Chapter 107 106:! ! !
Jiang Huaiduo smelled a familiar fresh smell through her nostrils, and soon after, she was pulled into a firm embrace through the hot skin of the thin clothes, and the hot breath from the neck dyed her fair skin with a blush.

Tightening his hands slightly, Xu Wenshu took advantage of the situation to hug him tightly, his thin lips raised, the previous anger and disdain disappeared in an instant, leaving only the sweetness after being comforted.

The phrase "whatever you do, I want to do the same."

Xu Wenshu did not deny that this sentence pleased him.

The hand behind the person gently patted the smooth long black hair, carefully "absorbing" the tenderness and sweetness from Jiang Huaiduo that he was so addicted to.

Before the two of them could open their mouths to break this warm scene, the door of another room in the same aisle was slammed open, Zhang Jin puffed his cheeks, put on his glasses and came out of the room.

"What the hell did that idiot do yesterday..."

Before he finished cursing, Zhang Jin was slightly taken aback by the hand that closed the door, and then touched the doorknob to open the door again.

"Sorry, I'm sleepwalking."


Xu Wenshu gave him a vicious gouging look.

Why is it you every time?
Really pissed off!

The person who was still being hugged shyly stretched out his hand to push Xu Wenshu away. The redness on his ears before had extended to Yubai's neck, and his long hair could no longer hide his shy appearance.

Jiang Huaiduo waved his hands embarrassingly, "Go and wash up quickly, after you come out...we will discuss how to deal with the anchor incident."

Those who haven't been hugged for a long time can just let them go like this, and put their hands on Jiang Huaiduo's cheeks and rubbed them, as if to soothe their emotions.


With people's promise, Jiang Huaiduo felt like the floor was slippery, and the shadow of "chua" who ran away was gone.

As soon as the person ran, a gap opened in the room across the corridor.

Zhang Jin's face was exposed in a corner of the gap, "Tsk tsk tsk, you hug people at the door early in the morning, are you really not afraid of dying?"

"...Get out!" Xu Wenshu was angry at Zhang Jin's behavior of attacking the atmosphere one after another.

I just want to ask if the players are terminated now, and then the three of them find a substitute, is it too late?
"Hey, hey, as a brother, I just want to remind you not to go too far. It's still quite cold to stand up on the flagpole in the winter morning and show something outside. If you can restrain yourself, restrain yourself!" Zhang Jin slammed the door shut after finishing speaking, and then It was the harsh sound of slippers hitting.

Fortunately, Zhang Jin hid quickly, otherwise the slippers would have hit his face directly.

Just kidding, what should be done is still to be done.

Jiang Huaiduo brought a breakfast for Xu Wenshu and Zhang Jin, and sat alone on Weibo.

Fubai's side should have started public relations, no matter how you look at it, the words of whitewashing are too straightforward.

Orange Melon is only a live broadcast platform. In order to prevent the brand from being stigmatized or the incident of being cheated by the signee last time, Orange Melon's contract from beginning to end is only signed by the live broadcaster.

As for the personality of the broadcaster, as long as the law is not violated, Orange Melon will not interfere.

This is why Fu Bai dared to be so arrogant.

He knows Orange Melon won't bother him, so he can do whatever he wants.

It would have been feasible in the past, but it is a pity that I met Xu Wenshu this time.

Xu Zeyuan is the manipulator behind the scenes, which holds the majority of Chenggua shares. Isn't Fubai hitting the barrel of a gun?
The entire e-sports circle knows that Xu Wenshu is from the third generation of the rich. As for which third generation is the rich... Who dares to link him with the Xu family of Xu's Pharmaceutical Group?

No one guessed, and Fu Bai didn't know.

A blind mouse meets a noble mouser and throws himself into the trap.

(End of this chapter)

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