Chapter 315

After finally waiting for the two of them to finish speaking, presenting gifts to Comrade Li Er began. Seeing the current situation, Wang Ke knew the method he had just thought of. Finding a good opportunity to present gifts to Comrade Li Er was not a good idea. It's possible.

Now the ministers offer their congratulatory gifts to Comrade Li Er, all according to their rank and status in the court, the first to go forward, the civil servants are headed by Changsun Wuji, and the military officers are led by Li Jing Head, the current head of my family is Wang Si, and Wang Si's status among civil servants is not too low. Judging from the current posture, he should also be ranked in the front. The timing of the gift was a bit early, and it was not so obvious if it wanted to show its uniqueness.

Wang Ke has nothing to do now. For this kind of thing that has no express regulations but has conventions to follow, Wang Ke also knows that he has no way to change it, and can only follow the original rules.

Seeing that Wang Si was about to come forward, Wang Ke really didn't know what it was like. He originally wanted to maximize the influence of his gift, but now he could only exert [-]% of it. It must have made Wang Ke a little dissatisfied thinking about it.

But facing all this, he could only watch, unable to say anything, seeing Wang Si standing up, Wang Ke simply closed his eyes, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

But the eyes can be closed, but the ears can neither speak nor hear.When Wang Ke heard Wang Si speak, Wang Ke couldn't believe his ears. He never expected that Wang Si would say this: "Your Majesty Qizuo, I don't have any presents for the emperor today. All the gifts are handled by the child and the princess, so I ask the emperor to forgive me!"

Wang Si's words not only surprised Wang Ke, but other ministers were equally surprised when they heard it. They were not prepared for what Wang Si said. The Lord doesn't care about things, but let his son and daughter-in-law be the masters. There really is no one. Now Wang Si has opened their eyes.

But once the surprise subsided, everyone figured it out. This kind of thing might be wrong for other families, but it is completely possible for the Wang family. Comrade Li Er and several high-ranking ministers appreciate what he said. In addition, the two daughter-in-laws in the family are both princesses, so it is quite normal for Wang Si to ignore his affairs.

Comrade Li Er thought the same way. After listening to Wang Si's words, he was just stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile on his face: "Wang Qing doesn't have to be like this. This should be done by young people. Yes, many things should be left to young people to do."

Hearing Comrade Li Er's words, Wang Ke thought to himself: "I'm sorry, how old are people who say they are old, even if people now don't live as long as people in the future, they won't be considered old at this time. Ah, you also said that you should leave more things to us, if I didn’t know that you still have more than ten years of emperor’s life, I would really think that you are going to give up the throne.”

Wang Ke rolled his eyes while thinking, but Comrade Li Er saw it at a glance. Comrade Li Er thought that Wang Ke had heard the conversation between Wang Si and himself, and he disagreed in his heart. After all, Wang Si had to listen When you wake up, you can hear both positive and negative meanings, depending on how others listen.

Just listening, that is to say, because Wang Si's son and daughter-in-law are very capable, Wang Si doesn't need to do everything by himself. I am happy to enjoy the happiness; but listening to it is different, it only means that Wang Si is at home, because Wang Ke and the two princesses have no right to speak because of the strength of Wang Ke and the princesses. Everything is decided by Wang Ke and the princesses Well, no one listens to Wang Si's words at home. To be more serious, it can be said that Wang Si is the target of being bullied and specially pissed off.

And if you think about it in this way, Comrade Li Er's words can be used to comfort Wang Si. After all, Wang Si's daughter-in-law is Comrade Li Er's daughter. No matter what, Comrade Li Er wants to help his daughter speak. , but this kind of thing can't be said clearly, so it's very cryptic.

Comrade Li Er smiled and said to Wang Ke: "Boy, why do you look like this? Is it possible that what I said to your father is wrong? You can express your opinion."

As soon as Wang Ke saw Comrade Li Er put the words in front of him, he stood up quickly and said, "I have no objection, but the emperor just said that he would leave more things to us, and the minister has some disagreements. The emperor is wise. Shenwu, who is strong and healthy, how can he say that he is old!"

For Wang Ke's flattery, Comrade Li Er listened to his ears, and he really enjoyed it in his heart. Today is his birthday, and he was very happy at first. Now, when he heard Wang Ke say this again, his face was full of smiles. Eyes are hooked.

Once Comrade Li Er was happy, he didn't bother to think so much, and said casually: "Then boy, send me the gift you prepared for me, and let me see what you have prepared ah."

