Chapter 44

Wang Ke was playing games with Dongyue at home with a hoarse voice, and was having fun when she saw Mrs. Wang walking in.

Now Wang Ke is a little scared when she sees Mrs. Wang entering her room. Every time Mrs. Wang comes in, someone must come looking for her.Now I have a hoarse voice, and I can't talk to people when they come.

Wang Ke frowned and asked, "Mother, is there something you want to do with your child again?"

Mrs. Wang smiled and said: "Your father sent someone to tell you that the emperor called you into the palace, and he has something to tell you. Go quickly, your father is waiting for you outside the palace gate."

Hearing this, Wang Ke didn't dare to delay at all. In such a cold day, let Wang Si wait at the gate of the palace. If the whole family was frozen, he would have to die.Wang Ke hurriedly put on the leather jacket, picked up the car keys and ran away.

When he came outside the palace gate, he saw Wang Si strolling back and forth there. Wang Ke stopped the car beside Wang Si, opened the door and let him come up.

Wang Si got into the car and kept breathing hot air to warm his hands.While driving, Wang Ke said, "Father, you stand here and wait in such a cold day. What if you freeze up? By the way, what does the Emperor want from me?"

Wang Si smiled and said: "It's okay, my father's body is not bad. After the emperor came down, I asked my father to call you into the palace. I don't know what's going on. Let's go, we will know everything when we see the emperor. .”

Wang Ke now knew that Comrade Li Er met the ministers in the imperial study room in the inner palace, so he drove the car directly outside the imperial study room without asking any more questions.He and Wang Si got out of the car and walked in one after the other.

Now Wang Ke and his son don't need to report when they enter the imperial study, and they greet the passing father-in-laws along the way.

After entering the study, Wang Ke saw the presence of Li Jing, Li Ji and Chai Shao, and immediately understood that it was time to send troops to the East Turks.But I don't know what this dispatch of troops called me here for.After meeting Comrade Li Er, Wang Ke naturally sat under Chai Shao.

Not many people came today, the military officers were only Li Jing and the civil servants besides Wang Si, Changsun Wuji, Fang and Du were also here.

Comrade Li Er waited for everyone to sit down before he said: "The 15 army has been mobilized and will go out soon. Today, it is said that the Wang family boy came here to write a poem for the army to strengthen the army. The Wang family boy , you have to show yourself!"

When Wang Ke heard this, he almost lost his breath.What kind of thing is this? How can I find a poem to hand over to me?

Wang Ke's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about finding a poem, which must be suitable for the scene of the expedition, and must have momentum.

Difficult, really difficult!

Wang Ke was overwhelmed, crossed all the ancient poems he had learned, found out a few capitals and felt that the expedition was either unreliable or implied opposition to war, and rejected them one by one.

Seeing that Wang Ke didn't speak for a long time, everyone knew that this was still very difficult, and they didn't dare to speak. They were afraid that if Wang Ke couldn't make a sound, they would rely on themselves, saying that it was because they interrupted him. Thinking, that would not be beautiful.

Wang Ke thought for a while before picking up two songs from the corner of his memory, but he still couldn't remember clearly. If he read it directly, he was afraid that he would get stuck in the middle and would not be able to get off the stage, so he opened his mouth and said, "Your Majesty, what are you waiting for?" Please bring a pen and paper, and Rong Chen can write it out, it's really hard for my voice to read."

As soon as the words came out, everyone present except Wang Si was shocked.I didn't pay attention to Comrade Li Er when I greeted him just now, but I heard it now, and I haven't seen him for a few days, why did the voice become like this.

Comrade Li Er asked someone to bring a pen and paper, and asked, "Boy of the Wang family, what's the matter with your voice?"

Wang Ke said with a wry smile: "That day the emperor asked the minister to send Princess Nanping back to the mansion, and the princess asked the minister to go with her to the Music Manufacturing Department of the Neifu to pick up the piano made by the princess. The day before yesterday, when Princess Lanling went to Princess Nanping's mansion, I brought it to the minister. Because I have never heard the music played by the guitar, I asked the minister to sing a lot of songs, and the minister's voice has become like this."

Comrade Li Er laughed loudly, pointed at Wang Ke and said, "I also heard Lanling talk about your singing, and it was very nice. Originally, I wanted you to sing a few songs to listen to. Seeing you like this today, I will listen to you in the future." talk later."

Wang Ke said in his heart: "Yes, I have become the special singer of your Li family." But he said in a hurry: "Thank you, the emperor, for being considerate of the little minister, and I will definitely sing a few songs for the emperor when the minister is well."

While talking, the pen and paper had already been brought up. Wang Ke came closer, picked up a pen and meditated for a while, leaned over and wrote: "The horn blows at the head of Luntai City at night, and the head of Luntai City falls at the north. Yu Shu passed Quli last night, Shan Yu Already in the west of Jinshan. Chenglou looks west to the black smoke, and the Han soldiers are stationed in Luntai. The general Yongyan goes out to the west, and Pingming marches with a flute army. The four sides beat the drums and the snow and the sea surge, and the three armies shouted that the mountains are moving. In Yuntun, the battlefield is covered with bones and grass roots. The Jianhe River is windy and the clouds are wide, and the rocks in the sand are moving and the horses' hooves are off. King Yaxiangqin has worked hard and hard, and vowed to repay the Lord to calm the dust. Therefore, no one in the history has missed, but now sees the ancients who have made great achievements."

After finishing writing, someone handed the poem to the royal case.Comrade Li Er looked at it, raised his head and asked, "Boy of the Wang family, what kind of font are you writing here? Why is it different from the font you usually use?"

