Chapter 270

In the early morning, Wang Ke parked his car in front of his office, walked to the gate of the inner palace, and saw Li Tai and Li Ke standing together, Wang Ke felt a little curious, he had an appointment with Li Tai yesterday, and this morning I went to see Comrade Li Er, but this has nothing to do with Li Ke. Why is Li Ke standing here waiting?
But with Li Tai at the side, Wang Ke didn't want to ask in detail, so he could only laugh and say: "The Third Highness is also going to the palace to meet the emperor. I wonder if the Third Highness is in a hurry?"

In fact, what Wang Ke said was to say to Li Ke: Don't go in if it's not urgent. After I finish talking with Li Tai, it's not too late for you to go. Why come now to join in the fun!
I don't know if Li Ke is really in a hurry, or if he didn't understand the meaning of Wang Ke's words, Li Ke said straight to Wang Ke: "I have something to talk to my father. I was walking here when I saw my fourth brother Waiting for Brother Wang, so we waited together, just waiting for Brother Wang to enter the palace together as soon as he arrives."

When Wang Ke heard Li Ke's words, he couldn't say anything more, so he walked towards Comrade Li Er's imperial study with the two His Royal Highnesses.

Entering the imperial study room, he saw that Comrade Li Er was already sitting on his throne, reviewing a large stack of papers. Wang Ke followed Li Ke and Li Tai to salute Comrade Li Er.

Comrade Li Er was a little surprised how Li Tai and Li Yun Wang Ke came together, but after thinking about it carefully, they all came to him, and it happened that they came together at this point, so there is nothing strange in walking in together , Thinking about it this way, Comrade Li Er felt relieved.

Regarding the arrival of Li Ke and Li Tai, Comrade Li Er's first thought was that Li Ke came for the affairs of the court, and Li Tai came to him because of any embarrassment for him. It is Li Ke's matter that is much more important, and this time Li Ke called Wang Ke again, then there must be something new. Comrade Li Er doesn't know whether Li Ke will bring him good news or bad news today. information.

Under such circumstances, Comrade Li Er must have asked about the court first, so he asked Li Ke: "Ke'er came to see me today, is there anything you want me to do for you?"

After Comrade Li Er asked, he fixed his eyes on Li Ke, waiting for Li Ke to say something. At this time, Comrade Li Er was really scared, afraid that what Li Ke said was his own. Unwanted news.

Li Ke was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that as soon as he came in, Comrade Li Er would directly ask himself. In his mind, this Li Tai was much more loved by Comrade Li Er than himself. If two people came in together, Li Er Comrade should also ask about Li Tai's affairs first, but now he asks about his own affairs first, which can't help but make Li Ke a little surprised.

Li Ke quickly bowed and replied: "Father, the son is just a trivial matter. Let the fourth brother talk about his affairs first. It is rare for the fourth brother to ask the father for help. I think the matter of the fourth brother should be more urgent." It's gone."

Compared with Li Ke, Li Tai is indeed more favored by Comrade Li Er. If Comrade Li Er hadn't thought that Li Ke was looking for him for the court affairs, he would really have to ask Li Tai first.

Now when Comrade Li Er heard what Li Ke said, he went along with the situation and asked Li Tai: "Is there anything Taier wants to tell me? Just say what you want, as long as it is beneficial, I will definitely agree to you." .”

Seeing what Comrade Li Er said so frankly, Li Tai let go of his hanging heart since he came in, and said to Comrade Li Er: "Father, my son, recently, after studying every day, I strongly feel that when readers look up some ancient and modern works, it is very inconvenient to find them because they are very scattered. I wonder if I can gather them all together so that readers can It is better to check. Unfortunately, I have no way to finish it alone, so I thought of asking my father for help. Yesterday, I went to Mr. Wang and wanted to ask Mr. Wang whether this is feasible. Mr. Wang listened. Later, I also greatly agreed. So today, I invite Lord Wang to come to report this matter to Father Huang, and also invite Father Wang Yucheng!"

Hearing this, Comrade Li Er realized that Wang Ke came to see him today, not with Li Ke, but by Li Tai's invitation, to come to support Li Tai.

Comrade Li Er also had to look at Wang Ke differently at this time. He knew Wang Ke's military talents before, and Wang Ke was also quite sensitive about government affairs, so he knew it too.I didn't expect that my son with the most outstanding literary talents would have a deeper understanding of Wang Ke's achievements in reading than I did. I didn't expect this.

Now that Li Tai has mentioned this issue, Comrade Li Er does not want to make a simple decision like this. He wants to see what Wang Ke has his own unique views on this issue. There are more scholars, so that the imperial court has more ways to select talents, which is also a good thing. After all, the scientific examination system proposed by Wang Ke last time has shown to be a very good way to select talents.

Comrade Li Er turned his head to Wang Ke and said, "Boy of the Wang family, what do you think about what Tai Er said? What do you think, let me hear what you want!"

Comrade Li Er's question made Wang Ke feel a little caught off guard. Originally, when he came in today, what Wang Ke thought was that if Li Tai didn't dare to speak up, he would just help Li Tai speak up. As for other things, Wang Ke really didn't think much about it.

