Rebirth is back!

Chapter 300 Ma Jia feels that she is finished...

Chapter 300 Ma Jia feels that she is finished...

Not only because Zhu Tian is Ma Jia's colleague, but also because Ma Jia believes in Zhu Tian's character.

After working together for so long, she felt that Zhu Tian was an extremely warm person.

If it hadn't been for what he had experienced, it would be impossible for Zhu Tian to have such an attitude towards his family.

"Would you mind telling me about your family?" Ma Jia asked.

There was a lot of commotion outside, but Ma Jia and Zhu Tian were drinking tea in the office leisurely.

Because he knew in advance that there would be this news, Zhu Tian had asked his agent to cancel all today's activities.

Now is a chance to think about countermeasures.

"I don't want to go home, mainly because that family didn't give me any expectations. Even if I go back, they will only please me, and then ask me to pay back the money for their unsatisfied son. It's really boring."

Zhu Tian sighed.

In fact, he didn't think about going back to that home, but he didn't know where they found the phone number of his former manager.

In order not to let them affect him, the agent forced him to go home every month.

So as not to cause any news.

Later, he paid money regularly, and never returned home.

"Since I just want money, I will send money to them every month, out of sight and out of mind."

"Your eldest brother owes a lot of money?" Ma Jia asked.

"For me now, it's not much." Zhu Tian said, "However, all my savings in the past five years can't make up for his skeleton. There is nothing to fear.”

Ma Jia knew that Zhu Tian couldn't get any dramas in the past five years, so his net worth plummeted again.

I just didn't expect all his income to fill that hole at that time.

"It's not just because of this that you don't go home, right?"

Ma Jia is very good at capturing a person's expression.

She could guess that Zhu Tian had a lot of unpleasant things in that family, and this kind of unhappiness even made him unable to let go of it when he was thirty.

Otherwise, according to Zhu Tian's temperament, even if his parents wanted to repay his brother, he would not have this attitude.

"When I was young, they liked to beat me." When Zhu Tian said it, his face was expressionless, as if he didn't care.

"When I was ten years old, I wanted me to drop out of school to earn money for the family. Later, when I made troubles, everyone in the neighborhood knew about it. They felt that they were shameless, so they exposed the matter."

"At that time, I was studying and earning money at the same time, and they gave up that idea."

"After graduating from high school, they wanted to force me to take a second degree, because I could get [-] stipends there with my scores."

"Fortunately, I took the admission notice and escaped while they were not paying attention."

The past is coming in like a tide, and Zhu Tian is very surprised that he always reveals the past in front of Ma Jia.

However, Ma Jia is definitely a qualified listener, and he doesn't have to worry about being laughed at.

"I didn't expect you to do such a thing when you were a child." Ma Jia smiled, "Then why are you so calm now?"

Zhu Tian is very frank: "I am not calm, I am inferior."

"The environment I grew up in made me feel inferior. I have spent more than ten years in my life fighting against this kind of self, but I failed."

"This me is also me, and I learned to accept it later. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, don't you think?"

Ma Jia stared blankly at Zhu Tian, ​​and suddenly felt her heart beating stagnantly. At this moment, she felt that she was finished.

(End of this chapter)

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