and houses were destroyed in Chang'an City.

The village has already prepared all the necessary things, and the baskets have already been woven and placed there. Seeing Wang Ke pulling the airbag, he hurriedly wanted to draw it according to Wang Ke's drawing. Install the airbag according to the drawings.Wang Ke hurriedly grabbed them, just kidding, what's the use of pretending like this, isn't it just a delusion if you want to ascend to the sky with this pure cotton and linen airbag?

He ordered the housekeeper to find a few large buckets, poured the tung oil that he bought from the village a few days ago, and soaked the baskets made of vines with tung oil, while the airbags made of cotton and linen were empty. Soak it with wax that has been melted in advance. After soaking all the places, ask someone to roll the two airbags, so that the layer of wax that was originally attached to the surface of the fabric forms a film to waterproof. role.

After all the preparatory work is done, let the people in Zhuangzi start to assemble.Everything else is easy to handle, but the airbag is a bit troublesome. The waxed cotton and linen cloth are not soft or hard. It is really troublesome to install it on the airbag shelf that has been bundled in advance. Wang Of course Ke would not do such a thing, but just stood aside and kept shouting.

And the people in the village have never seen such a thing, in their eyes, without this young master, they would not have seen so many strange things, but now, these young masters have thought of these things, It was through their own hands that they turned all these things into reality, which really made them very excited, and they didn't feel much about the difficulties that appeared, and they all used their ingenuity and wisdom to try their best to solve them. .

Seeing that the two hot air balloons were assembled, the sky was getting dark. The last thing to do now is to install the equipment for making hot air inside. Wang Ke had already thought about this when designing , there is no flame-throwing device now, so I can only get on the horse by the local method and replace it with a coal-burning stove. As for introducing hot air into the airbag, it is a very simple matter. Wang Ke had already asked Li Ke made countless chimneys for himself in the Weapons Preparation Bureau. When the time comes, connect them, fix them on the basket and extend them into the airbag.

Seeing that Wang Ke was going to leave, the people in the village were a little bit reluctant, and they wanted to finish all the work today so that they could see how this thing would rise into the sky.

Wang Ke said with a smile: "Everyone is tired today, and seeing that it is getting dark, let's come tomorrow and install the stove. This big thing is done, do you still care about this night?"

Seeing that Wang Ke made up his mind not to do it again today, the farmers had no choice but to pack up their lost feelings and go home to wait for the sun to rise the next day.

Just before dawn, Wang Ke got up and hurried to Zhuangzi. Wang Ke was still thinking about seeing the effect today. Wang Ke had no idea whether cotton cloth and linen cloth could be used. Before thinking of using these two kinds of fabrics, I also thought about using silk or even satin, but Wang Ke quickly dismissed this idea. If silk or satin is really used, it would be too extravagant. It would be a waste to make one or two. There is no big problem, but once it is mass-produced, the amount of silk or satin consumed is not a small amount!

Although cotton cloth is not a very common thing now, after all, it has already begun to be widely planted, and now you can see merchants selling it on the market. As long as a certain planting area is reached, the price will definitely come down. Needless to say, linen is now the most common fabric on the market, and the price is quite low. Although there is a certain gap between the quality and what he needs, Wang Ke believes that weaving according to his own requirements, It won't be much more expensive than what you can buy now.

As a former businessman, Wang Ke understands how much this cost has played in the promotion of a product. As long as there is demand for this product, and the price is low and the quality is good, there is no reason why it cannot be promoted.Although the production of this hot air balloon is not for social promotion, but for military purposes, but the ability to reduce costs is also the primary issue that should be considered first.

If the production cost is too high, you will not be so bold when using it. You will always think that if you make a mistake, you will lose a lot. In that case, you will be timid and afraid to use it boldly. This is definitely not Wang Ke. The scene you want to see.

