mechanical corpse

Chapter 113 Abdomen

Chapter 113 Abdomen
Chapter [-] Abdomen

Mr. Scientist is indeed quite honest, timid, and has a good tongue. The fly in the ointment is that this guy knows too little.

As Jiang Ping judged before, this is indeed a secret base of Fuzi Technology in Wenhan City. It is located underground in the black market, which is nearly 100 meters deep.

There are not many people in the entire underground base. Except for the extremely important scientific research personnel like uncles, the core employees of Ax Technology do not exceed 20 people.And the existence of these people is not for the so-called security. To be honest, this is the safest place in Wenhan City.According to Uncle Scientist, these people are more like assistants, assistants, or nanny.

In addition to being responsible for the daily life of all scientific researchers, he is also responsible for all other tasks in the entire underground base other than scientific research.

There are less than [-] scientific researchers in total, but it is already the maximum that Fuzi Technology can transfer to Wenhan City. It can be seen that the Antarctic Headquarters really attaches great importance to this place.

The main task of the researchers here is to study various scientific research tasks that are difficult to carry out unscrupulously in the Antarctic headquarters, the most important of which is the Gu corpse cultivation plan...

After learning about the situation, Jiang Ping directly broke the guy's neck without any scruples.He was not a merciful person in the first place, and this guy didn't even have a trace of guilt when he mentioned the process of using living people as samples to create Gu corpses.Just by looking at this appearance, you can tell that this guy is definitely not a good thing!

"Wow——" Erha weakly called out to Jiang Ping, grinning a little fawningly, drooling all over the floor.

Jiang Ping naturally knew what this guy meant, and wanted to bite these two extremely vivid human bodies.Just now that guy was knocked out by this guy's paw, and even now, he still hasn't woken up.

This scientific research base is nothing more than a place where Axe technology is used to conduct experiments on living people. It has not only dissected countless zombies, but also devoured the lives of thousands of living people.Jiang Ping naturally didn't have a good impression of them, so he nodded slightly and said, "Don't eat meat, turn these two guys into zombies."

He is still not very clear about the situation of the entire underground base. The defense system of the entire base cannot be fully judged based on the words of a scientific lunatic alone. Putting two walking corpses in there should cause some panic to the opponent and be more conducive to his actions. .

Xiao Er was so pleasantly surprised that he almost jumped up. Erha Samo, one dog and one person, sucked hard on the neck, which made Jiang Ping, who had just compromised, regret slightly.Damn it, are these two guys dogs or bats? How can they drink human blood so well!

Soon, the two slightly fat guys were sucked into jerky.The two wretched dogs carried out Jiang Ping's order very thoroughly, they didn't eat a bite of meat, but drank all the soup...


The two mummies were released and wandered around in the empty corridor. Jiang Ping and Xiao Er quietly stalked behind the two zombies and started to move quietly in this secret base of Ax Technology.

"Ah——" Finally, the first scream rang out, and an unlucky guy was attacked by two zombies one after the other, and the heart-piercing screams before dying quickly filled the entire space.

"What's the situation? Why did two zombies suddenly run out here? Hurry up and start the automatic protection program, and we must minimize the loss!" A leader-like guy shouted angrily in the control center.All the surveillance information was called out urgently and displayed on the big screen. The alarm sounded immediately where the zombies appeared just now, and a commotion began to permeate the underground base. However, no one seemed to notice in the panic. One person and one dog flashed by in that corner.

Manager Sun was angrily sending people towards the underground base. It was a wave of unrest. Just now the traitorous corpse hunter had not been resolved, and now the underground base was in turmoil again.

In the entire black market, there are only a few people who know the existence of the underground base. With such a big commotion this time, the secret here must not be kept, and it is still unknown how the Antarctic base will deal with itself!

Fortunately, the few zombies that appeared there should not be very powerful according to the report, and I still have the ability to suppress the turmoil, but it is best not to die too many scientists. In the last days, this is the most precious resource of the company. It's really hard to deal with it in your own hands.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Jiang Ping led Xiao Er to sneak all the way. This is indeed a rare scientific research base, and it is the equipment that Jiang Ping urgently needs.If it is really possible to find suitable equipment, with Deng Xiaopang's mutated brain and so many core technical facilities, there is naturally great hope for him to figure out his physical condition.

Ax Technology and Liang Yurou already had some grievances, and this time it directly clashed with Huxin Island. Jiang Ping naturally didn't mind turning this place upside down!
"Bang bang bang..." There was a burst of gunfire, and it seemed that the opponent's countermeasures were much faster than Jiang Ping expected.

"Xiao Er, if you really can't do it later, you'll have to go up and block it." Jiang Ping shamelessly betrayed his teammates, and said with a malicious pat on Erha's head.

"Wow——" Erha raised his head to the sky and screamed dissatisfied, turned his head and ran in another direction, as if he wanted to take Jiang Ping somewhere.

After turning a few turns, Erha stretched out his claws and slammed a bulletproof glass door, which was smashed into pieces, and walked in with his tail wagging.

"Ah—" There was a scream, and Jiang Ping, who was following behind, barely figured out what this place was.

The trembling employee who was hiding aside was naturally ignored by him. The room was more than 200 square meters, and a group of grinning and screaming zombies were tightly locked in more than a dozen giant cages.

Obviously, these zombies are not the Gu zombies I saw before, the wildness emanating from the bones is only unique to independent zombies.This is obviously a zombie research base, Jiang Ping glanced at Xiaoer with satisfaction, and nodded in agreement.

"Don't—" After a desperate roar, more than a dozen zombies came out of the cage.

"Hissing—" The bloodthirsty and tyrannical screams kept coming and going, and he punched a murderous guy flying towards him. Jiang Ping followed Xiaoer and walked out in the opposite direction without looking back...

(End of this chapter)

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