The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 1 001: You are pushing me into the fire pit

Chapter 1 001 You Are Pushing Me Into the Pit of Fire

The computer screen on the table kept popping up a message box of wrong password. Jiang Huaiduo tried again and again. Every time he tried again, his hands and feet were much colder than the previous second, until the system displayed "too many wrong passwords, the account will be frozen Deal with it, please contact the relevant personnel to file a complaint", Jiang Huaiduo stopped.

His hands were still on the keyboard and the phone next to him rang.

[Agent, Li Fei]: Duozi... your live broadcast account has been banned because of the above sponsor's request, please don't broadcast live during this time.

[Agent, Li Fei]: In the spring pre-season game after a while, we have recruited players from the second team and the youth training team to replace you, you...

[Agent, Li Fei]: This is a good time for a transfer, you should contact other teams to see if anyone is willing to take you.

Manager Li Fei is in charge of the chicken eating branch of the OUG club, one of the shareholders of OUG, and the Bole who digs Jianghuaiduo.

But now, her Bole used simple words to force Jiang Huaiduo's faith out of her chest and plunged into the icy water, which made her face turn blue.

Jiang Huaiduo's eyes were filled with tears, and he tugged at his dry long hair irritably, his heart was full of reluctance and unwillingness.

Biting her lower lip tightly, the smell of blood filled her mouth, picked up the phone, and sent a long sentence to Li Fei with trembling hands.

Tears fell on the display screen of the mobile phone, and the pale fingertips kept rubbing against the screen, but the tears kept rubbing more and more, and there was no way to stop it.

All the strength in his body seemed to be drained instantly, and the mobile phone that he couldn't hold directly slipped from the palm of his hand.

During this time, the mental pressure was like a black cave with no end in sight, completely destroying her will little by little. Jiang Huaiduo covered her pale and haggard face with her eyes tightly closed, for fear of seeing clearly through the bright screen. That face full of despair.

It took a long time for the phone that fell to the ground to vibrate slightly.

It's Li Fei's message.

[Agent, Li Fei]: Duozi...I'm sorry for you, but I can't help it.

[Agent, Li Fei]: The world is gone, I'm sorry.

In the small single apartment, the vibrating sound of the mobile phone was particularly obvious. Even if he didn't have to look at it, Jiang Huaiduo knew that there was no turning point in this matter.

The heart-piercing cries echoed throughout the room, as if someone had their heart peeled off, their bones shaved, and the pain of being eaten by thousands of ants.

And HOK, another giant team in Guangzhou, is preparing for the next spring pre-season match.

Sitting on the e-sports chair, the fat man who was taking a rest checked Weibo with his mobile phone in his hand. After a while, he saw a trending post about e-sports.

Not for anything else, just because of the name QUI.

QUI is a rare female professional player in the e-sports world, and one of the trump cards of OUG, the old rival of the HOK team.

It was rare that QUI was on the trending list, so Fatty naturally clicked on it. After the Weibo interface was loaded, Fatty yelled a few times and jumped up from the gaming chair.

"Is OUG crazy!"

Fatty's screams immediately attracted the attention of the trainers on the field. The team members stopped their games one after another, sat on the gaming chairs and slid next to Fatty. Look at the fat man's phone.

After a while, one after another of the trough sounded in the small training room.

"Damn, did OUG win the last world runner-up and start to be arrogant? So arrogant that my goddess is banned directly? A group of grandchildren! Don't be caught by me, or I will blow their heads!" The thin young man, with disdain and anger on his face, beat his thigh hard to vent his unhappiness.

QUI is a rare female player in the entire chicken eating area who has both appearance and skills. She is obedient and gentle off the court, and she can snipe 98K on the court to make you doubt your life.

Such a professional player who has absolute control over his area, no matter what his appearance is, can be admired by professional players in the chicken eating area.

The three HOK players were crazily complaining about OUG's near-suicide operation, and they didn't see their team leader—Xu Wenshu coming in from the main entrance.

The same white and blue team uniform, wearing this person feels different. The long-legged sweatpants are very beautiful. Like the fat man, he half-zips his coat, but the fat man is exposed to the outside. Fat, Xu Wenshu is different, with a loose white T-shirt wrapped in strong muscles, just looking at it, I feel like I can't catch my nosebleed.

Coupled with the tear mole at the corner of the eye, the bangs slightly covering the forehead, the straight bridge of the nose and the thin lips that make people want to kiss her.

Even if the impatience is written on this perfectly perfect face, it still makes people feel pleasing to the eye.

Xu Wenshu walked up lightly, tiptoed, and took a good look at his teammate's mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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