Arriving at the village, Wang Ke saw that the farmers who worked yesterday were already waiting there. Wang Ke didn't say much after getting off the car, and asked the farmers to carry the finished stove into the basket and fix it. Then he connected the chimney with one joint and two joints, and found the iron strips left over from making the chimney. After fixing the chimney, he jumped in first.

Seeing Wang Ke going up, the farmers on the side rushed to climb in. Wang Ke hurriedly stopped them and chose a young man who had not yet married.

Wang Ke didn't dare to mess around now, she didn't have a clue about how much this thing could carry and whether there would be any accidents, if there were too many people coming up, once an accident happened, she couldn't afford it.It’s okay for those who don’t have a family, they can handle things by themselves, and it’s convenient to pay for some money, but if the accident happens to someone with a family, they can’t afford it.

At this time, Wang Ke was also nervous, but if he didn't go, no one would be willing to go. He had to go first and set an example, so that someone would help him to test whether it would work or not.

Wang Ke taught the person who came up to turn on the stove, and when the hot air began to make the hot air balloon feel like it was going up, he asked the person standing next to him to remove the sandbags that fixed the hot air balloon.

As soon as the sandbags were removed, Wang Ke felt the hot air balloon start to rise unsteadily. Wang Ke poked his head out and shouted to the people standing on the ground to pull the rope fixed on the basket. Wang Ke I don't want to drift with the wind. What if something happens to me if I drift away?Besides, as long as someone below is pulling the rope, you can slowly rise up, and there is no problem if you ask yourself to stop at any time. Wang Ke is not willing to just do this experiment and lose his life!

The hot air balloon wobbled up to a place about a few meters above the ground, and Wang Ke quickly stretched out his hand to signal the person holding the rope on the ground to tighten the rope, so that the hot air balloon stopped, and he stood in the basket to look around. He has to be sure that nothing will go wrong before he can continue to rise.

After checking it over, Wang Ke felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he stretched out his hand out of the blue jacket and lifted it up a few times, letting the person who was pulling the rope on the ground slowly let go of the rope, allowing the hot air balloon to continue to rise. As the ground rose, Wang Ke's heart became more and more stable. After his observation, he hadn't found any problems yet, but the farmer who was standing beside him and looking around just now had started to turn pale. His legs also began to tremble a little, and he seemed a little unable to stand up.

Wang Ke knew that these people had always stood on the ground. Once they left the ground and came to the 20 or [-] meters in the air, they began to feel a little stage fright. The excitement before taking off just now was just driven by curiosity. , has now been completely replaced by fear.

Just when Wang Ke was about to make fun of the farmer, a drop of some hot and humid liquid dripped from the top of his head, just falling on Wang Ke's hand pointing at the farmer.

Wang Ke withdrew his hand, took a closer look, and immediately yelled: "Quickly turn off the fire and descend!"

The farmer didn't know what happened, so he forgot to be afraid in a hurry, and quickly followed Wang Ke's request, but Wang Ke crawled on the edge of the basket, and kept signaling to the ground to take the rope back quickly, so that they could back to the ground.

The people on the ground didn't know what happened. They only knew that Wang Ke was telling them to pull the rope quickly. The people who had been watching the fun joined the team pulling the rope, and pulled the hot air balloon back three times. As soon as the hot air balloon landed on the ground, Wang Ke jumped out and asked the farmers to remove the air bag for him to see.

It turned out that what was dropped on Wang Ke's hand just now was a drop of wax oil, which meant that the wax oil soaked in the cotton cloth had already melted due to the high temperature. Wang Ke was not afraid of anything else. What he was afraid of was that if the wax oil melted, The cotton cloth was scorched and caught fire, then the people on the hot air balloon would be dead. Wang Ke didn't know if such a thing would happen, he had to think about it now, and the use Can wax be used to saturate cotton and linen, can something else be used instead, and if not, what should I do.

Now Wang Ke felt that the matter suddenly became complicated, which was far more difficult than he imagined!
(End of this chapter)

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