mechanical corpse

Chapter 149 Civil turmoil

Chapter 149 Civil Disturbance ([-])

Chapter [-] Civil Unrest ([-])
Feng Ziqian was chatting with Jiang Ping on the roof with great interest. On the one hand, he wanted to take the opportunity to explore this guy's background, and on the other hand, it was not easy to meet a man who she didn't hate very much from the bottom of her heart.If Qin Dong was lucky enough to hear Feng Zigan's incomparably soft and delicate tone, he might be scared to death.

Jiang Ping naturally had other considerations. Even if he didn't want to have anything to do with Feng Ziqian and Qin Dong, at least right now it was unavoidable anyway.Furthermore, they can be said to all come from one of the top human forces at present, and their understanding of the end times is far beyond the reach of people like Jiang Ping.

Consciously or unintentionally, he led Feng Ziqian to shift the topic to the tide of corpses as much as possible, and at the same time prevented this ice and snow beauty from setting up traps to cover her own words.

What's ridiculous is that the talking methods used by Feng Ziqian, such as suggestion, hypnosis, or guidance, were taught to her by Jiang Ping when she was an instructor. The little girl used Jiang Ping's methods to deal with Jiang Ping. What a remarkable effect to come.

Although physically speaking, Feng Ziqian is about ten years older than the reborn Jiang Ping, but in Jiang Ping's view, she is still the stubborn little girl who wanted to become the world's number one secret agent...

Feng Ziqian naturally didn't know that Jiang Ping had already regarded her as a little girl. In her eyes, the nasty boy in front of her was no different from a slippery loach.I was "seductive", intimidating, and hinting at the same time, but I haven't even been able to dig out what this guy's abilities are until now.

If it weren't for the fact that this kid is really "pretty" and he feels really good to himself, so that people don't feel disgusted, Feng Ziqian might have to "extract a confession by torture" a long time ago!

However, what Feng Ziqian didn't know was that he was trying his best to make Jiang Ping's plan here, but he didn't know that he was also being secretly calculated by some people...

"Uncle Zhao, that woman is not easy to mess with." It has to be said that brother Wang Er silly sometimes seems to have some brains.

Although he has never met Feng Ziqian in person, Manager Sun also told him about the existence of that woman before. As soon as he heard Feng Zigan's three words, Wang Chong couldn't help but feel a faint pain in his crotch—after all, he molested Feng Ziqian back then. The shadow left by the dry has not disappeared yet.

Uncle Zhao naturally knew that this kid was terrified by Feng Ziqian's lesson back then, so he didn't refute it, but nodded in agreement: "A person who can support the operation of the entire Ministry of State Security by himself is naturally not a good thing to deal with. .”

"Then you..." Young Master Wang said puzzled.

"It's not trying to plot against her, it's just borrowing strength. It's a conspiracy that won't tolerate her non-cooperation." The old man affirmed.

"Is that why you killed Manager Sun?" Ma Rong asked suddenly.

Uncle Zhao glanced at her in surprise. Although he knew that this woman was not simple, but now it seems that some big-chested and brainless things can't be compared.

"This is it again?" Compared to Ma Rong, who had exquisite seven orifices, Young Master Wang showed much more purity, and asked suspiciously like a novice.

"The reason why Uncle Zhao killed the killer is because the surnamed Sun just went too far, and it is useless to keep a disobedient dog. The second is to affirm that the beautiful officer will deal with the tide of corpses in disguise. The absolute leadership of the battle..." Seeing Uncle Zhao staring at First Young Master Wang with a look of hatred for iron, Ma Rong hurriedly spoke softly to help him explain.

"Why should that woman be the leader? This is the territory of our Axe Technology, and it's not up to others to tell me what to do!" Young Master Wang didn't care at all, showing that he had no bottom-line IQ.

Ma Rong was almost overwhelmed by the young master's IQ. She resisted the impatience in her heart, and explained with an extremely docile look: "The reason why Uncle Zhao gave that woman military power was to use her. No matter The success or failure of the fight against the zombie tide, the operation of the company in Wenhan City these years has been ruined, the corpse tide attack is so fierce, only that woman has the ability to use the current armed force to the extreme. She is the one who attracts all the zombies in front Firepower, we have a chance to escape from here..."

"Uncle Zhao, even if that woman can help us block some of the zombies, how can it be possible to kill them with just the three of us?" Young Master Wang asked suspiciously after he had reacted.

