mechanical corpse

Chapter 133 Suspected of an old friend coming

Chapter 133 Suspected of an old friend coming
Chapter [-] Suspected to be from an old friend

Unexpectedly relaxed, Feng Ziqian could never have imagined that the defense of the corpse hunter center of Axe Technology would be so lax.

"No. 24, it seems that the guys from Ax Technology don't even have the most basic sense of crisis, and the most important control center of the corpse hunters doesn't even have the most basic defense force. Hehe, maybe it's because they are used to being the emperor. You have forgotten how terrifying zombies are." A soldier with "[-]" on his shoulder patch said with a relaxed smile.

"Don't talk nonsense." Although Feng Ziqian also felt that something was wrong, he was not as relaxed as him.

In any case, as the core defense force of a base, the Corpse Hunter Base will never be so lax.What's more, the large-scale wave of corpses triggered by the ax technology has already broken out in Wenhan City. Even if they sit idly by, at least they will investigate secretly, and corpse hunters should be on standby at any time.

When she came out this time, including herself, she only brought a mere 24 people, 22 of which were the newly trained special forces, but their combat effectiveness was not so strong.

These 22 people are a wave of supernatural beings carefully selected by the National Security Bureau (or she herself) from civilians. Naturally, they have strengths, and most of them are between the fourth-level and sixth-level supernatural beings.He has countless experience in hunting zombies, but he has no teamwork ability, and he is not used to obeying orders.I led them to train for a whole month, and then transferred an old comrade from the special forces, that is, No. 24 who just talked to her, the veteran of "Blood Dragon"-Qin Dong.

The reason why this wave of recruits came out in this operation is that they are members of the survivors from the outside world and have a very good understanding of the situation outside the Antarctic base; The ability to survive alone is three points better than that of a regular army in a platoon; the third is because these guys have just joined the army not long ago, and they have been brought by themselves, so they are more obedient.

Of course, this refers to relatively listening to one's own words. As for organization, discipline, and sense of honor, they have not yet been established.Otherwise, she would not be sure to bring such a large group of people with such a strong fighting force out of the Antarctic base.

The reason why everyone is named by number is precisely to improve their collectiveness. A person who does not even have a name can only find a sense of honor in the team.This is the same as on the court, whether it is a superstar or a substitute at the end of the bench, everyone will be replaced by a small code.

"One seven, one eight, one nine, advance to the left, gather at the control center!"

"Twenty, twenty, two two, advance to the right, gather at the control center!"

"Two three, two four, join me in the middle to kill the control center, quickly resolve the battle, and don't have to stay alive!"

Feng Ziqian arranged the combat tasks very concisely, and three groups of nine people broke through the siege towards the Corpse Hunter base very quickly and methodically.

They are no longer familiar with this kind of underground base. This kind of building may be the only one in Wenhan City.But for the Antarctic base, it is simply an ordinary existence.

The zombies that appeared from time to time along the road were the only trouble. Feng Ziqian shot down the six zombies blocking the front with a submachine gun very skillfully.

"At 3 o'clock, there are 3 middle-level walking corpses." Just after killing this wave of zombies, the voice of Qin Dong, number 24 on the flank, came over.

I don't see how Feng Ziqian moves, she just bends slightly and squats down.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Three very slight sounds of breaking the wind sounded, and it was No. 23, who was three meters behind her, made the move.The young man didn't use a gun, but instead had something similar to a crossbow tied to his right arm.The crossbow was extremely small, like an iron wrist guard, and the arrows were only about five centimeters.

Feng Ziqian glanced at him appreciatively. This guy was Tang Ye, the youngest in the group. He was just 19 years old, but his fighting spirit was not weak.Maybe it's a young man from a martial arts family who doesn't like to use guns, but prefers cold weapons such as bows and crossbows.

The small wrist crossbow on Tang Ye's wrist was carefully designed by her entrusting someone to help. The crossbow arrow is made of high-density stainless steel and is about the size of a syringe, but a small one is enough to weigh 200g. In order to ensure that the launch process is not disturbed by air currents, wind, etc.The wrist crossbow can fire twelve in a row, which is more powerful than a pistol. Tang Ye is quite satisfied with this.

The three of them covered each other like this, forming an iron triangle, rushing forward very quickly and regularly...

Feng Ziqian is quite satisfied with the current progress, but still has a little doubt.According to the progress, they are about 500 meters away from entering the range of the corpse hunter base, but apart from some wandering zombies that inadvertently sneaked in, not even a person with Ax Technology has found it.

"I said madman, didn't I..." Qin Dong just wanted to speak, but Feng Ziqian gave him a cold glance.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong." Qin Dong waved his hands again and again, "No. [-], is there something wrong with the situation?"

Feng Ziqian ignored him, but looked at the front coldly, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

"No. 24 is right." Tang Ye on the side echoed, "The leaders of this base have no brains, and there must be some defenses inside the corpse hunter base. We are almost attacking the gate now, and even one There are no ants. Such a loose defense force, once someone breaks through, the corpse hunters worth tens of millions inside will immediately be reduced to a pile of scrap iron."

"Ha, I didn't expect Xiao Tang to have a good eye." Qin Dong joked with a smile, "Then tell me, why is this? Could it be that the other party has set up some kind of trap?"

The ice beauty didn't talk to him, so Qin Dong had no choice but to find a junior to relieve his boredom.

"This, I don't know too well, but..." Tang Ye was asked by him, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Too much nonsense, I'll find out soon after typing in." The two big men here were discussing enthusiastically, but Feng Ziqian snorted coldly, ignored them, and went straight to the front at a faster speed.

Qin Dong and Tang Ye looked at each other helplessly, spread their hands together, made a look of helplessness, and quickly picked up their weapons to follow...

In fact, Feng Ziqian didn't know why, although the current atmosphere was not right, but she didn't feel the slightest danger, instead she had some inexplicable expectations in her heart.

There, what is waiting for me...

The center of the corpse hunter base.

Jiang Ping was hit hard again, and flew out like a sandbag, hitting the steel wall beside him deeply dented.

(End of this chapter)

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