Wang Ke stepped forward and replied: "Your Majesty, I believe that this poem is written for the expedition, and it must be strong and masculine. No other fonts are available. Only this Wei stele can best reflect that our Tang army is determined to defeat the enemy. , the determination to defeat the Turks."

"Wei stele body." Comrade Li Er said: "Why is it called this name, tell me."

Wang Ke said: "This book system was used for engraving steles in the former Wei Dynasty. The strokes are strong and powerful, and the strokes are like knives and swords, but they are very masculine. I like it very much when I see it, so I learn it. But time has passed. Short, let the emperor laugh."

Comrade Li Er looked at the poem and nodded: "It is indeed as the Wang family boy said, this font and this poem really match, so it looks like it really complements each other, and it is more appropriate than using other fonts. I didn't expect the Wang family boy to have such a heart." , Poetry, calligraphy and painting with different fonts and different scenes can have unexpected effects. Everyone, please take a look."

All the ministers passed it on and read it, and they all felt that the poem was good, the characters were not bad, and the combination of the two made it feel like it was going to a higher level, and they all applauded.Some people kept congratulating Wang Si. Having such a son is really a gift from heaven to the Wang family.

Wang Si responded modestly, but he was so happy in his heart that he could hardly find his eyes with a smile on his face.

Wang Ke looked at everything in front of him, and said in his heart: "I'm sorry, poets, poets, I can't help it. In this era, I can't live so comfortably if I don't become a copyist. I have to wrong you."

The ministers slowly sat down, and the rice paper on which the poem was written was returned to Comrade Li Er's imperial case.Comrade Li Er lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking. The ministers below saw that Comrade Li Er was silent, and all looked at Comrade Li Er, waiting to see what he would say.

Comrade Li Er raised his head, stared at Wang Ke, and remained silent for a long time.

Comrade Li Er looked at Wang Ke, and he didn't know what the emperor was planning on him. He was afraid and couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you looking at me like this?" ?”

Wang Si was frightened half to death when Wang Ke spoke to the emperor like this.

You said that the emperor is looking at you, how can you speak, and still in the tone of questioning the emperor.If the emperor wants to say something to you in a fit of anger, then Xiao Ming still wants to say something. Ai Wangsi wants to say Wang Ke, but this place is not suitable, so I can only pray secretly in my heart.

Seeing Wang Ke asking himself this question, Comrade Li Er didn't get angry. Instead, he asked kindly, "Boy of the Wang family, how old are you this year?"

When Wang Ke asked her age, she didn't dare to stand up and answer immediately.

He himself knew that he was 28 years old, but after time travelling, he heard them talk about his past, but Wang Ke didn't know when his birthday was and whether he was going to be 19 soon.Now when Comrade Li Er asks a question, I dare not answer easily, lest I make a mistake and cause trouble.So he turned his head to Wang Si, which meant to let Wang Si answer for him.Wang Si thought that Wang Ke was afraid that he was too young when he got lost, so he didn't remember these things.

Seeing Wang Ke looking at him, he quickly stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the child is still young when he is lost, and he hasn't been with his relatives at home for ten years. I don't know how old he is. Can I let the old minister answer for the child?"

Comrade Li Er turned his head to look at Wang Si, nodded and said, "Alright, you can answer for him as a father."

After saluting, Wang Si replied: "My son is born in April this year. I don't know if the emperor has any questions."

Comrade Li Er asked again: "Which family did your kid have a marriage contract with?"

As soon as Wang Si heard this, he knew something good was going on today. It seems that the emperor was thinking of marrying Wang Ke, so he hurriedly replied: "The child was lost when he was young, and he came back this time only half a year ago. I was thinking about getting married with him, but I never found a suitable family. In addition, my son always said that he was still young and refused to get married. He took in a concubine and never consummated the house. He said he would wait until he was old. Round room."

Hearing this, Comrade Li Er was very curious, and asked Wang Ke: "Boy of the Wang family, why don't you want to get married? Why did you accept the concubine but didn't consummate the house? There shouldn't be any problem!"

All the ministers in the room burst into laughter, but Wang Si immediately had a bitter look on his face when he heard this.

Wang Ke stood up and said calmly: "The emperor knows that I have lived in the country of the Far West for ten years, and these ten years are also the ten years that I have learned knowledge. In the Far West, medical research believes that women should You can truly mature. Marriage and childbirth in the past were extremely harmful to a woman's body. I thought that other ministers couldn't control me, but I couldn't do such things that would harm other people's bodies. Please forgive my intentions. As for Is there something wrong with my minister... This minister is confident that he will not, and I am still clear about my own body, so please rest assured, Your Majesty."

When Wang Ke said these words, he kept scolding Comrade Li Er in his heart.A man, if you doubt his character, maybe he won't be angry, but if you doubt his ability, no one will agree, let alone Wang Ke is a man who can't be more normal, and he still thinks about it. Comrade Li Er's daughter, you said that you suspect that he has a problem, can he feel at ease?
Then again, when Comrade Li Er asked, Wang Ke didn't dare to curse out loud.If it were a different person, Wang Ke would not only scold him, but he might practice against him immediately.

Comrade Li Er said disapprovingly: "There is no such argument. I marry girls at the age of fourteen or five in every household, and it's nothing. It's not as powerful as you said."

Wang Ke knew about this medical matter, but he couldn't explain it clearly for a while.I only knew a little superficially at first, but if I really wanted to talk about it, I really didn't know how to say it clearly, so I stopped talking.

Anyway, I can't explain it clearly, and I can't understand these people. What else to say, just listen to what Comrade Li Er said, and see what he has in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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