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Chapter 449 Always, Always Like You

Chapter 449 Always, Always Love You
Ling Muran's first feeling was anger, and the second feeling was grievance.

Unexpectedly, that follower who loved to cling to her since she was a child, now that she has been wronged, she is unwilling to come back.

Did she already hate this family, or did she hate herself?

Ling Muran helped An Xiaoya teach those people a lesson, and gave her a place to vent her anger.

However, even so, An Xiaoya didn't know, let alone thought about coming back.

Ling Muran started to run into An Xiaoya inadvertently at school.

It turned out that this school was so small, so small that as long as he wanted, he could see that person every day.

He was so small that he could see every detail of An Xiaoya.

Seeing how happy and comfortable she was by Qiao Jing's side, Ling Muran suddenly felt that he didn't have to appear in her life.

After all, this might be the life she wanted.

Recalling that when An Xiaoya left the Ling family, it seemed that it was not long after she estranged herself.

He was so cowardly that he didn't even dare to ask An Xiaoya why he wanted to leave, whether it was because of himself, and he didn't even dare to ask what he did wrong that made An Xiaoya want to leave so resolutely.

Later, it was that group of people who had the audacity to kidnap and hurt An Xiaoya.

Naturally, he couldn't let those people go.

However, because of that accident, An Xiaoya also came back to him. During that time, he was really happy.

Although he didn't realize his feelings yet, he knew how happy he was at that time.

I even hope the wound doesn't get better.

However, the wound will still heal.

But he was afraid that An Xiaoya would leave again, and he had no reason to keep this person.

But, fortunately, she stayed.

very nice.

Looking at An Xiaoya's unbelievable eyes, Ling Muran didn't flinch anymore, and stretched out his hand to hug her tightly.

"It's true, I won't lie to you."

Ling Muran's embrace was very warm.

"Always, always love it."

"I didn't mean to get angry with you at that time. I just didn't want you to be in contact with other boys all the time. I just wanted you to spend more time with me at home. I just didn't want you to work so hard."

"But, I'm too stupid."

"Did I make you feel bad?"

Ling Muran's voice trembled a little, as if he was afraid of something.

An Xiaoya listened to his words quietly, not knowing what to say.

"Mom said you liked me. Right?"

Finally, he still asked that sentence.

"Don't reject me, I really like you."

Ling Muran felt as if he was waiting for the verdict.

Over the years, he has done too many wrong things and missed too much time with An Xiaoya.

He wants to make up for those years.

I want to be with An Xiaoya forever in the future.

An Xiaoya slowly raised her hand.

Amid Ling Muran's accelerated heartbeat, he slowly said, "All of this is like a dream."

Finally, An Xiaoya put her hand on Ling Muran's back.

There seemed to be tears in her eyes, and Ling Muran, who had a low voice, could hardly hear her.

"Of course, of course I like you."

"I've loved you since the first moment I saw you."


Ling Muran couldn't believe it.

"Do not you trust me?"

"No, no, I just feel so happy, and I also think it's like a dream. You won't leave me in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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