Chapter 35

The squares walked one by one, and after passing through the stands, they walked to the opposite side of the stands in unison and lined up neatly. The twenty squares still looked very impressive.Standing on the stand, Wang Ke took a closer look. No matter if he looked at it horizontally, vertically or obliquely, no matter how he looked at it, it was as neat as a line.He nodded secretly, deeply feeling that his hard work was not in vain.

Seeing that the last phalanx had passed the stands, Wang Ke hurriedly ran down the stands and drove his car to the left side of the stands to stop.After all the phalanxes had stood and lined up, they stepped forward and said to Comrade Li Er: "The troops have been sorted out, please the emperor to review."

Comrade Li Er has been fooled by Wang Ke and the others today, and Wang Ke does what he says.

Now that Wang Ke asked him to review the team, he didn't know what to do. He turned his head to look at Cheng Zhijie, but he was embarrassed to open his mouth to ask.

Cheng Zhijie knew what Comrade Li Er was going to ask. He already knew the whole process of today and what he should do now.Busily stretching out his head and whispering in Comrade Li Er's ear, Comrade Li Er slowly walked down from the stands and came to Wang Ke's car.

Wang Ke helped Comrade Li Er open the car door, instructed Comrade Li Er to get into the car, and put his head out through the open skylight on the roof.

The sunroof of Wang Ke's car has a large open area, and Comrade Li Er won't feel cramped standing there.

Seeing that Comrade Li Er was already standing up with his hands on the roof of the car, Wang Ke sat in the driver's seat and said to Comrade Li Er: "Is the emperor ready? The minister is about to drive."

Comrade Li Er was playing this new gadget for the first time, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, but curiosity and excitement outweighed nervousness after all, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's start."

Wang Ke started the car, slowly trying to drive forward in first gear.

Every time I came to a phalanx, I heard the tall officer in front of the phalanx shouting: "Salute." With this shout, the whole phalanx made a "pop" sound, and a hundred hands brushed together. Brush raised up, a hundred pairs of eyes moved with the car.

Comrade Li Er looked at this situation and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Just when he didn't know what to do, Wang Ke whispered in the car: "Your Majesty, you can just say 'Hi, soldiers'. When they answer you, you can say 'Thank you, soldiers'."

Comrade Li Er didn't know what to say anyway, and now seeing Wang Ke giving him advice, he hurriedly followed the rules.

The soldiers had already been taught by Wang Ke, and they answered in a neat and loud voice following Comrade Li Er's question: "Long live the emperor" and "serve the Tang Dynasty".

Comrade Li Er was so excited. He usually stands high above him, but he has never been so high above him, but he seems to be on an equal footing with the soldiers. It's like returning to the days when he ate and lived with the soldiers when he first started his army in Taiyuan.

In a trance, Comrade Li Er passed through twenty phalanxes, his voice was a little hoarse from the excitement of shouting, but his mood was still so excited.

After Wang Ke drove the car back to the place where they started and stopped, Comrade Li Er was still immersed in the scene just now and couldn't extricate himself for a long time.

After Wang Ke yelled several times, Comrade Li Er regained his composure, got out of the car, stood on the stand again so that the phalanx was closer to the stand, and made a speech in his already hoarse voice Only then did Wang Ke step forward to make a concluding speech.

Wang Ke knows that this is the time to say the words that everyone in the world will know and can recite back and forth: "Man's most precious life. There is only one life. A person's life should be spent like this. When he looks back In the past, he will not regret for wasting his life, nor will he be ashamed of being inactive; when he is dying, he can say: "My whole life and all my energy have been dedicated to the world's praise." I feel the most beautiful cause—strive for the strength and prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.” This is what I, as a soldier of the Tang Dynasty, feel when I see your efforts today, and I hope to share with you. Today, everyone The more you sweat on the training ground, the less blood you will bleed on the battlefield in the future. Our existence will make the enemies of the Great Tang not dare to underestimate us. Therefore, please train hard and defend the Great Tang! Defend the Emperor!"

"Defend the Great Tang! Defend the Emperor!"

The soldiers of today are not the soldiers of more than two months ago.Wang Ke's training and Comrade Li Er's arrival today, coupled with Wang Ke's fussy speech just now, have already made the soldiers' blood boil.

As soon as Wang Ke finished speaking, he repeated Wang Ke's last two sentences loudly, neatly and loudly.Comrade Li Er also heard tears in his eyes and couldn't help it.

Seeing that something was wrong, Wang Ke hurriedly motioned for Li Zhe to take the soldiers away, turned around and said to Comrade Li Er: "Your Majesty, it's getting late, why don't you drive back to the palace."

Comrade Li Er calmed down and said to Wang Ke: "Today is fine, let's go here. Tomorrow you come to the palace, and I want to talk to you. I am very interested in how much talent you have yet to show. "

When Wang Ke heard it, she secretly groaned in her heart, knowing that her life tomorrow would not be too easy.He understood that Comrade Li Er was not easy to deal with.

My wish to be a dandy can't be fulfilled, and I still have to promise, but I still don't give up and ask: "I don't know when the emperor will let the minister enter the palace?"

Comrade Li Er understood why Wang Ke asked such a question, and replied with a smile: "I know Wang Qing doesn't want to go to the morning court, and I have promised you. You can come later, after the morning court is over."

Wang Ke had no choice but to write a letter saying yes.Watching Comrade Li Er lead a group of ministers to drive back to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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