Chapter 28

Refining gasoline, the equipment is not ready; increasing the variety of furniture will not take much time; going out to find people to play, Cheng Huailiang is busy organizing soldiers, equipping horses with horseshoes and stirrups, and has no time to accompany him; Li Ke is still pretending to be sick, and there is no reason run around with him.

Wang Ke has really been free these days, playing those games he is familiar with all day long, or running around like a headless fly all day long, so bored that he wants to stretch out wherever he has something to do. one hand.

This morning, Wang Ke cleaned his room twice, and did not ask Dongyue to help. Anyway, he felt that he was exhausted, so he lay down on the recliner comfortably, drinking Dongyue for After making tea by myself, I began to think about what to do tomorrow.

Just when Wang Ke was depressed because he didn't know what to do, he saw Wang Si rushing in.Wang Ke hurriedly stood up and went forward to meet him and asked, "Father, why are you in such a hurry?"

As soon as Wang Si saw Wang Ke, he grabbed his hand and walked out, saying as he walked, "Quick, come with my father into the palace, the emperor wants to see you."

Wang Ke originally let Wang Si drag him out, but when he heard this, he stopped suddenly and asked in puzzlement: "Father, why did the emperor think of seeing me, you have to explain it to the boy first, lest the boy I don't know why I went into the palace, so offending the emperor wouldn't be troublesome."

Wang Si stood still and was about to speak when he was interrupted by Mrs. Wang, Dongyue and Wang Si's two side rooms who came out of the room when they heard that the master was returning to the mansion.

Mrs. Wang saw Wang Si holding Wang Ke's hand, looking anxious to go out, and hurriedly asked: "Master, what's going on, where are you going with Ke'er just now?"

Wang Si looked at the crowd and said with a wry smile: "Ma'am, our Ke'er has really won glory for the royal family. The last time I presented the sand table and the plan to destroy the Turks, the emperor wanted him to enter the court, because before that, Ke'er and I After discussing, if this happens, I will shirk for Ke'er and not allow Ke'er to be an official for the time being. After spending a long time, the old man has not yet started a war with the Turks, and I don't know whether the strategy offered will work. Later The emperor's thoughts were dispelled on the grounds that the plan was successful and then rewarded. However, what Ke'er said a few days ago about putting horseshoes and stirrups on the horse's equipment was tested by the generals in the army in the past few days. They all said it was very applicable. Generals Li Ji and Li Jing strongly recommended Ke'er to serve in the army. When the court was over, I was asked to come back and take Ke'er to the palace for questioning, saying that I wanted to see Ke'er's talents."

Wang Si finished speaking in one breath, and he didn't have time to drink water all morning, so he felt his mouth was dry, when Dongyue obediently handed over a bowl of tea, Wang Si took it and drank it down. He said again and again: "Let's go quickly, don't make the emperor wait."

Wang Ke hurriedly said to Mrs. Wang and the others: "It's okay, Dad and I will go back as soon as we go. Your Majesty is wise and will never make things difficult for me."

After speaking, he and Wang Si drove to the palace.Wang Si instructed Wang Ke to drive the car into the place where civil servants get off their sedan chairs and military officers get off their horses on weekdays. Wang Ke parked the car and followed Wang Si to the emperor's study.

This walk made Wang Ke's skin drooping and his mouth crooked.Think about it, Wang Ke usually drives to the door wherever he goes, and he can't walk very far, so he doesn't feel much about walking for a long time.

Today was a good day, taking a right turn, Wang Ke walked for almost an hour.There are quite a lot of gardens in the palace, and people would enter this door and exit that door, so Wang Ke didn't know if he would be able to get out if he was allowed to go out by himself.

It was very easy to come to the door of the imperial study. Wang Si was familiar with these father-in-laws and guards because he walked around the emperor every day, so he went straight in after saying hello.

Wang Ke thought that he would see Comrade Li Er when he entered the door, but after entering, he found that he was in a large empty room with only a few chairs in the corner, and he knew at a glance that it was from the Wang family's furniture workshop.

Some people may ask why you can tell it just by looking at it. In fact, this is also a trick that Wang Ke thought of when he was drawing the picture. A circle was carved on the most conspicuous place of each piece of furniture, and a capital letter "" in English was engraved in the circle. W" is also the first letter of the Chinese pinyin of the Chinese word "Wang", which is used as a trademark.As the founder, Wang Ke is of course very clear, and it is not surprising that he can see it at a glance.