When Wang Ke heard Comrade Li Er's words, he felt very anxious. His father won him a chance to take out the gift as late as possible, but Comrade Li Er wanted to take it out now. In this way, what is the difference between that and being presented by Wang Si? Wouldn't that be a disappointment to Wang Si's good intentions!
However, at this time, the civil and military officials are a little envious of Zhenglong, the royal family member. If you want to say that over the years, they have presented gifts to the emperor according to the size of the official rank, from high to low. Wang Si is now in a high position. At this time, if you give the gift first, it’s a normal thing, but Wang Si has made it clear that he has no gift to show, and he has to wait until it’s Wang Ke’s turn to get it, but now Comrade Li Er However, Wang Ke was asked to take it out in advance. This might be a signal that Comrade Li Er was thinking of promoting Wang Ke's position again.

Now Wang Ke couldn't care less about what these ministers were thinking, and quickly saluted Comrade Li Er and said, "Your Majesty, let's come in order, and there is nothing special about the minister's gift, let's put it at the end, little one." When I saw the gifts presented by all the adults just now, I felt that I was a bit out of hand with what I had prepared. Besides, the junior ministers are humble and have a short time to do things in the court. How can they beat these adults? Let’s do it in front of it. Let’s do it according to the usual practice. Just put the minister at the end.”

How can Wang Ke delay for a little time and do what he wants now? Now that he sees such an opportunity, of course he will not let it go, so he quickly expressed his thoughts, which made these ministers breathe a sigh of relief After all, in this way, my gifts can be regarded as being ranked higher, and those who are later than my qualifications will not have any ideas to compete with me.

And Comrade Li Er also regretted a little after he uttered his words. The art of the emperor is nothing more than balance. Now that he speaks like this, it will make other ministers think. Now that Wang Ke said so, of course it is Wanting to push the boat along the way, Comrade Li Er quickly agreed to Wang Ke's request, and he regained a little influence for what he said.

Seeing that the matter had basically calmed down, Changsun Wuji quickly stood up and became a peacemaker, first praised Comrade Li Er, and then counted Wang Ke's contributions to the court, which meant a lot I understand that Comrade Li Er valued Wang Ke so much, and it was Wang Ke who exchanged his ability for it. If anyone can have Wang Ke's ability, Comrade Li Er will also value him.

Changsun Wuji stood up to speak at this time. To be honest, he also saw the right time. Speaking at this time, he not only helped Comrade Li Er out of the siege, but also wanted Wang Ke to see him well. He also told the ministers in the court , as long as you are willing to contribute to the imperial court and share the worries of Comrade Li Er, you will be able to be reused by Comrade Li Er. At this time, as long as you have the ability and are willing to use it, you are not afraid that you will not be able to stand out.

No one will be offended by these words, and anyone who hears them will feel at ease. Of course, Changsun Wuji doesn't care much about other people's opinions. Changsun Wuji knew that his goal had been achieved.

Changsun Wuji sat down satisfied, and the ceremony of presenting gifts to Comrade Li Er continued. Now Wang Ke was relieved and sat there with peace of mind. Anyway, he asked to be the last one to present gifts to Comrade Li Er. Comrade has already allowed it, and what I need to do now is just to see what gifts these people are offering to Comrade Li Er.

For his own things, Wang Ke is still somewhat confident. Among the gifts that have been presented to Comrade Li Er, Wang Ke has not seen a single novelty, and they are just some rare treasures. However, the difference is the difference between the quantity and the quality, which can be seen from Comrade Li Er's expression. Comrade Li Er is also used to seeing these yellow and white things, just because for a long time, they are all Comrade Li Er is already a little numb to these things, and thinking that these things are carefully selected for himself by the ministers, even if Comrade Li Er doesn't feel any excitement in his heart, his face still shows joy look.

Just when Wang Ke thought that everyone would offer these vulgar things, a young civil servant stood up. He did not hold the gold and silver as delicate as other ministers, but a roll of paper. Wang Ke's I couldn't help but "thud" in my heart, this is too different from other people, looking at Comrade Li Er's appearance, I like this birthday gift very much, when this official stood up, the smile on Comrade Li Er's face But there was an obvious change, it was no longer a polite smile as before, but a very sincere smile sitting there.

Wang Ke knew that this official was Chu Suiliang, a great calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty who was highly respected by later generations. He worked in official script and regular script, and his calligraphy was highly praised by Comrade Li Er. Chapter something, to be dedicated to Comrade Li Er as a birthday gift.

