mechanical corpse

Chapter 152 Decisive battle against the tide of corpses

Chapter 152 Decisive battle against the tide of corpses ([-])

Chapter [-] Decisive battle against the tide of corpses ([-])

Just like the sea before a storm, the longer the calm time, the stronger the next storm will be, and the corpses surrounding Yida Mall have been quietly staying outside for a whole night!
The appearance of the first ray of sunlight is like a silent horn, and the haze of corpses in the sky dissipates without a trace. Finally, the group of zombies who have been crowded outside for a whole night seem to gradually have a little more vitality at this time. Come.

The commotion, like the plague, spread silently but extremely quickly——

The first zombie that started to move can no longer be seen at this moment. I don't know who took the lead in advance. Maybe it just moved its finger inadvertently, or moved a small step forward, as if it was cooking. It was as if a ladle of water had been poured into the hot oil pan, and the group of corpses that had stayed quietly all night began to commotion!

Looking from the top of the building, countless large and small zombies came flooding in like a tide, almost flooding the entire Yida Mall.Starting from the first piece of flesh picked up under the feet, the group of corpses who had been quiet for a whole night began to enjoy their own "breakfast"...




Countless low, hoarse and noisy roars, accompanied by the hungry and thirsty devouring sounds of countless zombies, filled the entire world.


Finally, with the heavy artillery roaring again, the second wave of corpse tide battles started!
"Give me a ruthless hello from the heavy artillery, wipe out all the rotten meat on the way to attack, and hit me hard!"

"Second echelon, enter combat preparations, a group of three, each find a bunker, set off!"

"Guarantee attack firepower, try to use guns to resolve the battle, and avoid hand-to-hand combat!"

"Third echelon, prepare to attack, defend all areas outside the barbed wire!"


All kinds of battle orders were passed on continuously, and the second wave of corpses had not yet completely invaded, and more than a thousand people in the entire Axe Technology were already operating in an orderly manner like a war machine.

Yida Mall has a radius of several miles, like a giant meat grinder, like a tide, the never-ending tide of dead bodies is like rotten meat, constantly adding raw materials to this giant meat grinder!


The heart-pounding howls never stopped, and the endless stream of zombies hadn't officially started to attack.They were holding the endless corpses left over from last night's battle in their hungry hands, devouring them hungrily.

Those endless broken arms, dismounted calves, protruding eyeballs, colorful intestines dripping all over the floor, half-rotten corpses, half-shattered heads...

Zombies don't know how to picky eaters. As carnivores, they are just mechanical and impatient. They use their tattered palms to grab or hold or directly bend down from the mountain of corpses and blood. Bite your body with your mouth——

As far as they are concerned, those things are not the remains of the same kind, but elixir containing dark energy that can improve their own strength!



Finally, the first zombie that broke through the siege and entered the circular fortification appeared.In the corridor that had been filled with corpses before, the piles of corpses that had originally piled up disappeared without a trace, replaced by a group of mechanically roaring zombies without any emotion!

The roar of heavy artillery has never stopped, and the attack of guns has never stopped.It's just that, for this dense and endless tide of corpses, it's just a few stones thrown in the vast sea, and with a "poof", a few small water splashes are stirred up. However, what caters to this small water splash is It is an unparalleled monstrous wave!
It was none other than the thousands of zombies who "survived" last night.A loser is a loser, no matter how hard you struggle, it is just a stepping stone for the latecomers!

Thousands of "surviving corpses" stood above the circular gossip fortification one by one, staring at the endless tide of corpses in front of them, making a vigilant appearance, as if they were going to attack anytime, anywhere.

"Boss, what's going on?" Jin Hua, who was hiding in the bunker and aiming at the tide of corpses with a heavy machine gun, kept "chug-chug" and asked a special team next to him with a confused face.

"Why bother so much, shoot your pistol!" Team member "15" said angrily.

"All teams, aim at the group of corpses closest to you, and fire with all your strength, be careful not to attack the first wave of zombies!"

"All squads, fully fire..."

On the top floor of Yida Mall, a huge speaker appeared at some point. At this time, the sound was turned up to the level of aunt's square dance, and it kept issuing orders hysterically.


Before the soldiers of the second echelon could react, a flood of corpses swarmed in, and the thousands of zombies that survived the early stage were instantly overwhelmed by countless of their kind...



The second wave of zombies is superior in number, almost ten times that of the thousands of zombies, and many of these surviving corpses have gone through a whole night of desperate devouring and evolution, and they are not easy to deal with.

An extremely strange scene was staged around Yida Mall. Two waves of zombies who were originally of the same kind were tearing each other apart like crazy.This is the battlefield of the strong, and this is the world of the brave. Both sides have no pain, no fear, just rely on the instinct of the zombies, as if driven by fate, they fought together desperately...

All the humans on the battlefield were stunned. Even the special forces members who had experienced the tide of corpses had never seen such a strange scene. Due to the large scale of the Antarctic base battlefield, humans in this state usually just sit on the mountain and watch the corpses fight. Not personally involved at all.

At this time, some bold people even stood up with machine guns, and unscrupulously shot at the zombies beside them, and those zombies also turned a deaf ear to the humans in front of them, but kept rushing towards their own kind like crazy go!
Countless walking corpses, fast corpses, and zombies are entangled together. Although the number of surviving corpses is small, they are basically above the middle-level fast corpses, and the number of zombies at the first level is close to a thousand.The second wave of zombies has an absolute advantage. After one night of evolution, most of them have been upgraded to a level. The number of high-level zombies is by no means weaker than these surviving zombies.

The high-level combat power of both sides is intertwined, and the fighting method is simple and bloody. Teeth, fingers, and head are the most powerful weapons.Constantly tearing, gnawing, and colliding until the other party was completely turned into a pile of pieces, a mouthful of rotten meat, a piece of broken bone...

(End of this chapter)

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