Wang Si whispered a few words to an eunuch standing in front of the door, the eunuch turned and went in, and after a while came out and said to Wang Si: "The emperor let Mr. Wang and Young Master Wang go in."

Wang Ke followed behind Wang Si, lowered his head and wanted to walk in, turned a screen and felt that this room was much larger than the front room where he stayed just now, Wang Ke wanted to raise his head and look around, but he couldn't I dare not, I have seen it on TV before, if I dare to make such a move, it must be my life.

Wang Ke didn't want to die yet, so she could only hold back her curiosity and followed Wang Si forward.When he saw Wang Si stop, he also stopped quickly, and when he saw Wang Si kneel down, he also quickly landed on his knees.No way, haven't you done it?I had no choice but to learn from others. Who didn't have time to find someone to train them before coming here?

Hearing that Wang Si saluted Comrade Li Er and did not shout long live three times, Wang Ke wondered, didn't they all say this on TV: "The minister (grassman) so-and-so kowtowed to the emperor, may my emperor live long, long live, long live." ?Why not?
Wang Ke was thinking wildly. Seeing that Wang Ke kept silent, Wang Si in front of him didn't know what was going on. He turned his head to look, but saw Wang Ke lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking. The emperor greets you."

Only then did Wang Ke come to his senses, and quickly kowtowed and said, "Wang Ke, a grass-roots man, kowtows to the emperor, and may my emperor live long, long live, long live."

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Ke felt the eyes of all the people in the whole study looking at him with a "swish", but he didn't dare to raise his head because he didn't hear Comrade Li Er's reply.

After a long time, I heard Comrade Li Er say: "Get up, there is no need to be formal here, just sit down."

Wang Ke followed Wang Si and stood up. Seeing Wang Si go aside and sit down, she hurriedly walked to stand behind Wang Si.

At this time, Comrade Li Er said slowly: "What the son of Wang Qing said just now is also the etiquette of the country in the far west. How can people live to a long life? It is all empty words. The people cannot live and work in peace and contentment. For one benefit, it is better to think more about the people in your lifetime, and do more real contributions for the eternal solidity of the country and the country."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Ke heard the sound of the emperor's sage, the sage was really the most sycophant in ancient times, and his father was no exception, and he was among them.

Wang Ke saw it and understood, isn't it just flattering?Well, I'm good at this.

After everyone finished speaking, he opened his mouth and said: "The emperor is really insightful. The grass people just now are indeed the etiquette of the country in the far west. Although it is a bit flashy, it comes from the heart of the grass people. I only hope that the emperor will always be wise and powerful, and for the great Tang It will be built into a harmonious, stable and powerful empire, and it will be forever young. During the time when Caomin came back, what he saw was quite shocking compared to the country in the far west. Under the wise leadership of the emperor, our Tang Dynasty is booming. The scene of prosperity. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the officials are honest and honest, so that the grassroots' admiration for the emperor is like a torrential river, like a flood, which is out of control."

Thousands of breaks, no flattery, listening to Comrade Li Er stroking his beard, nodding secretly, his face was really smiling.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ke secretly despised Comrade Li Er in his heart, and said in his heart: "How can he be regarded as a wise gentleman, he is still such a bird when he hears flattering words, it seems that he is really scolded by Wei Zhengwei on weekdays. Yes. I really sympathize with you, classmate Li Er, being an emperor is not easy."

Wang Ke was in YY when he heard Comrade Li Er say: "The Wang family boy is telling the truth. We must ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the officials are honest and honest. Only in this way can the world be peaceful. Come on, show the Wang family boy seat."

Wang Ke saw that he wanted to let him sit, so he stepped forward quickly and said: "The grass people dare not sit. On the temple, where my father is in the hall, An dare sit, and I hope the emperor will let the grass people stand."

Comrade Li Er said again: "I called you here today because I have something to talk about. How can you talk while standing? It's okay, just sit behind your father."

Wang Si also said to Wang Ke: "The emperor asked you to sit down, so you can sit down. How can you blame you as a father. Court affairs are the most important thing, so sit down and wait for the emperor to question you."

Wang Kezao wanted to sit down, but he pretended to refuse just to show that he knew the rules and did not dare to go beyond them.Seeing that everyone said that now, he pushed the boat along the way, and after Xie sat down, he moved the chair brought by the eunuch to Wang Si's side and sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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