The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 116 115: "I can't open the back door."

Chapter 116 115: "I can't open the back door."

Yuan Yan dared not speak out, and watched helplessly as the person passed the ordering machine to the waiter, with a smirk on his face.

"Talk to me if you have anything to do." Xu Zeyuan picked up the hot teapot in front of him, poured half a bowl of water, cleaned the chopsticks, spoons and the sides of the bowl, and then poured it into a large bowl of water beside him.

Speaking of this, Yuan Yanyi was a little embarrassed, raised his hand to touch his nose, and glanced at his little girlfriend hiding behind him from the corner of his eye, he strengthened his courage and said, "Brother Yuan, just listen Said that your company is willing to launch a new girl group recently... Si En also wants to participate, so you see..."

Xu Zeyuan did not immediately reply to Yuan Yanyi's words, but looked at the woman sitting beside him, "I don't know your name yet."

"Me?" The woman who was about to watch the play was called out, and she was stunned for a while, then blinked, "Song Ruiyi, Rui, who is in auspicious snow, is reluctant to let go."

"Xu Zeyuan, it's a pleasure to meet you." Xu Zeyuan poured tea for someone, put his empty hands on the table, and looked down at the tablecloth with strange patterns.

After knowing Xu Zeyuan's full name, Song Ruiyi was a little surprised. She really didn't expect that she could meet Xu Zeyuan just by meeting a random man...

After all, this person can be regarded as her half boss.

When Yuan Yanyi couldn't sit still, he slowly said: "I have this idea, but I just had an idea, and I haven't made a specific plan yet."

The jade-like fingers tapped on the table, "It's not impossible to join, the people under me are a group of perfectionists, you have the heart to send your little girlfriend to my company?"

"Sien, she can endure hardships, brother." Yuan Yanyi carefully replied to this person, trying to avoid poking Xu Zeyuan's thunder point with his answer.

"Oh...the artistes under our company cannot fall in love, you know that, right?" Xu Zeyuan wanted Yuan Yan to retreat.

Casually inserting someone in, even if he is the boss, the group of people under him may not necessarily agree.

Besides, as a businessman, his essence is to make money. Before an idol has the absolute strength to transform, he just makes a perfect doll for the fans' dreams.

If a puppet is ugly, it can be replaced by another one, why can’t the idol?
People always forget, if one likes something like this today, one can like it tomorrow.

There are already five or six famous big fire groups under the name of his company alone, and there will be seven or eight in the year before his debut. He is really not short of such a group.

Yuan Yanyi naturally knew the rules set by Xu Zeyuan for the company, but he couldn't go back on what he promised his little girlfriend.


He originally agreed to help because this person was his girlfriend. If he gave this person to Xu Zeyuan and became an idol, if he couldn't fall in love, wouldn't he just want to break up with him?

Then he didn't give this wave for nothing, and he didn't get anything at all?

Although Yuan Yanyi is stupid, he is not really a fool. He still thinks about losing money.

Xu Zeyuan saw that the person had no intention of continuing to speak, so he glanced at the girl sitting next to Yuan Yanyi and said, "If you really want to go, you can go to our company's training by yourself. There is no need to ask someone to come over and tell me .”

"I can't open the back door."

(End of this chapter)

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