Sure enough, Wang Ke heard Chu Suiliang say to Comrade Li Er: "The emperor's birthday is today, and I have nothing else to congratulate. I can only present a congratulatory message written by me in front of the emperor's seat to wish the emperor's birthday. "

At this moment, Comrade Li Er stood up as an exception, took the scroll from Chu Suiliang with his own hands, opened it impatiently, and kept praising Chu Suiliang for his handwriting.

For Wang Ke, Comrade Li Er's attitude also invisibly increased Wang Ke's confidence. It can be seen that Comrade Li Er values ​​these things made by himself much more than those so-called rare treasures!

Finally, all the people had finished offering their sacrifices. At this time, Wang Ke slowly stood up and walked to his car. Wang Si also thought that Comrade Li Er ran over after saluting. He knew that even if Wang Ke was alone After taking out the vase, Wang Ke couldn't handle the clothes made by Nanping and the others by himself, so he had to go up and help.

Wang Ke took out the gift box containing the vases, held them one by one, and asked Wang Si to hold the clothes made by Nanping and the others, and the two came to Comrade Li Er together.

Putting down the vase, Wang Ke first opened the gift box containing the clothes, and said to Comrade Li Er: "Your Majesty, this is the clothes that the princess sewed for the Emperor by herself, to wish the Emperor his birthday."

As soon as Wang Ke said this, everyone present whispered. It was only contained in a small box, and it was already made by the princess herself. The big box about four feet high next to it did not know what it was. What is it? The Wang family made extraordinary moves today!

Comrade Li Er was really happy at this moment. Even if he couldn’t wear the clothes his daughter made for him, he was still happy to look at them. He quickly said: “What else, let’s take it out together. Happy!"

Only then did Wang Ke slowly open the two boxes, and inside were two gold-bottomed vases painted with pictures of rich and noble peonies.

This time everyone was even more surprised. Just now Wang Ke was holding a gift box in one hand, and these people felt strange. They didn’t know what Wang Ke was. It was so huge and so light. As for the vase, I don't even know how Wang Ke picked it up.

Comrade Li Er was also stunned. He pointed to the vase and asked Wang Ke: "Boy, how can you move two vases that are so big? Is it different from ordinary vases?"

It is normal for Comrade Li Er to ask such a question. If the vases used in daily life have to be this big, let alone take two, even one will need several people to move it, but now Wang Ke is indeed One was brought over at the same time, which must have shocked Comrade Li Er.

Wang Ke smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty, this minister made this with his own hands using new techniques. Today, I specially dedicated it to the Emperor to wish the Emperor his birthday. Please don't think the minister's gift is flimsy."

Comrade Li Er laughed loudly, stepped down from his seat, came to a pair of vases, walked around the vases for a while, and said: "From my point of view, this thing is not made of porcelain clay, but like lacquerware. I don't know if this thing can withstand soaking in water?"

Wang Ke quickly introduced the nature of the pair of vases to Comrade Li Er, and assured that Comrade Li Er would never use it in the slightest inappropriately, which surprised Comrade Li Er even more.

Comrade Li Er clapped his hands and exclaimed: "I didn't expect such lacquerware to exist. It's really amazing. I like it very much! The boy's whimsy makes me feel very wonderful."

Comrade Li Er's praise made everyone understand at once. While admiring Wang Ke's ideas, he also had to secretly hate himself for thinking too simply. Today's jackpot was undoubtedly taken away by the Wang family. It's been so long, but it's still a foil for others.

Standing aside, Wang Si was secretly delighted. He showed weakness at the beginning, and finally got Comrade Li Er's approval. It was really not easy for his family to win the first prize. At this time, he also I forgot the distrust I had for Wang Ke, and I only knew to warn myself that if something like this happens in the future, I just leave it to Wang Ke to handle it. Wang Ke will definitely do this secret rivalry and fight for the jackpot. very good!
In this way, I don't have to think about it all the time, what should I do to overwhelm those ministers who are taller than me, and when Wang Ke goes out, others have no way to find a way to slander the Wang family, so I dare not say anything , his son married a princess, and there were two princesses, his status was much higher than that of ordinary people.

If these people want to talk about themselves, they have nothing to do, but if they want to talk about Wang Ke, they have to weigh their weight first. Don't take away the jackpot by themselves in the end. Under normal
(End of this chapter)

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