mechanical corpse

Chapter 101 Yushi

Chapter 101 Yushi (seeking support for the first order!)
Chapter [-]

"Haha, heavy mecha, I've been wanting to use it for a long time!" Deng Xiaopang poured it down like a stream of water, and it rained directly on Xiaoer's back, and the white dog hair was wet in a big circle.

"Hey..." Deng Xiaopang let out a scream, and with a muffled "dong", he was violently pulled off his back by Xiaoer's tail.

This guy may feel embarrassed himself, and there is a [-]% possibility that he didn't dare to provoke Xiaoer at all, pretending that nothing happened, and walked straight to the front of the giant "corpse hunter", looking like he wanted to hug him. It looks like it is climbing up directly with the thick mechanical steel legs of the tree trunk.

"Who told you to come?" Jiang Ping asked angrily while reaching out to support Liang Yurou who got off Xiaoer's back.

"Here." Miss Liang pouted irresponsibly at Deng Xiaopang, "This guy said he knew how to deal with corpse hunters, so he insisted on bringing me here."

"I said Miss, it's a bit unkind to pull out the ladder when you go up the wall, and demolish the bridge when you cross the river." Spreading her short and fat arms, she shouted innocently: "Jiang Ping, I really didn't propose this time, she insisted on forcing me..."

"Aww..." Before Deng Xiaopang could finish his sentence, a very deep roar sounded inadvertently, and the owner of the sound was Erha who had just returned to normal size.

Deng Xiaopang's face immediately turned into a round bitter gourd: "Well, it's my fault, it's all my fault. It's because I want to catch a corpse hunter. It's because I know that Miss Xiaorou's mental strength is enough to subdue this thing. It's me... Oh my god, my brother, why is my life so hard!"

Jiang Ping glared at Liang Yurou with a slight complaint, but the beauty smiled a little embarrassedly, and sent him away directly as if I knew I had caused trouble and this was the only time.There is no way, the beauty's lethality is too great, Jiang Ping can't bear to get angry with her...

"You mean, it was because of you that this guy couldn't move for no reason just now?" Jiang Ping stared at the motionless behemoth and asked incredulously.

"Impossible, the Corpse Hunter is one of the Antarctic base's biggest reliance, how could you get rid of it so easily!" Wang Qi also raised his own doubts.

Deng Xiaopang looked as if he really had nothing to say to you idiots, and explained lazily and pretending to be profound: "Cut, no matter how awesome a weapon is, the principle is basically the same. This thing Although powerful, it is theoretically no different from driving a car."

"As long as there is a key, anyone who can drive can easily drive any car. But why is the person who drives the corpse hunter called a 'driver'? The so-called driver, as the name suggests, is just another It’s just a form of driver. Since it’s a driver, another more powerful person who can drive with a key is also capable of driving this thing, right?”

"So, Xiao Rou is another driver?" Jiang Ping asked thoughtfully.

"It can also be said, but she, a female driver, only has the key, but she can't drive." Deng Xiaopang concluded, "The driver controls the corpse hunter through mental power, this inexplicable and wonderful thing that shouldn't exist in the world. Energy, after the end of the world, does exist, like gravity, magnetic field, etc., which we cannot see or capture, but they exist very real, and can change the world in a certain way."

"There are two extremely important parts in this guy's body. One is a small energy converter in the center of the head, which serves as the place where the mental power is placed and releases the mental power in other forms of power, such as power, to form Various signal instructions; the second is the dark crystal energy concentrator at the Tanzhong acupoint on the chest, which is the energy source of this big guy."

"Psychic power is something that we all have, but we can convert it into substantial energy and release it, even among supernatural beings, it is a one-in-a-kind existence. The most important thing is, according to my research, The abilities of people with supernatural powers can be improved through various means. For example, the Antarctic base is refining corpse gold into medicine for injection. Although there are certain risks, the effect is extremely significant. There are currently no Any way to improve, to put it simply, this ability is completely formed according to personal talent and opportunity, and manpower cannot be changed..."

"So, Xiaorou's mental strength should be extremely abnormal?" Jiang Ping asked.

"Cut, you're a pervert!" Liang Yurou pouted dissatisfiedly, making Jiang Ping stunned, wishing to gnaw on that alluring cherry red spot.

"That's right, Miss Xiaorou's mental power is far stronger than these so-called 'drivers'. Therefore, her mental power can easily penetrate the thin layer of protective cover in the center of the corpse hunter's brain, and pinch the corpse easily. Cut off the connection between the spiritual power of the 'driver' and the corpse hunter." Deng Xiaopang nodded and said.

"Then, can I directly control this thing?" Liang Yurou asked cautiously, looking like a curious baby.

"Theoretically speaking, maybe it should be possible?" Deng Xiaopang scratched his head and said uncertainly, "By the way, what happened to that guy inside, didn't you kill him?"

"No, that guy is just a very small ball of light. I surrounded it with mental power and directly blocked it. This guy is not as powerful as the bat I met last time, and he is still qualified to control it. Such a powerful mech." Liang Yurou curled her lips in disdain.

The three men were sweating profusely, please, miss, do you think that people with psychic abilities are Chinese cabbage everywhere! (Although there are not many Chinese cabbages that can be eaten in the last days)
"Try to see if you can get him out of the energy converter, and then take that position yourself." Deng Xiaopang suggested while secretly sighing at Liang Yurou's perversion. There is nothing else left to do.The whole person is like falling into a deep sleep, the body cannot move at all, but the mind can move freely, just like changing a body.

This research is similar to a very top-notch project he came into contact with in the United States in his previous life, similar to a virtual helmet, or like the situation in the old movie "Avatar".It is estimated that the core technology of this corpse hunter came from his research, and it is precisely because of this that Deng Xiaopang is so familiar with this thing.

It's just that Liang Yurou can use her mental power to control the corpse hunter while talking with people without any influence. It seems that her mental power is dozens or even a hundred times stronger than that guy's!

Listening to Deng Xiaopang's arrangement, Liang Yurou lightly poked the spherical film at the core of the corpse hunter's brain with mental strength.She didn't know what it was, but the moment her mental power touched it, a hole the size of a needle's eye was poked out.

"Whoosh—" Before she could react, the spiritual light cluster in the middle of the membrane escaped like lightning.The speed of mental power is extremely fast, even if she is as strong as her, she can't stop that guy from running away desperately.

"Ah!" Liang Yurou shouted tenderly.

"What's wrong?" The three big men asked with great concern.

"The group of spiritual power inside accidentally escaped." Liang Yurou said weakly.

"It's nothing, the driver can't be too far away from the corpse hunter, otherwise his mental strength will be insufficient and he will be difficult to control freely. His body is nearby, and he probably ran back immediately after sensing the danger." Deng Xiaopang explained, "You Take the position he was just now, and see if you can drive this big guy."

"Oh." Liang Yurou nodded obediently.

"Boom—" Before the words fell, a building behind the four of them instantly turned into ashes...

 ps: It has just been put on the shelf, and a capable brother will give you a first order. This thing is very important for the new book, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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