Chapter 73

Many trivial matters at home made Wang Ke dizzy, and Wang Ke really couldn't bear it.After finding Mrs. Wang and Dongyue and explaining the matter to them, she slipped out of the house by herself.

After coming out, Wang Ke felt that he didn't know where to go. After wandering around the door for a long time, Wang Ke decided to see if Li Ke had made any progress in testing steel.

When I came to the gate of Li Ke's land, I saw that the signboard of the Gunpowder Manufacturing Bureau was actually hung outside the gate. Wang Ke smiled and greeted the soldiers guarding the gate, and asked one of them to go in to inform Li Ke. He leaned beside the car, Bored and chatted with the rest of the guards.

After a while, I saw Li Ke, who was wearing a new military uniform, coming out with the soldiers who had just gone in to report.

Wang Ke walked around Li Ke several times on purpose before saying, "His Royal Highness is amazing now, he is a major general. Look at this military uniform, it looks much more majestic."

Li Ke scolded with a smile: "You kid, why don't you say that you are still a lieutenant general? You came to me to make fun of Your Highness, do you want to die?"

Wang Ke straightened his face immediately, and said seriously: "Your Highness, what you said is wrong. This general, as an officer of the right guard, is inspecting in his own camp. As a major general, you see the officer disrespectful, but use your highness to oppress him. People. This is not in line with what the emperor said. Why don't you go to the emperor and clarify it!"

Li Ke knew that Wang Ke was joking with him, so he deliberately pretended to be scared and said, "Okay, okay, I was wrong, and now I will salute to Lieutenant General Wang. This will be all right." He raised his hand, pretending to salute Wang Ke.

Li Ke thought that Wang Ke would hold his hand and not allow him to salute, but who knew that Wang Ke stood there with his hands behind his back, motionless, just waiting for him to salute him.

Li Ke couldn't get off the tiger, so he had no choice but to raise his raised hand up again, and made a non-standard salute to Wang Ke.

Unexpectedly, Wang Ke returned a standard military salute to him and said: "Your Highness still needs to practice saluting. This is not acceptable. How can I salute like this when I see the emperor and the marshals?" After finishing speaking, Wang Ke went to the door. As soon as he sprinted in, he entered the door.

Li Ke looked at Wang Ke, dumbfounded, he didn't have any idea at first, Wang Ke's words and the last movement of escaping really made Li Ke want to punch him a few times.

Li Ke shook his head helplessly, walked in the door, but saw Wang Ke standing in front of him with a smile and looking at him.Li Ke took two quick steps, came to Wang Ke, and walked in with Wang Ke side by side.

As Wang Ke walked, he asked Li Ke: "How is it? Is there any progress in the steelmaking business?"

Li Ke didn't say he was fine, but when asked by Wang Ke, his brows immediately came together, and his face turned into a look of bitterness and hatred.

Wang Ke walked for a long time and didn't hear Li Ke answering himself. Turning his head to see Li Ke's appearance, he immediately knew in his heart that there must be no progress in steelmaking.He didn't ask any more questions, and accompanied Li Ke to the place where the steel was tested.

As soon as I entered, I saw a group of craftsmen gathered together, talking about something.Seeing Li Ke and Wang Ke coming in, these people saluted one after another.

Wang Ke didn't have so much courtesy, and asked bluntly: "What's the situation now? Who will talk about it first."

One of them looked at Li Ke, wondering if he should answer Wang Ke's question.

Li Ke nodded and said, "It's okay, just say what you have."

The man looked at Wang Ke and said, "My lord, there are many difficulties now. We have refined some, but after making them into cannon barrels, they couldn't withstand the impact of gunpowder at all, and they all exploded."

Wang Ke frowned and asked, "What do you use for fuel now? Is it wood?"

The man shook his head and replied: "It was at first. Later, according to His Highness's order, it was changed to coal. The quality has improved a lot, but it still doesn't work."

Wang Ke didn't speak immediately, but looked up at the sky and the roof without speaking for a long time.The people in the room didn't know what he was thinking, they all looked at Li Ke, Li Ke waved his hand, motioning to keep quiet.

He knew that Wang Ke was thinking about something wrong with his appearance.When he discussed something with Wang Ke before, as long as the problem was more serious, Wang Ke would do this action.

For a moment, the room was so quiet that dropping a needle on the ground would make a loud noise, and everyone's eyes were on Wang Ke.

Wang Ke stood there quietly, motionless.Suddenly she clapped her hands and shouted loudly: "That's right, that's it!"

The sudden cry startled everyone.But hearing that Wang Ke was right, everyone knew that he must have thought of something. Everyone looked at Wang Ke eagerly, waiting for him to say what needs to be improved.

Wang Ke found a piece of scrap iron, squatted on the ground and drew a picture of the kiln mouth, then raised his head and said: "Now we need to build such a kiln mouth first, first smelt coal into coke, and then use coke to make steel. The steel that comes out should be able to meet the quality we need."

Someone in this group of craftsmen came up with a sentence: "Why do you need to smelt this coke first, and then use this thing to make steel? Can you explain the reason for this?"

Wang Ke said embarrassingly: "This question really caught me. I only know that I need to do this, but if you ask me to explain the truth, I can't explain it clearly. It seems that doing this can make steelmaking The required temperature can be increased to make the quality of the smelted steel better. I don’t know the details, you just do what I tell you. I believe that even if you are wrong, His Highness will not blame you. "

Li Ke had no other choice at this time, so he said: "Don't manage it, just do what the adults say. Now I just want the result, regardless of the process. After the steelmaking is successful, you can think about the reason yourself. Start working immediately !"

Wang Ke looked at Li Ke. He had been with Li Ke for so long, and today was the first time he saw Li Ke make such a decisive decision.Wang Ke couldn't help admiring Li Ke a little more.

Wang Ke stopped the craftsmen who were about to leave, and explained the process of making coke and the matters to be paid attention to in detail, and waved them away until they understood everything.

After all the craftsmen left, Li Ke showed a worried look and said to Wang Ke: "Brother Wang, can it be done?"

Wang Ke said helplessly: "I can't say that, but it should be possible."

Wang Ke thought for a while and then said: "Also, you have to remember that you can't use pure steel to make the barrel. When making steel, you need to add some other metals to it, otherwise it will be too rigid and too brittle. Big!"

Li Ke nodded understandingly, expressing that he had remembered Wang Ke's words.

(End of this chapter)

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