mechanical corpse

Chapter 140 The corpse tide is coming

Chapter 140 The Corpse Tide Is Coming (Part [-])

Chapter [-]: The tide of corpses is approaching ([-])
After struggling for so many years in the apocalypse, "Old Eight" never thought that he was afraid of death. Perhaps he had experienced too much life and death. When almost all his relatives and friends died in an instant, he didn't have any Things can be lost.

Because he has no qualifications to lose, so it doesn't seem so terrible for him to die.

However, the moment he saw his teammate who had been with him day and night being dry and lifeless being held in the mouth by that terrifying zombie, an uncontrollable shudder rushed up from the tailbone along the spine, making him His whole body swayed suddenly!
Sure enough, I am still afraid of death...

"Old Eight" couldn't help but sighed slightly, the corner of his mouth raised an arc inadvertently, and then slowly shook his head, as if mocking himself who had overreacted just now.

"You retreat first, I will resist it." After taking a deep breath, "Old Eight" said to the two little brothers behind him.

"No, let's go together!" The voice of "11" was a little immature, with a hint of crying.

"Old Ba, I'm afraid this guy is difficult to deal with. The three of us can at least get out of this together." Team member "10" was obviously not satisfied with the command of "8".

"What's the point, you guys don't know my speed. Although I may not be able to kill it, at least I'm sure I can get away with it. Adding the burden of the two of you will only make me feel helpless..." The old man was indignant He yelled at the two of them, pushed the two of them back involuntarily, and then stood up holding the knife. The cold light of the knife headed straight for the mutated zombie with a murderous aura...


With tears in their eyes and clenched teeth, the two team members forced themselves to run desperately into the distance. The moment they disappeared at the end of the road, what they heard was the cry of a slightly angry and disdainful grandma...

"Old Eight" tightly held the steel knife in his hand, wishing he could directly melt the handle into his palm!
Even though he had carefully estimated the strength of the half-cat, half-mouse mutated zombie in front of him, he still found that he had really underestimated this gigantic monster that looked like a little milk cat called grandma.

"Finally dying..."

"Old Eight" sighed silently in his heart, death seemed to have never been so close to him.

He stared closely at the blood-red pupils of the cat and mouse corpse, feeling the pair of small eyes full of banter, killing, tyranny and longing, as if he heard the breath of death at that moment.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

He can feel every beat of his heart, he can touch every breath of his nose, he can even feel the expansion of every pore of his body, the flow of every drop of blood, every jump of soul.

It's nice to be alive.

Unfortunately, he is about to die.

Like a little mouse struggling under the hands of a mischievous little cat, he was knocked down again and again by the cat and mouse corpse, but stood up again and again.

The speed that I am proud of has no advantage at all in the eyes of the opponent, just like a mouse pretending to be clever can't escape the sharp claws of a clever hunting cat.

The slender tail was like a whip with eyes, whipping Lao Ba's body from time to time. His tough military uniform had been beaten to pieces, leaving only a few pitiful pieces of thin cloth.

Lao Ba almost didn't even have the strength to moan. He was covered in scars all over his body, but he didn't shed even a single drop of blood. This kind of feeling that life would be worse than death, but he still gritted his teeth and told himself no matter how hard he persisted. Just a moment, just a moment...


Finally, Lao Ba, who had lost most of his consciousness, faintly heard a scream from the corpse of the cat and mouse. Perhaps he was tired from playing, and the uninterrupted beating on his body had stopped.

Before Lao Ba had time to take a breath, his waist suddenly tightened, as if someone had tied him with a rope, and he rose into the air, and finally he lost his last consciousness...


The cat and mouse corpse let out a satisfied cry, its tail wrapped around Lao Ba's body tightly like a conscious long snake.It seems that this guy was full, and he didn't swallow the loot he got for a while, instead he let out a soft cry, looked up towards the end of the street——

There, it was the direction where the team members "10" and "11" left just now!
"Zhizhi——" the pointed mouth of the cat and mouse corpse slightly opened, like a smug laugh, two long front teeth were exposed, and the pink and tender tongue licked the wriggling beard, and then It was like a tiger king who had found its prey, stretched its limbs, and galloped majestically in the direction where the two of them were going!

It's a pity to say that Lao Ba thought it took a long time, until the beginning of the battle, but it was only a short 3 minutes.

And this short 3 minutes, to him, may be as long as the end...

Near Yida Mall, thousands of ax technology troops are methodically holding various weapons and making heavy defenses according to the terrain.

Feng Ziqian stood on the top of the building, looking at the astonishing thousands of horses coldly, with a serious expression on his face.

The nearly endless tide of corpses naturally worried her, but the astonishing strength of Ax Technology displayed in front of her eyes at this time shocked her even more.

No matter what, Feng Ziqian could never have imagined that the strength of Fuzi Technology has expanded to this point!

This is just a small sub-base in the area, and there are thousands of troops hoarded, even if many of them are selected from the local survivors, but that is enough to resist a B+ rank The weapons and equipment of the corpse tide are not something anyone can easily get out!

Hmph, Ax Technology really has a big appetite, doesn't it mean that it doesn't care about the country at all?
"No. [-], the first echelon is ready for battle, and the corpse hunters are on standby, please give me instructions!" Qin Dong rushed over and said to Feng Ziqian.

Although Wang Dashao did not show up, at any rate, the full military strength of Axe Technology has been fully displayed. The scale of this corpse wave not only exceeded Manager Sun's imagination, but even Feng Zigan, who deliberately contributed to the flames, did not expect it at all. The B-level corpse wave already has an A-level scale, and it is likely to reach the A+ level, or even the S-level in the end!
Most of the people in Axe Technology are survivors who have not received much training. They may have some force, but as for tactics and discipline, they are like playing the piano with cattle.To fight against such a scale of corpses, without tactics and layout, the whole army can only be wiped out.

Therefore, even the young leader of Fuzi Technology has to acquiesce in the absolute leadership of Feng Zigan and his party.

There are more than a thousand people, divided into four echelons in total, and the first echelon with the strongest combat power led by Qin Dong has been fully prepared.

Feng Ziqian glanced lightly at the swarming corpses, his crimson lips parted slightly, and he uttered a murderous word——


(End of this chapter)

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