Chapter 241

When Comrade Li Er said this, Wang Ke really felt a little uncomfortable. What he said was to see himself ascend to heaven, but he was really speechless.Li Jing was also taken aback. Seeing that Wang Ke was standing in front of him well, although his face didn't look very good, he didn't seem to be doing anything. He didn't understand what Comrade Li Er meant.

Seeing Li Jing's bewildered face and Wang Ke's tangled face, he came to his senses. When he got excited, his words were a bit wrong, so he quickly explained what was going on.

While Comrade Li Er was talking about something, Chai Shao and others also walked in. Comrade Li Er made gestures to excuse them while talking. When a few people just came in, they only heard the back half, and they didn't know what was going on. What's the matter, I was about to ask Wang Ke clearly, when I saw Comrade Li Er waved his hand and said loudly: "Don't talk about it, you will know what's going on when you get there, don't stand around and waste time now, hurry up and follow me!" I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, Comrade Li Er turned around and walked out of the house. Seeing that Comrade Li Er was in such a hurry, everyone looked at each other and quickly followed out.

Comrade Li Er stood beside Wang Ke's car, beckoned to Li Jing, and motioned for Li Jing to ride with him in the car, other old killers wanted to take Wang Ke's car, but now they saw Comrade Li Er sitting in Wang Ke's car Therefore, they could only ride their own horses, follow behind Wang Ke, and a group of people went out of the city in a mighty way.

Although I don't know what Comrade Li Er called them for, but seeing the joy on Comrade Li Er's face, I know that there must be something good about calling them today. As long as it is a good thing, no one will Would mind taking a walk.

When I came to Zhuangzi, where did the farmers see this kind of battle? Not only did a group of high officials from the court come, even the emperor came, and suddenly the ground was covered in darkness, and everyone's heads were lowered. It was about to get into the soil, and no one dared to raise their heads, not even to sneak a look out of the corner of their eyes.Comrade Li Er felt relieved, raised his hand to get these people up, and these farmers stood up tremblingly, but none of them dared to make a sound, and the entire courtyard was completely silent and silent.

Wang Ke hurriedly called to the housekeeper to ask someone to lift out the two hot air balloons that had been placed yesterday, and ordered that the damaged parts of yesterday's test flight be soaked in wax again and rolled well. A group of veterans brought the hot air balloon that was useless yesterday, and explained how to use it to these people with gestures.

As soon as the words fell, Li Jing said: "That's good, but does this stove take up too much space? If there is no such thing, we can send two more soldiers and put more bombs on it. It can also play a greater role on the battlefield.”

Wang Ke looked at Li Jing, feeling admiration in his heart. These people are indeed professional killers. As soon as they see this thing, they will immediately know how to make the most of it. However, Wang Ke still dare not think about this problem. After all, as it is now, I can only think about how to make it fly first. The hot air balloon has no power, and it can only fly by the wind. If the wind is in the wrong direction, or even when there is no wind, the heat will There is no other use for a balloon to go up into the sky, it can only serve as an observation and a deterrent.

As for not using a stove to generate hot air, but using something else instead, there is still a long way to go, and it cannot be achieved just by talking about it.

Wang Ke talked about the current difficulties, and Comrade Li Er said after listening to him: "Let's put this question aside for now. As long as you can fly now, you will be considered a success. As for how to improve, just think about it slowly. I believe that There is a solution!"

Seeing that Comrade Li Er had settled the matter, everyone stopped arguing about this issue and just waited for Wang Ke to show how this behemoth ascended to the sky.

Don't think about it today, the farmer who went to the sky with Wang Ke yesterday stood up by himself. He went to the sky yesterday, and today he is not as nervous as yesterday.After he regained his composure yesterday, he bragged to others for a long time, which made everyone in the village envious when they saw him.

Today, other people also thought that Wang Ke could let him go up and try, but Wang Ke also thought about it. If he had to change a person every time he tried to fly, he would have to teach himself every time. That person, let him teach others after he is familiar with it, and he will feel relaxed.

Wang Ke called the farmer and asked him to find some rags and wrap the place where the chimney touched the airbag. It is estimated that the heat from the chimney would not be transferred to the airbag, and the wax on the surface of the airbag would melt again. The farmer went to light the stove and waited for the hot air to fill the entire air bag.

Comrade Li Er and a group of veteran killers watched Wang Ke orderly command with great interest, without making a sound. Now they feel that it is meaningless to ask anything. I know all the questions. As for the mystery here, it will not be too late to ask in detail when I have time later. The most important thing now is to watch this hot air balloon fly up in front of their eyes.

Seeing that the hot air balloon had started to rise, Wang Ke quickly clasped his fists at Comrade Li Er and said, "Your Majesty, it's ready now, let me go up and demonstrate it to the Emperor."

Comrade Li Er said with a smile on his face: "Okay, okay, go, boy, I will watch here."

The butler next to him brought chairs for Comrade Li Er and the old killers long ago, but no one wanted to sit down. Basket with balloons.

Wang Ke called the housekeeper to ask someone to remove the sandbags that were holding down the hot air balloon. The hot air balloon floated up after swaying. I don’t know if Comrade Li Er came today. The people in the village were very active and came up to hold the rope. There were a lot more people than yesterday, so Wang Ke felt that it was much safer than arriving yesterday. After all, there are many people with great power. No, there is something good or bad, as long as the air bag does not burst and the hot air balloon falls straight down, then I will be much safer.

The hot air balloon slowly rose into the sky, probably reaching the height where the dripping wax oil was found yesterday. Wang Ke stretched out his hand to signal the person pulling the rope below to hold the hot air balloon so that it would not let it go up again. The method of wrapping the chimney is indeed effective. Now the outlet of the airbag is obviously better than yesterday. Although it still looks a little bit melted, it is far from as serious as yesterday.