Ma Rong didn't explain this time. She knew that the old man must have his own means, but she couldn't guess what his hole card was anyway.All the military power of Axe Technology was handed over to the opponent, and there was no way for me to fight out of this vast wave of corpses by relying on the strength of the three alone!
So, what is his trump card?Ma Rong looked at the old man calmly, with a hint of curiosity and anticipation in her eyes...

The night seemed to be getting darker, and several Ax Technology employees who were in charge of guarding guards carefully watched the movement outside through the barbed wire with night vision goggles.At this time, no one dares to be lazy, because everyone knows that everyone is now a grasshopper on the same rope, and a small mistake will ruin everyone's life.

It's just that they, who have been wearing night vision goggles, still inadvertently overlooked a very important point...

Outside the circular "Eight Diagrams Formation", a dense wave of corpses has gradually gathered, and as far as the eye can see, it's a black mass, slowly wriggling on the ground.

If you look closely, the night outside the circular fortification is obviously darker than the inside, and the densely packed zombies are extraordinarily quiet——

Tens of thousands of zombies are tightly packed together, each of them is slowly swaying left and right in the same place with a unique frequency, there is no familiar roar, no irregular noise, not even a single zombie like Usually wandering around aimlessly!

They stayed there quietly, squinting their eyes slightly, as if they were enjoying something.That's right!If I really had to use one word to describe their current expressions, it should be enjoyment!
But, when did the zombies show expressions?
Tens of thousands of zombies shared a rather enjoyable mood?

No matter how you say it, it makes people feel a little funny, even unbelievable!

However, the aunt and Pulsatilla who were close didn't find it funny at all. They stood on the edge of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​corpses in fear, couldn't help swallowing slightly, and couldn't help but stop breathing...

"Old Bai, could it be..." The aunt forcibly suppressed the panic in her heart, watching the extremely strange scene in front of her, her teeth could not help but shiver while speaking.

"Corpse haze, they are absorbing the energy in the corpse haze." Pulsatilla nodded in disbelief and replied.

"Master Bai, then let's go to Fuzi Technology..." The middle-aged man who had been following him asked in a trembling voice.

"Why not!" Pulsatilla affirmed, looking at the outline of Yida Mall in the darkness.

"This..." The man was obviously taken aback, and it was obviously not a wise move to choose to enter the place where the zombies were going to attack.

"Ouba~" The aunt twisted her bloated body and came up at some point, "What Lao Bai means is that if you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cub. What he wants is not just to save his life, right? Old Bai?"

Pulsatilla didn't answer, but calmly looked at the dense crowd of corpses in front of him, and said calmly: "I don't think this crowd of corpses looks like they are going to attack immediately, let's sneak in now."

After all, he turned sideways and squeezed through the dense crowd of corpses without fear!

"Oba~" The aunt was still tightly leaning against the middle-aged man's side, her whining voice almost made him want to vomit.

"If Ouba is scared, I can protect you and leave, but Ouba will be mine from now on, okay?" Aunt didn't know whether she was threatening or scaring.

In short, the middle-aged man looked up at the wave of corpses in front of him, and then glanced at the woman who looked like brown sugar next to him, and suddenly felt that the wave of corpses had become less terrifying.

"Xiao Xie, if you want to leave now, I won't blame you." Master Bai's voice came from the crowd of corpses that were densely packed like weeds.

The middle-aged man swallowed fiercely, and secretly made up his mind: "Fight it, it's just a zombie, no matter how terrifying it is, it can't compare to that..."

Thinking this way, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, ignoring the aunt's faint gaze like a watcher's stone, and plunged into the dense crowd of corpses!
"I hate it, but I don't know how to wait for others!" Seeing this, the aunt stamped her feet angrily, and almost crushed the heel on her foot that was three times thicker than others.

"Oba, don't be afraid that I'll protect you~" Threatened by the life-threatening soprano, the middle-aged man's speed doubled immediately, and he no longer cared about all kinds of walking corpses and zombies in front of him. blocking.

The aunt who fell at the end finally made up her mind. After all, in the last days, sometimes strength is really more important than life.She thought it was a good deal to exchange her own life for a chance to be reborn.

Finally, a meat ball also slammed into the group of corpses, and there was a lot of movement for a while. Looking from a high altitude, there was a very obvious crack between the dense group of corpses, and it was heading towards Yida Mall at high speed. moving...

(End of this chapter)

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