Chapter 288

Sure enough, as Wang Ke expected, as soon as Li Chengqian walked into Comrade Li Er, Wang Ke saw Comrade Li Er quickly raised his right hand, and hit the prince Li Chengqian hard. The people present saw Prince Li Chengqian sitting on the ground with his left hand covering his left cheek, a stream of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, it can be seen that Comrade Li Er really exerted his strength this time, and he was angry And issued.

Wang Ke and Li Ke stood aside, looking at the prince sitting on the ground, their eyes were full of gloating. The prince's followers wanted to go forward to help the prince Li Chengqian, but they saw With Comrade Li Er's furious look, no one dared to go forward, so he could only stand where he was, looking helplessly at Prince Li Chengqian, who was sitting on the ground with disheveled hair and a terrified expression.

Comrade Li Er looked at the prince coldly, and said in a cold tone: "You are the prince, can you do whatever you want? Don't you know that the one you want to tie up is your younger brother and brother-in-law? Even if I didn't ask them to enter the palace , can't they come into the palace, and they have to report to you in advance if they want to do anything!"

After Comrade Li Er finished speaking, he paused for a while and said, "You are the prince, but I have not granted you the right to punish others in the palace. Judging from your performance today, we can know that you are a prince. How domineering and domineering you are in your own palace. I have warned you a long time ago that as a prince, you should be open-minded and tolerant, but you are so small-minded, and you are worried about little things."

At this point, Comrade Li Er pointed to Li Ke and Wang Ke, and said to the prince: "If I hadn't listened to your slander today, I would not have called Ke'er and the Wang family boy into the palace. You know they have How busy are you? They are rushing around for the affairs of the court, but as for you, you only know how to do nothing all day long, play around, and always think of framing Zhongliang, is this what you should do as a prince?"

I have to say that what Comrade Li Er said was quite serious, and he immediately explained the reason why Li Ke and Wang Ke were called into the palace today. At that time, the two knew that the prince Li Chengqian was playing tricks, but because Comrade Li Er didn't say it clearly, the two of them kept pretending to be confused. Looking at it, he cast his eyes on the prince Li Chengqian who was sitting on the ground.

At this time, Li Ke also knew that because of his status, it was impossible for Wang Ke to speak out against the prince, but he was different. Although he was Li Chengqian's younger brother, and he was just a prince, compared with the prince Li Chengqian, his status and status were different. It should be lower, but because this is in front of Comrade Li Er, I can completely question Li Chengqian as a family member, making Comrade Li Er feel that this prince has never cared about family affection. Feeling jealous, he thought of a way to deal with himself, trying to prevent himself from fully devoting himself to running errands for the court, which made Comrade Li Er's hatred of the prince even worse, and he was already standing on the edge of a cliff. Prince, push a little closer to the cliff.

Thinking of this, Li Ke immediately made a distressed look, and said to Li Chengqian: "Brother Emperor, how can you do this, Mr. Wang and I are busy with the affairs of the court every day, how can you Disregarding the facts, making things up indiscriminately, causing trouble for the royal father! Now the royal father is already very tired due to the heavy court affairs every day. The royal brother was born as a prince, and he does not share the worries of the father, but always adds to the trouble. This is not a The prince's deeds! The younger brother should reflect on himself, there is nothing wrong with the emperor, why did the emperor want to frame the younger brother like this, the emperor, what is the purpose of doing this, the younger brother really doesn't understand !"

Hearing Li Ke's words, Wang Ke almost laughed out loud. Li Ke's acting skills are so good that he was able to say such words. It sounded like he was scolding Li Chengqian, but he was actually saying it to Comrade Li Er. Now I just don't know how Comrade Li Er will feel after hearing this.

Thinking of this, Wang Ke secretly raised his eyes to look at Comrade Li Er, only to find that Comrade Li Er was looking at Li Ke with a smile of approval on his face. At this moment, Wang Ke immediately understood that what Li Ke said was true. It worked, and made Comrade Li Er feel that Li Ke is no longer the idle prince who only knew how to have fun before, but a man who is always thinking about the court and eager to share his worries. He has grown up and started to understand son.

As long as Comrade Li Er has such an impression, then for Prince Li Chengqian and Li Ke, as long as they are compared together, who is superior and who is inferior, who is good and who is bad, will immediately be distinguished in Comrade Li Er's mind. Even if the prince cannot be brought down through this incident, at least it can be severely damaged, so that the prince will have no way to have any advantage in front of Li Ke in the future, and Comrade Li Er will not believe the prince's words, and he will not believe Li Ke in front of Li Ke. The right to speak in front of the second comrade creates a very favorable condition!

(End of this chapter)

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