Wang Ke feels relieved now, and intends to go up a little bit more, and to feel the fun of the lift-off. The most important thing is to test the lift-off effect of the hot air balloon, because Wang Ke also understands that if this It cannot be higher than the range of the bow and arrow. Even if it rises, it is useless. The enemy can use arrows to destroy the airbag and make the hot air balloon useless. At that time, not only will the hot air balloon be useless, but it will just stay under the hot air balloon. The soldiers here will also go and never return.

If this is done a few times, no soldier will be willing to go on this hot air balloon. At that time, even if it is improved and can avoid the range of bows and arrows, no one will believe it. Then this thing is made. It's no use at all.

The young farmer was no longer afraid, and greedily poked his head out to look at the scenery outside. Wang Ke had to remind him from time to time to pay attention to the fire burning in the stove.

After a burst of freshness passed, the young farmer said to Wang Ke: "Master, I have an idea, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Wang Ke was paying attention to the changes in the airbag at this time, and said casually: "Just say what you have, maybe you still need me to invite you, so you just say it."

The farmer smiled and said: "Young master, yesterday when I saw the young master was about to fall, I asked the young man to extinguish all the burning fires and throw them out. If it happened to fall on a house or a haystack, wouldn’t it cause a fire? Can all the little ones use other methods to solve this problem!”

Wang Ke was taken aback for a moment, but he really didn't pay attention to this problem. Although the fallen charcoal fire may not be still burning, he is not afraid of [-], just in case. If such a thing happens, the consequences will be very serious. serious.

Wang Ke hurriedly asked: "Is there any way, tell me quickly!"

Seeing Wang Ke's anxious look, Zhuang Hu knew that he was right, and he was very happy. He didn't expect that he could help Wang Ke solve the problem.

The farmer said quickly: "Master, look, now the village has started to use this coal for fire. The farmers are saving money, and they always think about how to keep the coal from being wasted. When it is not in use, they use a piece of stone to burn it The hearth is covered so the fire won't go out, but it won't burn too quickly, and the little one wonders, can we do the same when we descend?"

As soon as Wang Ke finished listening, she couldn't help but patted her forehead. When I was young, I came here from burning coal. Didn't I use this method every night at that time, but when I grow up, there are After buying natural gas, I forgot about it, and now when the farmer mentions it, I immediately remember it.This is really a way, it is really a good way to prevent the generation of hot air flow and prevent the burning coal from falling to the ground.

Wang Ke nodded, and said to the farmer: "Okay, we will do this after we go down, you can find a stone, let's see if this works."

As soon as the farmer saw that Wang Ke agreed with his idea, he quickly took out a thin stone slab from his body, shook it at Wang Ke, and said, "Master, I'm ready as soon as I see it, and I can try it when I fall down." tried."

Wang Ke saw that the farmer was already ready, and said with a smile: "It's all ready, let's try it, it looks high enough, let's go down."

Hearing Wang Ke said that he wanted to go down, the farmer planned to stretch out his hand to ask the person who was pulling the rope on the ground to pull him down. Wang Ke grabbed him and said, "Don't bark, just try your own way. If it works, we can do it ourselves." It came down."

The farmer nodded half-understanding, and covered the hearth with a stone slab. Wang Ke looked up at the exit of the chimney, and could clearly see that the smoke that was rising up just now was no longer visible.The hot air balloon continued to rise for a while, and then began to descend slowly. It didn't take much effort, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Wang Ke knew that the hot air in the airbag had completely cooled down. With a little thermal airflow, the hot air balloon will hit the ground directly, not to mention the people standing under the hot air balloon, anyway, there is nothing good between me and the farmer.

Wang Ke quickly asked the farmer to take down the stone slab, and a wave of heat rushed out. After a short time, the descending speed of the hot air balloon dropped significantly. Ask Li Ke to make some iron plates with holes drilled in the middle, so that hot air can be supplied to the airbag all the time when it descends. However, due to insufficient supply, the hot air balloon will still descend, but it will not be as fast as it is now. It will be slow, and it will make people feel heartbroken watching it.

Wang Ke knew that the people on the ground must not know what happened at this time, maybe they thought it was an accident.

Wang Ke poked her head out, and sure enough, she saw that everyone on the ground was raising their heads, their hands were dancing, and their mouths were opening and closing. They must be talking, but they were far away and couldn't hear clearly.Wang Ke quickly reached out and waved down, indicating that there was nothing wrong, and the people on the ground became quiet.

As soon as Wang Ke landed, Comrade Li Er took the lead, and a group of people came up immediately. Comrade Li Er looked into the basket and asked Wang Ke: "What happened just now? Why is there no one on the ground to help you?" Pull the rope, and you will come down, can't you? Didn't I see that you are flying very well?"

Wang Ke bowed to Comrade Li Er and said: "Your Majesty, it's okay. This time it was very successful. This time it was controlled by us, so that it will be beneficial for future use. But this credit is not from the minister, but from a farmer in the minister's village." If you think of it, please ask the emperor to reward him."

When Comrade Li Er heard Wang Ke's words, he looked at the farmer who was coming out of the basket in surprise, and said to Wang Ke: "Boy, it seems that there are many talents in your farm. Needless to say, I will definitely reward you a lot." !"

Wang Ke didn't expect that Comrade Li Er would say this, and quickly said: "Your Majesty, it's not a matter of talent or lack of talent. He also learned it from life. As long as he is willing to use his brain, the knowledge in life can be great." On weekdays, scholars only know poems and songs, and don't care about the things in life. In fact, life is full of knowledge!"

(End of this chapter)

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