Wang Ke knows that in this era, the existing education methods are mostly private school education. In some big clans, the family pays for it and asks the husband to come to the house to educate the children of his family. There is only one Taixue to educate a small number of officials' children, and there is no large-scale education. Therefore, the cultural quality of the entire society is generally not high. Correspondingly, the entire productivity can only progress slowly. Due to the overall The low cultural quality leads to a lack of innovative spirit. This is also the most fundamental reason why science and technology can make rapid progress in later generations, but now it can only take a few years or even decades for a new technology to emerge.

What Wang Ke remembers most is that a great man once said: "Education should start from the baby."

Wang Ke thinks this sentence is very correct and wise. If a country wants to take off, education is the most basic and urgent problem to be solved. If there is no education, the whole society will fall into ignorance. Want to change, it can only be an idiotic dream!

Thinking of this, Wang Ke felt that he should take advantage of this opportunity to advise Comrade Li Er that a sum of money from the national treasury should be used to build schools across the country. There are not so many subjects in the school, and the population of the whole country is not so dense. It is enough to have one or two schools in one place.

Of course, even if we want to do this now, we can't think of it as a one-touch thing. It is still a step of scoring, and we can divide it into districts. We can set up one in a wealthy place first, and the court will vigorously promote it. After it has achieved results, we can push it forward Guangzhi, in this way, it will not be a mere formality, and if one place is truly built, one place will be successful, and the effect will be seen when Comrade Li Er was the emperor, so that future emperors can do this step by step go down.

Wang Ke raised his head, looked at Li Jiasan and his son who were looking at him, and poured out all the thoughts in his heart. Hearing that Li Jiasan and his son were dumbfounded, they never thought that Wang Ke would extend from such a small matter to There are so many great reasons, and the matter has been elevated to a certain level. The reasons mentioned are also very suitable for Comrade Li Er. In a word, to cultivate talents for the court!This alone is enough to make Comrade Li Er tempted.

Comrade Li Er couldn't wait to ask: "Then this matter can be carried out now, if it can be carried out now, wouldn't it be possible to see results as soon as possible?"

Seeing that Comrade Li Er was in such a hurry, Wang Ke could only shake his head helplessly, and proceeded immediately, saying that it could be said that way, but it was not the same thing in practice. Now the so-called scholars, what they hold in their hands, What he saw in his eyes were nothing but Confucian works. If it was according to Wang Ke's ideal, it would be meaningless at all.

It’s not that Wang Ke is opposed to Confucianism, he just doesn’t want all thoughts to be imprisoned in this family’s theory. What Wang Ke hopes to see is that a hundred schools of thought contend, and those who are able to serve the society have the real ability to engage in politics. We all know that since ancient times, Confucianism has been nothing more than a sharp weapon used by the ruling class to imprison the people's thoughts. When they turn around to govern the country, they use the legalist method. This is how the so-called "Confucian skin and legal bones" come of.

Wang Ke said seriously to Comrade Li Er: "Your Majesty, it is unrealistic to start now. It is better to sort out all the ancient and modern classics and historical classics according to what His Royal Highness Wei Wang said, as a tutorial, so that we can have a The syllabus of teaching exists, and all teaching has a standard, so that it can continue.”

For Wang Ke's suggestion, Comrade Li Er had to admit that it was right, but he was still a little disappointed that he couldn't carry out such a meaningful thing right away, and his expression of disappointment inevitably showed.

Seeing Comrade Li Er's expression, Wang Ke quickly explained: "Your Majesty, don't be disappointed. In fact, this is just a waste of time. Once this matter is completed, it can be started immediately, and the effect can be seen soon! "

Comrade Li Er said sullenly: "You also said that you have to start from childhood. If you study hard in this cold window, you can't become a talent without ten years of hard work. How can you see the effect so quickly?"

When Wang Ke heard this, he understood Comrade Li Er's meaning. Comrade Li Er only considered the length of time to start from the beginning, and never thought that there are still many scholars who have finished reading what they need now. If you know the knowledge, as long as you study other subjects a little at that time, you will be fully qualified for the position you want to hold now.

Wang Ke brought this fact out, which freed Comrade Li Er from the initial understanding, and the joy before was restored on his face.

In fact, Wang Ke's idea is very simple. Schools must be run successfully, but they must be roughly distinguished. The primary and advanced levels must be emphasized. It is better to have more primary schools so that the base of educated people is larger, but it must be Those who want to continue on this road will have to take over strict screening. Only some of the outstanding talents can enter higher education institutions for further studies. They will be reserved as talents of the country. will be most of the picks among these people

But now no successor force has been formed, it is just that they can be selected through the imperial examination system, and those who are outstanding can be directly appointed, and the rest can go to higher education institutions for further studies, and they will be used after they have a certain ability. Children begin to cultivate, and there is a problem of outages during this period.

Wang Ke's words really made Comrade Li Er understand, and he didn't say any more, and directly instructed Li Tai to organize manpower to start writing, so that he could carry out Wang Ke's suggestion as soon as possible. As for the future, we will wait After Li Tai finished, he organized Changsun Wuji and others to conduct detailed discussions, and came up with a detailed charter for implementation.

After Li Tai's work was done, Li Ke reported his recent progress to Comrade Li Er. After receiving Comrade Li Er's approval, he bid farewell to Comrade Li Er with Li Tai and Wang Ke, and went out separately after breaking up. busy with their own affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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